The breakfast club character analysis. A Psychological Breakdown Of The Breakfast Club 2023-01-05

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The Breakfast Club is a classic coming-of-age film that follows five high school students who are serving detention on a Saturday morning. Each character represents a different social group within their school and they initially seem to have nothing in common. However, as the day progresses, they come to realize that they have more in common than they originally thought.

First, there is Brian Johnson, the "brain" of the group. He is a straight-A student who is under a lot of pressure from his parents to excel academically. He is shy and reserved, and initially struggles to connect with the other students. However, as the day goes on, he becomes more open and starts to share his thoughts and feelings with the group.

Next, there is Allison Reynolds, the "basket case" of the group. She is considered an outcast at school and has a reputation for being strange and unpredictable. She is quiet and withdrawn, but as the day goes on, she starts to open up and share her experiences with the others.

Third, there is John Bender, the "criminal" of the group. He is rebellious and confrontational, and often clashes with the authority figures in his life. He is initially hostile towards the other students, but as the day goes on, he starts to reveal his vulnerabilities and the reasons behind his behavior.

Fourth, there is Claire Standish, the "princess" of the group. She is popular, wealthy, and stylish, but she feels trapped and unhappy with her privileged lifestyle. She initially seems shallow and superficial, but as the day goes on, she starts to share her insecurities and desires with the others.

Finally, there is Andrew Clark, the "athlete" of the group. He is a star athlete who is popular and well-liked at school, but he feels pressure to live up to the expectations of his father and his peers. He is initially resistant to the idea of sharing his feelings with the others, but eventually opens up and reveals his struggles.

As the characters spend the day together, they begin to understand and appreciate each other's perspectives and experiences. They come to realize that they are more alike than they originally thought, and that their differences are what make them unique and special. The Breakfast Club is a poignant and powerful portrayal of the complexities and challenges of adolescence, and the enduring bonds of friendship.

The Breakfast Club Characters

the breakfast club character analysis

He adjusted his thoughts and behaviors in order to rationalize doing drugs because it seemed that that was how he was supposed to behave. He also says that she should bury her head in the sand and wait for her prom. Although Claire leads the group to believe she had been sexually active due to peer pressure, she ultimately admitted to the group that she is still a virgin. In the film, they manage to emerge the winners; detention is supposed to be isolating, miserable, not at all fun, and the students have managed to make it entirely the opposite. Andrew Clark is the typical school jock in a high school society, respected and admired by everyone. This causes him to feel overwhelmed and stressed. The Breakfast Club is a film about four different students-Allison, Claire, Andrew, John, and Brian - who come from different backgrounds and are serving a Saturday detention.


Personality Analysis on ‘The Breakfast Club’, Sample of School works

the breakfast club character analysis

Rather than trying to give back to the children and the school, he choose to be bitter and try to destroy them by punishing them and attempting to exploit them in front of their peers. Because Bender is so used to being independent, he has obtained an air of authority and confidence which allows him to use minority influence to his advantage. All of the students comes from poor backgrounds and are treated unfairly. He weighed that this outweighed any possible consequences. His attraction to Claire is genuine, and he also cleverly suggests that a relationship with him would be the perfect fodder for her parents to use in their battle to use her as a weapon against each other. He becomes submissive, closed, nervous and angry.


The Breakfast Club Study Guide: Analysis

the breakfast club character analysis

Carl caught Vernon reading the private school files; he then blackmails him to keep quiet. When five students from different high school cliques are forced to spend their Saturday in detention, the brain, athlete, basket case, princess and the criminal together are faced with the question of who they think they are. When Bender yelled at Claire, Andrew stepped in and offered to physically fight Bender. The students in room 203 all hate each other because their gangs are rivals. Brian was dropped off to the school by one of his parents and his younger sister. She states that she did nothing wrong to get sent to detention.


The Breakfast Club Sociological Analysis

the breakfast club character analysis

An editor will review the submission and either publish your submission or providefeedback. The five students are noticeably different and each represents a certain subculture within the school. He torments Brian for being a nerd; his aggression turns out to stem from the fact that he is bullied at home, coming from an abusive household. Her character isn't quite as open emotionally as some of the others, but the mysterious element of it is enjoyable to watch, and her growth in confidence is amazing to see. He eventually bonded with Carl and declares that he has various fears about the current generation. The characters from the Breakfast Club that I feel most represent me are: Claire Standish The Princess , and Brian Johnson The Brian , and the one I feel least represents me is John Bender The Criminal.


A Character Analysis of Allison Reynolds from the Film The Breakfast Club

the breakfast club character analysis

The ego deals with behaviors that become for bidden due to punishments, consequences, and remorse. He is very uptight and tries to get the students in trouble. Brian Johnson found himself in detention that infamous Saturday because a gun was found in his locker. Guy de Maupassant uses plot, setting and character to show the reader the theme that you should appreciate what you have. He convinces the rest of the group to smoke marijuana even though none of them particularly want to. The peer group saw how much Brian has to go through and it just shows that everyone has a hard life and not everyone is who people view them The Breakfast Club Identity 993 Words 4 Pages A Glimpse Into the Developmental Roles of Adolescents The Breakfast Club is a movie about five high school students who have to serve detention one Saturday morning.


The Breakfast Club Character Analysis Summary Essay Example

the breakfast club character analysis

They do not have the opportunity to attend university or start new, different lives. The Contact Hypothesis is one of the best ways to improve conflict among inter and outer groups experiencing conflict and is exemplified throughout The Breakfast Club as the five students are forced to sit through a Saturday detention. These are the roles the students play during the week. She hides her face under dark hair, wears only dark clothes, and buries her head in her desk instead of answering questions with words. However there is a big difference between being a guide and a controlling parent. The students of class 203 are subjected to discrimination as the white teachers and students are strongly against the integration program.


Andrew Clark "the athlete"

the breakfast club character analysis

Throughout the film, character Brian Johnson appears to be in the stage of role confusion as opposed to identity. Vernon displays a tough outer shell but seems to fear Bender. Due to that situation, she is very aware of her worth as a person and the benefits people have of associating with her which further results in her having a snobby outer personality. Towards the end of the movie he was able to share his story of why him of all people was in saturday detention. Instead, the students become quite rebellious and show disrespect for authority.


Free Essay: Psychological Analysis of Characters in Breakfast Club

the breakfast club character analysis

Extra Analysis Concepts of social identity and conformity can explain human behavior because human behavior is hugely influenced by those two key components, especially for children, teenagers, and young adults. This gives viewers th e idea that his character does whatever he can for attention. For example if a child steals a toy on the playgrounfd, and does not get caught or introuble for doing so the child will think it is ok. The group was formed because each of the students broke a school rule. All of us, no matter if we are a jock, or a brain, someone who succeeds in education, or someone who wants so badly to get out, face barriers in our lives. Luckily, as the film progresses, the bonds made with Claire, Andrew, Allison and bender show Brian that his life is worth more than the grades he receives and that taking his life would be the worst idea.


Analysis Of The Main Character In "The Breakfast Club" Character Analysis Example

the breakfast club character analysis

In attendance is a "princess" Ringwald , an "athlete" Estevez , a "brain" Hall , a "criminal" Nelson , and a "basket case" Sheedy. They are at a milkbar drinking milk-plus. The tag line: They only met once, but it changed their lives forever. The group also achieves other goals such as killing eight hours of detention while remaining free of boredom. She leaves the school well respected by Andrew who seems to have developed a liking to her. As we age, independence becomes more and more important which is developing a unique social identity rather than fitting into a clique.
