The uses of poverty the poor pay all summary. 'The Uses Of Poverty: The Poor Pay All' 2022-12-14

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Poverty is a social and economic condition characterized by a lack of resources and opportunities, and it affects a significant portion of the global population. While poverty is often associated with negative outcomes, there are also some unexpected uses of poverty that can have both positive and negative consequences.

One use of poverty is as a source of cheap labor. Many companies rely on the availability of low-wage workers to keep their production costs low and their profits high. Poor individuals may be willing to work for low wages due to their lack of options and financial need. While this can provide some employment opportunities for those living in poverty, it can also perpetuate the cycle of poverty by preventing workers from earning a living wage or advancing in their careers.

Another use of poverty is as a source of charity and philanthropy. Many wealthy individuals and organizations use their resources to help alleviate poverty by providing charitable donations or volunteering their time and skills. While this can certainly be a noble and compassionate act, it can also perpetuate a dependence on charity and reinforce the power dynamics between the wealthy and the poor.

A third use of poverty is as a means of social and political control. Governments and other powerful entities may use poverty as a tool to maintain power and control over certain populations. For example, poverty may be used as a way to keep certain groups of people marginalized and disadvantaged, making it easier to exploit their labor or resources.

Despite the potential uses of poverty, it is important to recognize that poverty is a deeply harmful and dehumanizing condition that can have severe negative impacts on individuals and communities. It is essential to work towards reducing and ultimately eliminating poverty through a combination of economic, social, and political efforts.

In summary, poverty has a range of uses, including as a source of cheap labor, charity and philanthropy, and social and political control. While these uses may have some positive or neutral consequences, it is important to recognize that poverty is a deeply harmful condition that should be addressed and eliminated.

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the uses of poverty the poor pay all summary

He states that the underprivileged in essence have kept several vocations in existence such as social work, criminology, and journalism. Every society has such work: physically dirty or dangerous, temporary, dead-end and underpaid, undignified and menial jobs. Merton pointed out how the political machine provided central authority to get things done when a decentralized local government could not act, humanized the services of the impersonal bureaucracy for fearful citizens, offered concrete help rather than abstract law or justice to the poor, and otherwise performed services needed or demanded by many people but considered unconventional or even illegal by formal public agencies. Throughout the United States today, there are many people who are poor who are trying to get a job, but there are not any jobs available that they qualify for. According to Ben Tracey 2010 poverty in America is skyrocketing at a record pace. Working at a low …show more content… Black men who are ineligible to vote will have a huge effect on the outcome of the election.


critical summary for poor pay all

the uses of poverty the poor pay all summary

The Works Progress Administration put millions of people to work. The major costs of the industrialization of agriculture have been borne by the poor, who are pushed off the land without recompense; and they have paid a large share of the human cost of the growth of American power overseas, for they have provided many of the foot soldiers for Vietnam and other wars. The fourth function is that the poor prolong the economic usefulness of items like day old bread and old fruit and vegetable. When you observe people in poverty you will be able to reflect that you are performing efficiently, and you can be worse off perspectives on poverty, 2010. This is not surprising, since the firms involved are large and highly profitable.


Poverty Article

the uses of poverty the poor pay all summary

Many of us in this generation, who grew up in poverty or with blue-collar workers as parents, have dealt… A Review on the Rich and the Rest of Us This book has historical backgrounds, personal stories and statistics to say to us that poverty is not just a big issue but also a national threat along with bringing shame upon USA. Furthermore, she used her expertise in saving expenses and spending when local deals were present to accommodate having the new responsibility of her grandchildren. Example, a beautiful person might have chances of getting married because of their beauty. Associating poverty with positive functions seems… Bshs 325 Week 5 Systems Theory Of Interpersonal Acknowledgement If it is a component of the nation therefore it must have a purpose. Poverty and Classism According to Schwartz-Nobel, America will lose as much as 130 billion in future productive capacity for every year that 14.


Summary Of The Uses Of Poverty: The Poor Pay All

the uses of poverty the poor pay all summary

It apparently makes life for their employers easier because they have to pay them less. The Alternatives I have described thirteen of the more important functions poverty and the poor satisfy in American society, enough to support the functionalist thesis that poverty, like any other social phenomenon, survives in part because it is useful to society or some of its parts. The popular view on poverty has always been that poor people are poor because they are lazy, but it is not true and David Shipler was going to reveal the truth about them. There could be ideological or moral reasons to object to a growing gap between the wealthy and the rest but for economic reasons, there are no such. Gans discusses the strange alliance between the poor and the wealthy in American society. Today, poverty is more maligned than the political machine ever was; yet it, too, is a persistent social phenomenon. The poor subsidize tons of activities that benefit the wealthy.


"The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All" Reflection

the uses of poverty the poor pay all summary

I suspect that in a modern heterogeneous society, few phenomena are functional or dysfunctional for the society as a whole, and that most result in benefits to some groups and costs to others. Cornel West and Tavis Smiley are crying out for help to speedily address the growing poverty before it forever distorts the US democracy, values and economic future. Poverty is functional to the political system. Moreover, the lack of education results… Poverty In America Essay Poverty is a big problem in the Americas. To justify the desirability of hard work, thrift, honesty, and monogamy, for example, the defenders of these norms must be able to find people who can be accused of being lazy, spendthrift, dishonest, and promiscuous. Similarly, because the poor pay a higher proportion of their income in property and sales taxes, among others, they subsidize many state and local governmental services that benefit more affluent groups. Poverty can be analyzed in two complementary ways — who and where.


Uses of Poverty

the uses of poverty the poor pay all summary

. Article Summary In the article entitled "The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All," sociologist Herbert J. Though there isn 't a specific section that talks about poverty and its functions, Shepard does mention the workforce, in many difference ways, that does relate to the article. The author also provides an example that is only beneficial for higher socio-economic classes because the poor provides a foundation for the rest of society to build off of. People living in poverty are used to living in crowded conditions which occurs in exposure to infectious diseases, which results in deaths. With higher incomes and more political power, the poor would be likely to resist paying the costs of growth and change" Gans 4.


Free Essay: The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All

the uses of poverty the poor pay all summary

Also, Congress passed the Social Security Act, establishing a tax to provide benefits for people in need Axelrod-Contrada,2010. There are two different theories to help identify the problem. The article was generally easy to read, with most words being those that one would typically use in everyday life, and rarely getting to a more academic level. Stephen Crane was known for his work in Naturalism, Impressionism, and Realism, in a time of Romanticism. In an unregulated and informal market, more people are engaged in this simple and profitable work. I suspect that in a modern heterogeneous society, few phenomena are functional or dysfunctional for the society as a whole, and that most result in benefits to some groups and costs to others. .


Reading Summary 5

the uses of poverty the poor pay all summary

A functional analysis Robert Merton of poverty may explain positive functions as to why such phenomenon continues to persist, as seen by Herbert J. As a result, members of almost every immigrant group have financed their upward mobility by providing slum housing, entertainment, gambling, narcotics, etc. It is just how it is. Indeed, there are good reasons to have inequality of condition, as it allows for choice. Although they were making low wages, they still had a job.


The Uses of Poverty

the uses of poverty the poor pay all summary

In the article entitled "The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All," sociologist Herbert J. Gans applies this same logic to the existence of poverty in a society that had so much material wealth and concluded that poverty had 13 functions in society that was beneficial to non-poor members. With increased affluence the poor would probably obtain more political power and more active politically. This statement may seem to be pessimistic, but it actually can refer to two sociological predictions. Gans defined positive thirteen functions that poor people provides to create and benefited our entire social system. In addition to economic functions, the poor perform a number of social functions: Fifth, the poor can be identified and punished as alleged or real deviants in order to uphold the legitimacy of conventional norms.
