The birthmark by nathaniel hawthorne literary analysis. The Birthmark Literary Analysis 2022-12-18

The birthmark by nathaniel hawthorne literary analysis Rating: 4,8/10 1901 reviews

In Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story "The Birthmark," the central character, Aylmer, is a highly skilled and successful scientist who becomes obsessed with a small, birthmark on his wife Georgiana's cheek. Despite Georgiana's initial lack of concern about the mark, Aylmer becomes increasingly fixated on it, convinced that it represents a flaw in her otherwise perfect beauty. He becomes determined to find a way to remove the birthmark, believing that it is a symbol of her mortality and that he can achieve true perfection by eliminating it.

As the story progresses, it becomes clear that Aylmer's obsession with the birthmark is not just about Georgiana's physical appearance, but about his own desire for control and perfection. He becomes obsessed with the idea of creating a perfect, immortal being, and sees the birthmark as a symbol of Georgiana's imperfection and mortality. Aylmer becomes increasingly consumed by this desire, even going so far as to ignore the warnings of his assistant, Aminadab, and the pleas of Georgiana herself, who becomes increasingly ill and weakened as a result of Aylmer's efforts to remove the birthmark.

Ultimately, Aylmer's obsession with the birthmark leads to tragic consequences, as his attempts to remove it result in Georgiana's death. Through this outcome, Hawthorne suggests that the pursuit of perfection is ultimately futile and destructive, and that it is impossible to achieve true perfection in the world.

In addition to exploring themes of perfection and mortality, "The Birthmark" also touches on themes of gender and power dynamics. Aylmer's pursuit of perfection is driven in part by his desire to exert control over Georgiana and her body, and his fixation on the birthmark can be seen as a way of objectifying and manipulating her. Similarly, Aylmer's role as a scientist and Georgiana's status as a wife and subject of his experimentation reinforce traditional gender roles and power dynamics.

Overall, "The Birthmark" is a thought-provoking and poignant tale that explores deep and enduring themes of perfection, mortality, gender, and power. Through its compelling characters and rich symbolism, Hawthorne's story invites readers to consider the dangers of the pursuit of perfection and the importance of accepting the inherent imperfections of human life.

Analysis Of Literary Devices Used By Nathaniel Hawthorne In The Minister’s Black Veil And The Birthmark: Free Essay Example, 1540 words

the birthmark by nathaniel hawthorne literary analysis

However, Aylmer is out of control, cold and calculating, with an evil heart. Works Cited: Rosenberg, Liz. The central theme in "The Birthmark" is the concept that some areas of life and human experience should not be tarnished with science. People have complimented it and criticized it, but it is a natural part of her. She loves Aylmer more for his imperfections, even though he loves her less for hers.


Literary Analysis Of The Birthmark

the birthmark by nathaniel hawthorne literary analysis

In fact, his union with Georgiana would even have joined him to a divine being. When Claudius married Gertrude, Hamlet showed a vast amount of anger and did not express many reasons behind the anger. Aylmer shows no intentions of changing his scientific way of thinking for anyone, not even his newly beloved wife Georgiana. Dying sinners always insist on his visiting them and never expire before he reaches them, although his presence makes them shudder. Most of the time she avoided the subject, but she brings it up one night after Aylmer had been speaking in his sleep about the mark on her cheek. Eaves, Cleveland Community College.


An Analysis of the Birth

the birthmark by nathaniel hawthorne literary analysis

This is the first indication that Georgiana feels unsatisfied with her own morality, rather than just wanting to be rid of the birthmark because Aylmer hates it. . Just as Aylmer thinks he has succeeded, Georgiana dies. Georgiana pleads with Aylmer not to look at the birthmark. In the years that follow, the lonely minister exerts a strange power over his flock.


The Birthmark Literary Analysis Essay

the birthmark by nathaniel hawthorne literary analysis

Georgiana retorts that the only danger lies in the continued presence of the birthmark, which would make both of them go mad. In America, the Romantic Period was mirrored through the Transcendental movement. Most of us would tell Aylmer to stop being such a jerk: she tells him that she would drink poison if he asked her to. Romantic love is one of the strongest emotions there is, for example; Romeo and Juliet willing to die because they could not be together. God created man as a part of nature and we are not above nature but integrated with it. Aylmer is impressed, and reveals that he has already been treating the birthmark, but to no avail. Georgiana comes in and finds him, and she is appalled at his demeanor.


The Birthmark Literary Analysis

the birthmark by nathaniel hawthorne literary analysis

Rather, the setting creates an atmosphere of guilt, suspicion, and unstable moral imagination. Finally, Aylmer brings out a crystal goblet. Ignorant of all scientific principles, Aminadab is a physically strong, ugly but useful man. The spots on the plant start to fade. It also criticizes Aylmer for his unnecessary obsession with the mark. Hawthorne and Poe successfully incorporated gothic elements in their writing which provides greater insight to the meaning and interpretation of their works.


Literary Analysis (The Birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne)

the birthmark by nathaniel hawthorne literary analysis

Aylmer turned his curiosity of why she had the birthmark, slowly into an obsession. They have always been told that they are not beautiful enough, however, the person telling them those things are the unattractive ones with insecurities. Unlike all other major American writers of his time, he devoted his creative energies almost exclusively to fiction. What do you think would have happened had she lived? This was very much a mark of the time. In the beginning, Georgiana was shocked at Alymer for suggesting the removal of the birth-mark she had all her life, she even question why he married her in the first place.


Literary Criticism

the birthmark by nathaniel hawthorne literary analysis

Do not repent that with so high and pure a feeling, you have rejected the best the earth could offer. He is considered the voice of reason. Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story The Birth Mark touches on philosophical and ethical issues valid in his time, as well as ours. The symbol of the birthmark causes the plot to advance in the story, as Aylmer is compelled by this red mark to act upon his emotions. A modern romantic would be too loving to try to change his wife; a literary romantic would know better than to try to control nature. Aylmer finds Georgiana reading his books and scolds her for it, saying that reading his journal almost makes him go crazy, but Georgiana assures Aylmer that it has only increased her admiration of him. He even began to dream about the birthmark as opposed to his wife.


Literary Elements in “The Birthmark” By Nathaniel Hawthorne

the birthmark by nathaniel hawthorne literary analysis

He administers this elixir and to his great delight sees the cursed hand start to fade and disappear; only to have his wife tell him "Aylmer-dearest Aylmer-I am dying! Accessed 3 December 2018. Alymer knew what he had already given Georgiana, why did he not listen to her when she burst into the laboratory rather than questioning her trust of him? I have already administered agents powerful enough to do aught except to change your entire physical system Hawthorne. Grotesque in appearance, Aminadab is an allegory for what is generally perceived as evil in this world, in contrast to Aylmer. The first sign that he has gone too far is when he shows Georgiana the plant that grows quickly, but when she reaches out to pick it, the plant turns black. Aylmer then asks Georgiana to sing for him, which she does, and her singing makes him happy. There is a phase in a marriage where you can either accept a flaw, or attempt to correct it.


A Summary and Analysis of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ‘The Birthmark’

the birthmark by nathaniel hawthorne literary analysis

Elizabeth unavailingly begs him to explain or remove the veil and then breaks their engagement. Aylmer was a self serving individual whose only goal is to make his wife perfect for his own sake or perhaps for science's sake. Wakefield seems to be an embryonic version of the ruthless experimenter of several later stories, but here his action is more of a joke than an experiment. Although it is not yet clear whether Aylmer is among them, it seems foreboding that he might seek to mix his married life with his scientific passion. Hawthorne uses this story to illustrate the possible dangerous …show more content… He makes it clear to her that if the mark were to be removed she would be perfect. During the Age of Reason, authors thought emotion was unnecessary; they loved science and wrote a lot of non-fiction. Aylmer was a man who loved his work; he loved science more than he could ever love any human being.
