The devil and tom walker story. “The Devil and Tom Walker” 2022-12-29

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A 2500-word essay is approximately 10 pages long, assuming that you use a standard font size, such as Times New Roman or Arial, and a font size of 12 points. This is based on an average word count of 250 words per page, which is the standard that most universities and colleges use when they calculate page count.

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Additionally, the formatting of your essay can also affect the page count. If you use headings, subheadings, or bullet points, your essay will take up more pages because these formatting elements add visual interest and structure to your writing. On the other hand, if you stick to a more traditional essay format, with paragraphs of text separated by blank lines, your essay will take up fewer pages.

Overall, it's important to keep in mind that the page count of a 2500-word essay is just an estimate, and it can vary depending on a range of factors. The best way to determine the page count of your essay is to use a word processor and set your margins and font size to match the guidelines of your assignment or the requirements of your university or college. This will give you a more accurate page count and help you plan your writing accordingly.

The Devil and Tom Walker is a short story by Washington Irving that tells the tale of a miserly man named Tom Walker who makes a deal with the Devil in exchange for wealth and material possessions.

The story begins with Tom Walker living in a small, dilapidated house in the woods near Boston. He is a miserly man who is known for his greed and refusal to help others in need. One day, Tom hears a rumor about a mysterious man who lives in the woods and is said to be able to grant wishes in exchange for a small price.

Intrigued by the prospect of obtaining wealth and power, Tom sets out to find the mysterious man, whom he soon discovers is the Devil himself. The Devil offers Tom a deal: in exchange for his soul, the Devil will give Tom a large sum of money and the power to become a wealthy merchant.

Despite his initial reservations, Tom ultimately agrees to the deal and becomes extremely wealthy as a result. However, his wealth and power come at a cost. Tom becomes cruel and selfish, using his wealth to further his own interests and ignoring the needs of those around him.

Eventually, Tom's greed and cruelty catch up with him, and he is consumed by guilt and regret for the deal he made with the Devil. In the end, Tom meets a tragic end, and the Devil claims his soul as promised.

The Devil and Tom Walker serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and the temptation of wealth and power. It warns against making deals with the Devil and the consequences that can arise from sacrificing one's morals and values for material gain. Overall, the story serves as a reminder to be content with what we have and to always consider the long-term consequences of our actions.

Setting And Symbolism In 'The Devil And Tom Walker': [Essay Example], 624 words GradesFixer

the devil and tom walker story

This time, she never returns Tom misses the silver more than his wife. It is darkly humorous that Tom is not afraid of the devil because his wife is so ferocious; but Tom should be afraid, is not only because spiritually blind. The swamp is dark and dangerous, but it also has a seductive allure with the promise of wealth and hidden treasure. . It is said that after this commencement they had a long and earnest conversation together, as Tom returned homeward. Nothing remained of the old Indian fort but a few embankments, gradually sinking to the level of the surrounding earth, and already overgrown in part by oaks and other forest trees, the foliage of which formed a contrast to the dark pines and hemlocks of the swamps.


The Devil and Tom Walker Themes

the devil and tom walker story

In her journey she never makes it back home 295. When Tom is away, she takes all their valuables in and goes to make a deal with Old Scratch. They must have been very hard, for he required time to think of them, and he was not a man to stick at trifles when money was in view. His wife pushes him to follow the devil 's deal. I made a deal with the devil.


“The Devil and Tom Walker” Summary & Analysis

the devil and tom walker story

It is a symbol of greed and how it can tend to become Toms priority like his broker shop. What these conditions were may be easily surmised, though Tom never disclosed them publicly. A few days' time saw Tom Walker seated behind his desk in a counting-house in Boston. Tales of a Traveler, which he wrote in Paris in 1824. Before the story of Tom Walker begins, the narrator sets the scene by telling us about the pirate Captain Kidd, who long ago buried his ill-gotten treasure in a dismal swamp not far from Boston, Massachusetts. Although Irving believed that the book demonstrated some of his best work, as a whole it received poor reviews. But by now the dreams have collapsed, and everybody is going through hard times.


'The Devil and Tom Walker' Summary and Study Guide

the devil and tom walker story

It is widely reported to have inspiredStephen Vincent Benet's "The Devil and Daniel Webster," which appeared in While walking through the swamp, Walker comes upon the devil, a great "black" man carrying an ax, whom Irving calls Old Scratch. The Devil and Tom Walker Themes The main themes in "The Devil and Tom Walker" are greed, corruption, and misery. Tom and Jerry names of the two chief characters in Egan's Life in London, 1821, and its continuation, 1828; whence in var… Tom Seaver , Tom Seaver Seaver, Tom 1944- American baseball player As Tom Seaver himself put it, there was nothing like "seeing someone do what they love, and do… Josiah Henson , Abolitionist, minister, writer During the period of slavery in the United States and afterward in the ongoing struggle for equality and opportunity f… Sao Tome , São Tomé, an island with a population of 132,000 1994 estimate , 190 miles off the west coast of Africa. The old stories add, moreover, that the devil presided at the hiding of the money, and took it under his guardianship; but this, it is well known, he always does with buried treasure, particularly when it has been ill-gotten. One evening Tom is taking a shortcut home through the swamp when he comes to the ruins of an old Indian fort. The main character, Tom Walker is portrayed as an epitome for greed, and is shown how this theme can corrupt someone's life.


The Devil and Tom Walker by Washington Irving Plot Summary

the devil and tom walker story

One day, while walking through the swamp, Tom meets the Devil. He raked it out of the vegetable mould, and lo! Irving incorporates all of these real-world events in his story to suggest how human depravity, greed, economic scarcity, and religious hypocrisy conspire to lead human beings into temptation, sin, and damnation. He was headed home from a busy and stressful day of work. Merely to spite her, however, Tom decides against it. Could the story have taken place anywhere else? In the eyes of the Romantics, these farmers were not yet tainted by the sins of the cities.


Deacon Peabody Character Analysis in The Devil and Tom Walker

the devil and tom walker story

In this neighborhood I am known by the name of the black woodsman. The swamp was thickly grown with great, gloomy pines and hemlocks, some of them ninety feet high, which made it dark at noonday and a retreat for all the owls of the neighborhood. This refusal further illustrates Irving's condemnation of the practice. In fact, it seems that many in New England are looking for ways to get rich quick regardless of the moral cost. The wife is also tempted by. Irving captures this idea perfectly by having the Bible buried under the land jobber's mortgage that Tom is about to foreclose, revealing Tom's real priorities.


Comparing Decision Making In The Devil And Tom Walker...

the devil and tom walker story

It is darkly humorous that Tom is eager to sell his soul to the devil, but perhaps even more humorous that the reason he at first refuses to do so is just to spite his wife. Tom looked in the direction that the stranger pointed, and beheld one of the great trees, fair and flourishing without, but rotten at the core, and saw that it had been nearly hewn through, so that the first high wind was likely to blow it down. His brother had a hardware business in England. Business and society Merchants and manufacturers dominated the ranks of the northern rich at this time, while the emerging wealthy class in In New England, farming conditions were less than ideal. A tight situation happens in order to warn readers not to let greed or hurdles blind them, for it can have a disastrous consequences.


The Devil and Tom Walker Full Text and Analysis

the devil and tom walker story

The two seal the deal. It is a racial stereotype to cast the Indians as sacrificing whites to the devil, but the story also reminds us that the whites willingly sacrifice themselves to Old Scratch in selling their souls to him. He also buys a carriage and two horses, all of which he lets fall into poor condition. He shrugged his shoulders as he looked at the signs of fierce clapper-clawing. . Piracy, smuggling, and privateering were all common practices. The Devil in the story represents temptations.


The Devil and Tom Walker Study Guide

the devil and tom walker story

I am he to whom the red men consecrated this spot, and in honor of whom they now and then roasted a white man, by way of sweet-smelling sacrifice. Around the cypress, it is said, Tom found cloven footprints and handfuls of coarse black hair. He sells his human soul for monetary gain. She must have died game, however; for it is said Tom noticed many prints of cloven feet deeply stamped about the tree, and found handfuls of hair, that looked as if they had been plucked from the coarse black shock of the woodsman. Washington Irving seldom attended church until he was fifty years old, and he did not take comfort in religion during any of the rough periods of his life.
