These are words that have more than one definition. 10 English Words with More than One Meaning 2022-12-17

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Words with multiple definitions, also known as polysemes, are a common feature of natural language and can be found in almost every language. These words can be confusing for learners and even native speakers, as they can have completely different meanings depending on the context in which they are used.

One example of a word with multiple definitions is the word "bass." In music, bass refers to the lower range of sounds, while in fishing, bass refers to a type of fish. In addition, the word "bass" can also refer to the lowest male singing voice or a type of instrument, such as a bass guitar.

Another example is the word "bank." In finance, a bank is a financial institution that provides services such as accepting deposits and making loans. However, the word "bank" can also refer to the edge of a river or the slope of a hill. It can also be used as a verb, as in "to bank the airplane," meaning to tilt it to one side as it turns.

Polysemes can also be found in idioms and phrases. For example, the phrase "break a leg" is often used in the theater to wish someone good luck before a performance. However, the phrase "break a leg" can also have a more literal meaning, as in literally breaking a bone.

Polysemes can cause confusion and misunderstandings, especially for those learning a new language. It is important for learners to understand the different meanings of a word and to pay attention to the context in which it is used. Native speakers also need to be aware of the multiple definitions of a word and choose the appropriate definition based on the context.

In conclusion, words with multiple definitions, or polysemes, are a common feature of natural language and can be found in almost every language. These words can be confusing for learners and even native speakers, as they can have completely different meanings depending on the context in which they are used. It is important for everyone to understand the different meanings of a word and to pay attention to the context in which it is used in order to avoid misunderstandings.

Words With the Most Definitions

these are words that have more than one definition

My mom is going to clip my hair. Did you know ducks are a type of fowl? I received a letter from my summer camp roommate. Here is a list of ten other English words with more than one meaning: 1. Your fettucini alfredo was great. QuickDefine is our cool new feature that offers a maximum of 2 definitions per word with the click of a button under the List tab. Simply copy and paste a list of words into the text box. How do you teach multiple meaning words? A word gets into a dictionary when it is used by many people who all agree that it means the same thing.


Words With Multiple Meanings

these are words that have more than one definition

We have a considerable body of written evidence indicating that these plurals are used interchangeably, so decide which one you are more comfortable with, and use it at will. When a man has more than one wife, this is referred to as Polygyny and is the most common form of Polygamy. The people who say "syllabi" are probably the same people who use two spaces after a period. Who decides the meaning of words? Improve your vocabulary with a full range of videos, articles and live lessons! There are many examples of homophones. If you're working on an essay for school, improve your. Of course it will all take timeā€” The population must be reassured, The boundary must be surveyed, There'll be royal commissions, referendaā€¦.


When one word has more than one definition?

these are words that have more than one definition

Not a whit, fair sirā€”a cordial cup of sack, impregnated with wormwood is the best anti-pestilential draught; and, to speak the truth, the pestilential miasmata are now very rife in the atmosphere. The answer is simple: The word gets used. She teaches a really difficult course. Our heuristic algorithm will extract the words from the list you give us. Words with multiple meanings creep up all the time.


Plural Words With Multiple Spellings

these are words that have more than one definition

He launched EasyDefine in 2009 in association with Chris Choi. I'd like to buy a pair of dark wash jeans. There were eight of us in total. She received a wound from the punch. They had to use a crane to lift the object. The recipe says to season the dish with plenty of salt and pepper.



these are words that have more than one definition

Can I see your passport? Your list can be in virtually any format. Car batteries and ammunition are often made with lead. He read the book last night. I need to tie my hair back. Joe took Alexandria out on a date. Or to make life easier, you could simply read our guide to commonly used words that look the same, but hold different meanings. Two words spelled the same but with different meanings are called homographs.


What words have more than one definition?

these are words that have more than one definition

Learning English can be fun. Now, millions of words can have two or more definitions and meanings. These include summer, winter, spring and autumn. How would you make the word dictionary plural? Train: I train daily to get fit. Those virtuosi who expend their amiable propensities in transfixing butterflies and impaling gnats would here find ample employment from May till November. When do you use more than one in a sentence? Some, such as butter, date back to the Roman invasion of Britain. The steam engine was a novel invention that changed the way people traveled.


Words with More Than One Meaning

these are words that have more than one definition

How much sugar is in it? Would you like a room at the inn? Can be used literally or metaphorically. Others came to us in the middle ages, from the Norman Conquest. He could play drums, Beef meant meat from cows. Let's go worship the Lord at the altar. This is not whether or not to use memorandums or memoranda either is fine , but rather to avoid using memorandas. Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT write in the journal Cognition that assigning more than one meaning to a word is a way to shortcut communication and make it less tedious.


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these are words that have more than one definition

I need a new watch battery. Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Many English words have more than one meaning. So if your desiderata is to use the sort of words that usage guides think of as overly pedantic, well, then virtuosi is the word for you. Not to date myself, but I remember listening to radio shows as a kid. Don't let life pass you by. Let's go look at the old cannon at Fort Henry.


9 English Words with Multiple Meanings (& Examples)

these are words that have more than one definition

The words below all have more than one meaning ā€” write two sentences that show the different meanings. While not exactly the same as words that have more than one meaning, homophones are closely related to homonyms and homographs. I'd love to live in a cabin in the Vale of Heignesh. He got so tired of spending excessive time looking up the definitions of many words that he developed the idea and code for an automatic and quick dictionary. I believe the best way to learn a language is by discussing your passions and hobbies.


10 English Words with More than One Meaning

these are words that have more than one definition

And the more you read and speak in English, the stronger your vocabulary will become. You may use either terminuses or termini but not terminusses with ferocious and joyful impunity. The site is maintained by Prabhav. Will you grate the cheese while I chop the garlic? I dread seeing the number on the bathroom scale. While not exactly the same as words that have more than one meaning, homophones are closely related to homonyms and homographs. You type very fast! We can't wait to see Will and Kate's reign.
