The story of an hour response. Reader Response to “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin Free Essay Sample on 2022-12-21

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"The Story of an Hour" is a short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894. It tells the story of Louise Mallard, a woman who receives the news that her husband has died in a train accident. At first, Louise is devastated by the news and retreats to her room to be alone. However, as she sits and reflects on her life and her relationship with her husband, she begins to feel a sense of liberation and freedom.

One of the most striking aspects of "The Story of an Hour" is the way in which Chopin portrays the complex emotions and thoughts of Louise as she processes the news of her husband's death. Initially, Louise is overwhelmed by grief and sadness. She retreats to her room, where she cries and grieves the loss of her husband. However, as she sits and thinks about her life and her marriage, she begins to feel a sense of liberation and freedom. She realizes that her husband's death has freed her from the constraints of her marriage and allowed her to reclaim her autonomy and independence.

Another important theme in "The Story of an Hour" is the role of societal expectations and gender roles in shaping Louise's relationships and identity. Throughout the story, Louise is expected to conform to traditional gender roles and expectations as a wife and a woman. She is expected to be devoted and submissive to her husband, and to prioritize his needs above her own. However, as Louise reflects on her marriage, she begins to see the limitations and restrictions imposed upon her by these expectations, and she longs for the freedom to be her own person and make her own decisions.

Overall, "The Story of an Hour" is a powerful and thought-provoking short story that explores the complexities of human emotions and relationships, and the ways in which societal expectations can shape and constrain our identities and choices. Through the character of Louise Mallard, Chopin offers a poignant and poignant critique of traditional gender roles and expectations, and a celebration of the power and potential of individual autonomy and freedom.

Evaluation and Personal Response: 'The Story of an Hour'

the story of an hour response

Often she had not. Body and soul free! This suggests that death may not always cause grief. The use of several literary techniques serves to reveal the theme of the story to the reader in an entertaining way, despite the fact that it only covers one hour in the life of the protagonist. I will only ever get married if I feel completely compelled because I want to not because I need to or because someone tells me to. Chopin focuses on unfolding the emotional state of Mrs Mallard which can be separated into three stages: quickly moving to grief, through a sense of newfound freedom, and finally into the despair of the loss of that freedom. This reminded me of Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw, since in the play a man takes the challenge of turning a flower girl from the bottom class and making her appear to be of very high class.


Story Of An Hour Response

the story of an hour response

Kate Chopin lived in a patriarchal time when women were expected to obey their husbands and take care of the children in the late eighteen hundreds. Later in the story, Mrs. She had been living her life for her husband, through her husband and not living a life of her own. That makes me ask why the mother is calling her slut. The doctor believes she dies from the heart disease, but it is really because her husband is alive and she is no longer free. I found that knowing the story of the author and their life brings about new meaning to their writing. Mallard rarely had any freedom in her life since her marriage, and to to find out that she was free for a while only to be denied of her freedom once again, was simply too much for her.


The Story of an Hour Response

the story of an hour response

Evidently this is--at least for those around her--an important part of who she is. Mallard only thinks of how the death of her husband brings about her freedom. I began to see her as a woman that was before trapped and now has the chance to be free and independent. She decides to no longer fight the idiosyncracies of her culture and make them part of her life again. Upon hearing the news, Mrs.


“The Story of An Hour” Response

the story of an hour response

So, telling someone like Louise that her husband Brently is dead would be devastating to someone with heart problems, it could cause that person to die, but she does not die, she begins to weep uncontrollably. Our souls can feel tucked away in our own body while trying to deal with such news. Suddenly the door opens and Bentley walks in. The readers are introduced to Mrs. Mallard wants to be left alone. Mallard thought that her husband died, but when she found out that he was actually still alive, she died of shock. She also sees a dull stare from an unknown image in the distance coming through the blue sky.


Story Of An Hour Response Essay

the story of an hour response

Selina Jamil and Daniel P. Seeing her husband was something that she truly could not have prepared for. The latter emotion eventually takes precedence in her thoughts. She weeps uncontrollably for a few moments before she retires to her room to be alone. Dealing with grief differs from person to person. Mallard is hard-hearted because of her first reaction after receiving the news.


Reaction to the Story of an Hour

the story of an hour response

She starts to see it as an opportunity for freedom rather than mourning. Mallard also feels that she has been trapped in a marriage where she was prisoner of her husband and realizes that it is time for her to live for herself without repression. Mallard's Death In The Story Of An Hour In a short time Mrs. Mallard was not in shock of joy but she was in shock of utter disappointment that ultimately lead to her death. When he return it was too late Mrs.


Reader Response to “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin Free Essay Sample on

the story of an hour response

Given the news that her husband had passed away she wept, but realizing the bigger picture, freedom, she actually seemed pleased with the news she had just received. This story was very captivating. She was at her highest peak of happiness until later on in the story when it turned out her husband was alive all along. The use of irony here once again shows us that Mrs. Mallard sinks into a chair, overcome with grief.


The Story Of An Hour Critical Response

the story of an hour response

It is easier to send a message with a short story genre because the writer does not have to keep repeating critical details about their characters like one would in a novel. In addition to this irony of life and death, the readers are confronted with yet another strong use of irony in this short story. Mallard had become a completely new woman with a new outlook on life. Both of these stories have symbolism of the unhappy mates whose being dominated by their spouse and the desire to escape it. It is ironic that the main character was so ecstatic, that when she saw her husband standing before her, her shock and disappointment at the loss of her new life was so intense that she passed away.


The Story Of An Hour Response Essay on Kate Chopin, The story of an hour

the story of an hour response

The story of an hour response The story of an hour was a short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894. Immediately, Louise cried and cried her newly formed sorrows of her deceased husband. The Story of an Hour is based on how Mrs. She seems devastated that her husband is dead, and we know that she will cry when she sees him in his coffin. Mallard believes that she will now begin to live We do not see her mourning or showing any feeling of self-pity; Mrs. When Josephine and Richard first tell Mrs.
