Vigorously in a sentence. How do you use vigorously in a sentence? 2022-12-27

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Vigorously is a word that can be used to describe something that is done with a lot of energy and determination. It often implies a strong and forceful effort, and can be used to describe both physical and mental activity.

For example, one might say that they exercised vigorously at the gym, meaning that they put in a lot of effort and worked hard during their workout. Similarly, one might say that they argued their point vigorously in a debate, meaning that they strongly and forcefully presented their argument.

Vigorously can also be used to describe more general actions or behaviors. For example, one might say that they are vigorously opposed to a particular policy or idea, meaning that they strongly and firmly oppose it.

In all of these cases, the word vigorously conveys a sense of determination and effort, and suggests that the person or thing in question is putting in a lot of energy and effort towards their goal.

Overall, the word vigorously is a useful and versatile addition to one's vocabulary, and can be used to describe a wide range of activities and behaviors that involve strong effort and determination. So, it can be used in a sentence to describe anything that requires a lot of energy and determination to achieve.

Vigorously: In a Sentence

vigorously in a sentence

Gone was Gingrich the attack dog, replaced instead by Gingrich the enthusiastic, vigorously nodding wing man. The discrimination against women in the name of caste and creed and the resultant ostracising too would be fought vigorously. Simple Sentences with "vigorously" A simple sentence with "vigorously"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. It was the last hurrah for privateers in Bermuda who vigorously returned to the practice after experience in previous wars. . These are a few of the big ideas being vigorously researched and heatedly discussed by some of the brightest minds in academe.


How do you use vigorously in a sentence?

vigorously in a sentence

Federal authorities vigorously enforced later drafts, employing sufficient military force to quell any resistance. After the actress gave birth to twins, she began a vigorous exercise plan to restore her pre-pregnancy shape. Radical leftists did not apotheosize Stalin, but they also, with some exceptions, did not vigorously condemn Soviet communism until the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. Roses, honeysuckle and clematis run vigorously together up the pergola, beneath which are hebes, more hostas, hardy geraniums and several magnificent phormiums. In part 3, she discusses how Leibniz learned from correspondents about the antitrinitarians in England and vigorously rejected their modalism of the Sabellian type. Again and again he declared that he would vigorously enforce laws which he abominates, on civil rights, abortion rights, gay rights, etc.


Use "vigorously" in a sentence

vigorously in a sentence

The White House and other officials, including former CIA Director Leon Panetta, have vigorously disputed that claim. A vigorous campaign or activity is done with great energy and enthusiasm. Next, apply a liquid or clean bar of soap and rub your hands together vigorously. Show More Sentences Before we release a new blueberry plant, we want to know when the fruit ripens, that the plants grow vigorously, and that they produce high-quality fruit. It remains to be seen how far and how vigorously these leads will be pursued. Learning English Faster Through Complete Sentences with "vigorously" Sentences are everywhere. In consequence, injurious reports, probably calumnies, were vigorously circulated against Priscillian and his retinue.


91 Vigorously Sentence Examples and Meaning

vigorously in a sentence

They vigorously pursued whaling, privateering, and the merchant trade. The first great dispute between proprietor and people after the restoration of 1715 was with regard to the extension of the English statutes to Maryland, the popular branch of the legislature vigorously contending that all such statutes except those expressly excluded extended to the province, and the lord proprietor contending that only those in which the dominions were expressly mentioned were in force there. Obama and Modi are from two different planets, and each, in his heart, is likely to have vigorous contempt for the other. My barber said I should scratch my head vigorously every now and then and stop using shampoo altogether. In the 1860 presidential election Lovejoy campaigned vigorously for Abraham Lincoln.


Vigorous: In a Sentence

vigorously in a sentence

We must vigorously pursue methods to improve the quality of self-report data on sexuality. Many states have laws which further restrict access to and use of consumer fireworks, and some of these states such as New Jersey vigorously enforce them. What is the opposite of vigorously? A compound-complex sentence with "vigorously" contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Shake vigorously and pour into a glass rimmed with frosting. Now, even more elderly, and white-haired, he can still be seen vigorously treading the highways and byways of the Dales.


How to use "vigorously" in a sentence

vigorously in a sentence

Jo and her employer, an attorney who vigorously opposes the death penalty, do all they can to win a reprieve for Taylor. There were complaints that the Supreme Cassation Prosecution led by the Chief Prosecutor failed to vigorously prosecute serious criminal cases. The rough mountain hike wore out even the vigorous athletes in the group. Pour the eggs and sugar into a large mixing bowl and whisk vigorously, until the sugar has dissolved. He grabbed it and rubbed his funny bone vigorously until the pain ebbed. He went for the cylinder wrench, which he then used for the non-standard purpose of vigorously whanging the valve with strong overhand strokes.


Use vigorously in a sentence

vigorously in a sentence

A vigorous person does things with great energy and enthusiasm. Both men vigorously denied any wrongdoing, staunchly defended their men, and aggressively justified the customary practices of the department. Towards the close of April, these dry west winds are prevailed over by the eastern and north-eastern winds moving vigorously from April to October. The lifeguard swam vigorously to save the drowning man. He now hopes to marry Bradamante, but her ambitious parents vigorously oppose the match.


vigorously in a sentence

Pakistan said it would not allow foreign forces onto its territory and that it would vigorously protect its sovereignty. Some of those who objected to our stance most vigorously were amongst those whom you condemn. Show More Sentences Then he pours a basin of chestnuts, about 8 kilograms, into the pot and stirs vigorously. I have a tendency to scratch vigorously behind my right knee when distracted. When disturbed it is vicious in appearance, hisses loudly and strikes vigorously.


vigorously in a sentence

So, it seems these lawgivers are indeed above the laws that are so vigorously enforced on unpopular public figures who are supporters of the wrong political party. The racial offensiveness and insensitivity of his remarks and actions must be acknowledged, criticized, and vigorously resisted. Wolves urine mark more frequently and vigorously in unfamiliar areas, or areas of intrusion, where the scent of other wolves or canids is present. If you are resigned to an unpleasant situation or fact, you accept it without complaining because you realize that you cannot change it. However, it contains only one independent clause. They fought vigorously, attempting to discredit the mass of unreliable testimony the prosecution had presented.


vigorously in a sentence

Why Is Focusing on Sentences Important? With the advantage of grants of land, they vigorously marketed their properties, extolling the region as ideal for agriculture. Firstly the grass snake may wriggle vigorously, and secondly it may produce a very smelly fluid. . It is a very active metal that reacts vigorously with oxygen in the air, catching fire spontaneously. The apostles find a way to testify, in talk and in walk, about a truth that is vigorously and resolutely outside the totalism of Rome. Show More Sentences In industries with relatively high fixed costs, price discrimination is pursued vigorously.
