The help movie analysis essay. Film Analysis: The Help 2022-12-20

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"The Help" is a 2011 period drama film directed and written by Tate Taylor, based on the 2009 novel of the same name by Kathryn Stockett. The film follows the story of a young white woman, Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, who becomes an aspiring journalist in the early 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi, and the African American maids who work in white households and their relationships with their employers.

One of the main themes of "The Help" is the issue of racism and segregation in the South during the civil rights movement. The film depicts the harsh realities of life for African Americans in the Deep South, where they were treated as second-class citizens and subject to segregation and discrimination. The African American maids, who are the main characters of the film, are shown to be intelligent and hardworking, but are treated unfairly and with disrespect by their white employers.

Another theme of the film is the theme of friendship and sisterhood. Despite the segregation and discrimination that they face, the African American maids form close bonds with each other and support each other through difficult times. They also form a bond with Skeeter, who becomes a close friend and ally, and helps them to tell their stories and fight for their rights.

One of the most powerful scenes in the film is when the African American maids gather at the home of Minny, one of the main characters, to share their stories and experiences with Skeeter. This scene is particularly moving because it highlights the courage and resilience of these women, who have suffered so much injustice and yet continue to fight for their rights and the rights of their children.

Overall, "The Help" is a poignant and powerful film that tackles important themes of racism, segregation, and friendship. It serves as a reminder of the struggles and triumphs of the civil rights movement and the importance of standing up for what is right and just.

"The Help" is a 2011 period drama film directed by Tate Taylor and based on the novel of the same name by Kathryn Stockett. The film tells the story of a young white woman named Skeeter who becomes interested in the lives and struggles of the African American domestic workers in her community, known as "the help." Skeeter begins to interview the help and record their stories, eventually publishing a book that brings to light the harsh realities of segregation and racism in the South during the early 1960s.

One of the standout aspects of "The Help" is its strong ensemble cast. Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, and Emma Stone all deliver powerful performances as the lead characters, Aibileen, Minny, and Skeeter, respectively. Davis and Spencer in particular stand out for their emotional and nuanced portrayals of their characters, who have to navigate the difficult circumstances of being black domestic workers in a society that does not value their contributions or treat them with respect.

Another notable aspect of "The Help" is its portrayal of the complex relationship between the black domestic workers and their white employers. The film shows how the help are often mistreated and disrespected by their employers, but also how they are able to form close bonds with some of them, particularly Skeeter. The film highlights the power dynamics at play in these relationships and the ways in which the help are able to resist and subvert them through acts of rebellion and solidarity.

One of the most poignant themes of "The Help" is the importance of friendship and community. Despite the many challenges and injustices faced by the help, they are able to find solace and support in each other. The bond between Aibileen and Minny, in particular, is a highlight of the film, as their friendship allows them to find strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

In conclusion, "The Help" is a poignant and thought-provoking film that deals with important themes of race, segregation, and the importance of friendship and community. Its strong ensemble cast and well-written characters make it a must-see for anyone interested in these issues.

The Help: A civil rights era film that ignores the civil rights movement

the help movie analysis essay

This movie has lots of twist and turns to exploit the tragedies that took place back then. In truth, there are several moving moments and the performances of all the leads are committed and passionate. The study helps in providing some essential information for problem solving and making the Romeo And Juliet Film Analysis Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: The Relationship between Text and Film. In this book, Lehmann conducts a close study of the film adaptations of Romeo and Juliet to analyze the relationship between them and the original text. The audience is shown how, in those days, the African American had to live through poverty, how they were insulted and maltreated and did not get a chance to express themselves. In another scene the technique of voice over is used to show the triumph made by Aibileen. Instead they always expected more of their hard working maids.


Characters Analysis in "the Help" Movie Essay Example

the help movie analysis essay

She explains to Janie that the white men oppress the black men who then oppress the black women. Unfortunately, they generalize groups of people in manners that lead to discrimination and ignore the diversity within groups. This socialization of black men has become an increasing problem in 2015 but the stereotype had to come from somewhere. Women were extremely neglecting which is portrayed through Elizabeth Leefolt while the black maid picked up after their slack which in this movie was Aibileen Clark, a loving colored mother figure. Taylor successfully uses the techniques of voice over and costume to show the audience the mistreatment that coloured women had to go through in those times. On the other hand Sister James is a history teacher. The government feared that riots would erupt that summer.


The Help: Movie Analysis

the help movie analysis essay

Looking at these statistics the gender socialization is wrong, many fathers were present during this time. The Help is a movie based on the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. The movie shows that both the parties are trying to inserting their cast or the community but no one is trying to promote the humanity. This type of job was carried through generations, as Aibileen states she knew she was going to become a maid because her mother and grandmother were also one. So, when someone punishes her for coloring herself the color of Aibileen, she is not only confused but also hurt that someone would tell her something like this. Jean Cabot exhibits white privilege in that she is obviously white and that she does not realize that this privilege of hers did not come from hard work.


The Help Film Analysis Essay

the help movie analysis essay

This movie was actually originally a book written by Kathryn Stockett, but then in 2011, a screenplay was written and directed by Tate Taylor. This film attempts to portray what it was like to be a black maid during this time and bring to light racial issues, such as Jim Crow Laws. This film could be helpful to people who are unaware of the racial tensions that existed during this time in our history. The violence and terror in the South were not some inexplicable aberration. Hilly Holbrook Bryce Dallas Howard is the ringleader of a hair-sprayed crowd of Southern belles. Get your paper price 124 experts online In another scene, Taylor uses the technique of Point of View Shot to show the African Americans going into the coloured theatres, this shows the audience how helpless and weak the coloured people were in those times. The Help is not simply a reductive—to say the least—period piece, whose main dynamic is a skirmish between good and evil, with blacks on one side and whites on the other.


Film Analysis: The Help

the help movie analysis essay

The man changing her locks is Hispanic and she starts screaming racial stereotypes about the locksmith, to her husband. Both characters are important for their way of handling the doubt. While the racial aspect of the movie is dominant, viewers may also find compassion and friendship within the conversations and encounters of its characters. Racism was consciously used as a weapon to divide whites and blacks, and maintain the entire system of class exploitation. Aibileen, who has raised 17 white children, acutely feels her lineage as the daughter of a maid and the granddaughter of a house slave.


The Help Movie Analysis

the help movie analysis essay

Lott uses the movie Selma and The Help in order to help identify and hopefully change the problems that has arisen. This is provocative and potentially fascinating subject matter. Portions of the most backward and oppressed of the white population bought into the racist argument, but economic and social transformation, including the organized rise of the industrial working class in the 1930s and postwar years, undermined the apartheid system—despite the reactionary role of the Democratic Party and the scandalous betrayals of the trade unions. Beatles are shown performing in this movie. Research shows that during the 1960s 19.


Sociological Analysis Of The Movie 'The Help'

the help movie analysis essay

She accepts it and offers Aibileen her job as the columnist for the Miss Murna piece. In this film specifically the maids were making 95 cents an hour. He remembers his wife, Appollonia, as an activist writer who died during the height of martial law in the Philippines. Insofar as they have a worked out conception, Stockett and the filmmakers apparently see social change occurring through the benevolence of liberalism extended from on high. This shows the audience how the African Americans do not get a chance to express their beauty because of the ill-treatment by white people.


The Help Movie Essay

the help movie analysis essay

This would be an example of gender socialization. This is not the concern of either the movie or the book. Unfortunately, the film falls short of a credible presentation, as the reality of the situation is not tackled with any degree of seriousness. Skeeter using her voice as a white female was just another way for the black help to preach through her. Movies sometimes build stereotypes or at least reflect them to their audience. In today 's society that is different, you would expect white people to have the money and black to be in the lower class.
