Theory of multiple intelligences essay. Multiple Intelligence Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines 2022-12-30

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The theory of multiple intelligences, proposed by psychologist Howard Gardner in 1983, suggests that there are multiple ways in which individuals can be intelligent. Gardner identified eight distinct types of intelligence: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.

Linguistic intelligence refers to the ability to use language effectively and to comprehend written and spoken words. This type of intelligence is often associated with writers, speakers, and debaters.

Logical-mathematical intelligence involves the ability to reason logically and to perform mathematical operations. This type of intelligence is commonly associated with scientists, engineers, and analysts.

Spatial intelligence involves the ability to perceive and manipulate spatial relationships, such as in art or navigation. This type of intelligence is often found in architects, pilots, and surgeons.

Musical intelligence involves the ability to perceive and create music, as well as to understand its structure and function. This type of intelligence is common among musicians and composers.

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence involves the ability to use the body effectively, such as in sports or dance. This type of intelligence is often found in athletes, dancers, and actors.

Interpersonal intelligence involves the ability to understand and interact effectively with other people. This type of intelligence is common among leaders, teachers, and counselors.

Intrapersonal intelligence involves the ability to understand one's own thoughts, feelings, and motivations. This type of intelligence is often found in introspective individuals, such as philosophers and psychologists.

Naturalistic intelligence involves the ability to understand and interact with the natural world, such as in gardening or biology. This type of intelligence is common among farmers, naturalists, and environmentalists.

The theory of multiple intelligences suggests that individuals may have different combinations and strengths of these intelligences, and that intelligence cannot be accurately measured by a single test or score. This theory has important implications for education, as it suggests that traditional methods of teaching and assessment may not adequately reflect the diverse intelligences of students. Instead, educators should seek to create learning environments that allow students to develop and demonstrate their strengths in a variety of ways.

Overall, the theory of multiple intelligences offers a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of human intelligence, and suggests that there are many different ways in which individuals can be intelligent and successful.

Cause and effect writing is a type of writing that examines the relationship between two events or situations, specifically focusing on the reasons why one event or situation occurs and the consequences or effects that result from it. This type of writing is often used in academic and professional contexts to analyze and understand complex phenomena and to identify the underlying causes of problems or issues.

Cause and effect writing begins by identifying and explaining the cause of an event or situation, which is often referred to as the "cause" in this type of writing. This can be a specific event, a set of circumstances, or a combination of both. The writer then goes on to describe the effects or consequences that result from the cause, which are often referred to as the "effects" in this type of writing.

One of the key characteristics of cause and effect writing is that it is analytical in nature, meaning that it involves examining and analyzing data and evidence in order to understand the underlying causes and effects of a particular event or situation. This may involve using a variety of research methods, including interviews, surveys, experiments, and other methods, to gather data and evidence that can help to support the writer's arguments and conclusions.

In addition to being analytical, cause and effect writing is also often argumentative in nature, as the writer may be trying to persuade the reader to accept a particular point of view or to take a specific course of action. As such, cause and effect writing may involve the use of logical reasoning and evidence to support the writer's arguments and to convince the reader of their validity.

Overall, cause and effect writing is an important tool for understanding and explaining the relationships between events and situations, and for identifying and addressing problems and issues in a variety of contexts. By examining and analyzing the underlying causes of events and situations, and by exploring the consequences or effects that result from them, writers can help to shed light on complex phenomena and to inform decision-making and problem-solving efforts.

Free Essay: Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory

theory of multiple intelligences essay

And those parents of students with low aptitude in language or other subjects need not to worry because those students may excel in a different kind of intelligence. Kara's IQ is 130. The ways people process information therefore has to do with social learning as well as emotional learning and memory. The use of these principles are based on the notion of allowing individuals to be encouraged to make use of their preferred intelligence in the process of… References Gardner, H 1983. It is that additional intelligence that wins trophies for the successful clubs and countries. It is the theory that intelligence should not just be measured by an IQ test. Naturalistic intelligence is the understanding and knowledge of the natural world.


The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Essay Example

theory of multiple intelligences essay

At the same time, the theories are fundamentally very different. I enjoy getting into the rhythm of a long math problem and coming to the correct conclusion. It is proven that the pressure of being forced to act and think unnaturally, have a negative influence on learning effectiveness. They tend to be very eloquent, having high oratory and rhetorical skills. Intelligence In Margaret Edson's Play Wit 650 Words 3 Pages An important trait to life that many people have is intelligence. Firstly, I am highly intelligent in the Musical area, scoring 9 out of 10.


Multiple intelligences theory

theory of multiple intelligences essay

Given these figures, it would be natural to think that intelligence quotient is the most valuable thing that a person should possess, but this is not the case. New York: Oxford University Press. Skinner - operant conditioning. Furthermore, they are able to wisely use these skills to help and comfort people or, on the contrary, to persuade and manipulate them. It states that the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the verbal, logical or analytical processes of the brain.


Summary Of The Theory Of Multiple Intelligences

theory of multiple intelligences essay

Controversial therapies for developmental disabilities. IQ tests are also good signifiers of cognitive skills such as mathematical abilities and logical reasoning. Indeed the theory proves to be an interesting milestone in the study of human learning and cognitive sciences. They can analyse and understand non-verbal signs, for example body language of another person Morgan, 1996. Childhood Education, 77 2 , 86. Others view pedagogical use of multiple intelligences to be an effective method of fostering students' natural abilities. When I joined the band in sixth grade, I never dreamed that it would have anywhere near the impact that it has had on my life.


Multiple Intelligence Theory and Its Application to Education

theory of multiple intelligences essay

This intelligence is traditionally examined in many international and national tests such as CAE Cambridge Advanced English ,TOEFL Testing English as a Foreign Language , GRE Graduate Record Examination as well as the psychological tests mentioned in the first part of the chapter, namely the IQ or the Standard —Binet tests. Even if Gardner never came with the multiple intelligence curricula, he has been quoted saying that he was sure there were lots of different classes of knowledge whose needs should be carefully taken into account when coming up with the curricula. Source: The Handbook of Knowledge-? Someone that possessed these abilities would most likely be a professional athlete or dancer and would use the body and coordination to excel in which ever sport they have chosen. Interpersonal Intelligence These are individuals who are in tuned with their inner selves. The intelligences that I feel I do not display begins with musical intelligence. The first intelligence that Gardner proposed is the Visual-Spatial intelligence, these are individuals that are good with directions as well as maps, charts, videos, and pictures.


Essay On Multiple Intelligences

theory of multiple intelligences essay

For example, he believed that a person could be born with a natural talent to dance. Goleman further developed his idea of emotional intelligence by incorporating five essential elements into it: Emotional self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy, and Social Skills. Additionally, IQ tests are commonly divided into two categories: the fluid and crystallized intelligence. Speaking about multiple intelligences and their importance, it is necessary to say that this notion helps to better understand a wide range of strong suits that different people possess. The same could apply to employers who do not know how to relate with their employees by choosing to mistreat them like lesser human beings or non-significant beings within that organization.


The theory of multiple intelligences Essay [1042 Words]

theory of multiple intelligences essay

A qualitative analysis of charismatic leadership in creative teams: The case of television directors. They also like using language for any kind of written act. However, Burke 2007 also notes that many teachers have acquired information about MI that is in contradiction to what the theory actually suggests. Retrieved from: As emotionally intelligent employees are reportedly more content, conscientious and committed in the workplace, businesses and organizations are repeatedly advised to recruit and retain these individuals. His set of criteria, for example, is questioned for its relevance, application and involvement with the symbol systems. According to Sternberg, what is Kara's IQ? Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to understand the principles of a system, similar to how a scientist functions, or the ability to work with numbers like a mathematician.


Multiple Intelligence Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

theory of multiple intelligences essay

The purpose of this thesis would be to conduct a thorough historical overview of the topic and recommendations for further study to see how this measurement tool could best be used in a business setting. Gardner's Theory of Intelligence Gardner's theory suggests that within each human there are a variety of intelligence areas that one may succeed within. This means that whilst it difficult to prove that MI is wrong, it is equally difficult to prove that it is correct, which questions the validity of the theory in educational contexts. In this paper, I will examine the history of psychological assessment tools, the types of assessments being used today, and the validity of assessment tools. It was mentioned earlier that there is a ninth proposed addition, the existentialist intelligence, these are people who have the ability to use intuition, thought and meta-cognition to ask and answer deep questions about human existence. Because of these different forms of intelligence, Gardner proposed that people also have distinct… This includes a general description of how to incorporate activities based on multiple intelligences into the classroom, and the benefits and importance of doing so.


Multiple Intelligences Theory

theory of multiple intelligences essay

I think a person that excelled in this intelligence would be employed as an interior designer or an architect. It is also purposed to lay emphasis on the value-added examinations that the NGA undertakes to generate a specific kind of actionable intelligence. Spatial intelligence is the ability to visualize the spatial world in one's mind, similar to the way a sailor or airplane pilot navigates the spatial world or how an architect visualize a form to fit in a limited space to achieve a maximum special outcome. Educators should be careful that every child has all eight intelligences, but they function differently in different people because their operation solely depends on environmental, genetic and cultural factors. Some students are spatial thinkers, others are logical, and yet many are hands on thinkers. People with high naturalistic intelligence are always concerned with and possess expertise in discovering the parts of the physical environment and natural phenomena.


Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences Essay

theory of multiple intelligences essay

Although both Graff and Rose touch upon similar ideas with minimal differences, they both view each of the problems with different perspectives by creating solutions to their Intelligence In Outliers Malcolm Gladwell 1498 Words 6 Pages Ultimately, a new view on intelligence should be adopted, providing more people opportunity in their lives to be successful. These categories allot for people who are better in certain areas For example, a person may be very good at playing an instrument musical , however that same person may be horrible at sports bodily-kinesthetic. The set of intelligences existing within each individual, are combined in different manners, so each person has a different intelligence profile, which is a combination of all the intelligences. Aragon As stated in our reading there a total of 8 multiple intelligences developed by Howard Gardner. Resulted to new ways of teaching and assessment Standard tests usually include just the language and mathematical assessment of the students.
