Was the mexican war justified. Was The Mexican War Justified? 2022-12-24

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The Mexican War, also known as the Mexican-American War, was a conflict that took place between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848. The main causes of the war were disputes over the border between Texas, which had recently been annexed by the United States, and Mexico, as well as the United States' desire to expand its territory.

There are differing opinions on whether the Mexican War was justified or not. Some argue that the war was justified because it was a necessary defense against Mexican aggression, while others argue that it was an unjust war of aggression and expansion by the United States.

One argument in favor of the war being justified is that it was a necessary defense against Mexican aggression. This view is based on the belief that Mexico had initiated hostilities against the United States by crossing the border into Texas and attacking American troops. According to this perspective, the United States had no choice but to defend itself against these attacks, and the war was therefore justified.

Another argument in favor of the war being justified is that it was necessary for the expansion of the United States. At the time, there was a belief in the United States that it was destined to expand westward and become a continental power. The acquisition of territory from Mexico, including California, was seen as a necessary step in this process.

However, there are also strong arguments against the war being justified. One argument is that the United States provoked the conflict by annexing Texas and then attacking Mexico, rather than being the victim of Mexican aggression. This view is supported by the fact that Mexico had long regarded Texas as an integral part of its territory and had protested the annexation.

Another argument against the war being justified is that it was an act of expansionism and imperialism by the United States, rather than a legitimate defense against aggression. This perspective is based on the belief that the United States was motivated more by a desire for territory and resources than by any legitimate security concerns.

Overall, it is clear that the Mexican War was a complex and controversial conflict, and there are valid arguments on both sides as to whether it was justified or not. While some may see it as a necessary defense against aggression, others view it as an unjust act of expansionism and imperialism. Ultimately, the question of whether the war was justified depends on one's perspective and interpretation of the events that took place.

Was The Mexican American War Justified?

was the mexican war justified

Mexico Going To War With Mexico There are side why America and Mexico should go to war with one another, but the real questions is was it worth going to war with Mexico? S from coast to coast and after Mexico denied selling land to Polk because they had Texas, Polk declared war on Mexico because they were weaker and would give more land. In a way, they just wanted their freedom like in the rest of America. The rudeness and disrespect towards the Mexicans did not justify the war. Why did the United States fight Mexico from 1846 1848? American citizens also started trespassing onto California, even though they knew it was not their land. The United states had many superb reasons for going to war with Mexico.


The Mexican

was the mexican war justified

In August 1847, General Winfield Scott began a move to the Mexican capital. US makes excuses to get California. America has too little land for too many people, and America had already won Texas. This is because war is a heartbreaking time for everyone. Essay On Was The Us Justified In Going To War With Mexico 465 Words 2 Pages Was the United States Justified in Going to War With Mexico? This expansion would provide more land and opportunity.


Why Is The Mexican War Justified

was the mexican war justified

The Manifest Destiny is a belief that America would eventually become all 50 states like they are today. Americans did not have the right to invade in Mexico. President Polk declared a state of war because Mexico was the aggressor and Congress approved. Was the Mexican War justified for Manifest Destiny? But Mexico claimed this land as its own territory and accused the American military of having invaded. The United States was not justified in going to war with Mexico because, they did not organize borderlines with Mexico, Manifest Density was not believed by everyone, and all the US wanted was California.


Was the U.S. Justified in Going to War With Mexico? Essay Example

was the mexican war justified

The United States was justified in going to war with Mexico. A skirmish broke out and several American soldiers were killed. Many Whig politicians from the North were against the war from the beginning. By 1850, the United States occupied the vast North American lands between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, increasing its territory several times over half a century. Before this whole war started, Mexico had won its independence from Spain in 1821. Justified in Going to War With Mexico? Eventually, the American lifestyle took over, and demanded different rights.



was the mexican war justified

In Document C, Velasco-Marquez said the treaty signed between Texas and the U. Many people moved west for religious freedom while others were strong believers in Manifest Destiny. The country of Mexico was upset and angry with the United States of America because they took the state of Texas away from them. Therefore, the supporter of the expansionist foreign policy, US President James Polk, began to prepare for war. Whatever Texas does, Mexico cannot have a stake in it. For Mexico, it turned out horrible because the Americans believed in basically everything opposite to what the Mexicans believed in.


Mexican American War Justified Dbq Essay

was the mexican war justified

Was The Mexican War Justified Essay 568 Words 3 Pages As stated before, the US was justified in going to war with Mexico because of three reasons, Americans were killed, Texas was already annexed, and Manifest Destiny allows it. This war was started after James Polk was elected president in 1844. . The war with Mexico became one of the most successful military campaigns of the 19th century in general, providing the winner with opportunities for economic development for more than one century. This caused conflicts with all of the U. S wanted Texas as part of their land, Polk had his eye on California as well.


Was The Mexican War Justified?

was the mexican war justified

The factors were that the U. This country has gone to war with Mexico and no one was prepared for what was going to happen next. US Justified or Not Justified War, bloodshed, trespassing, death, all this was caused by the US going to war for no reason. The Mexicans declared themselves free and it made the Americans mad. Attempts to buy California were unsuccessful — the southern neighbor was destitute but proud and did not want to give anything away Guardino, 2017. The dead march: A history of the Mexican-American war. Mexico refused to to give land to the U.


Was The Mexican

was the mexican war justified

Roden 317 The Manifest Destiny was fulfilled. Arguments arose, leading to the Mexican-American war. That was involved in Manifest Destiny because the United State claimed more land to the Mexican American War Essay Thesis 1171 Words 5 Pages INTRODUCTION Throughout the 1840s and 1850s a major war happened called the Mexican American War which drastically changed the U. President Polk further provoked Mexico by moving troops south to the Rio Grande, a river that historically was considered well within Mexico. However still today, countries need to make sure that they are justified in going to war, that they have good enough reasons. However, both countries had many differences. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the war.


Was The Mexican War Justified Essay

was the mexican war justified

This is one of the many events leading to the Mexican American War. Roden 317 The president convinced us. Sumner also said Americans brought slaves in Mexico in defiance of Mexican law Doc D. The war ended in 1848 after mass destruction took place. S troops, and Mexico let U. Polk, wanted to resolve these and other issues peacefully, but he also wanted to acquire California for the Union. It can be a struggle to decide.


Was the Mexican American War Justified

was the mexican war justified

President Polk later sent a messenger to offer thirty-million dollars for the SouthWest. Polk was elected President, he sent an envoy to Mexico City to try and buy California, and then he sent troops to Texas. President James Knox Polk supported Texan claims regarding the border and he also wanted to bring what is now New Mexico and California into the union. Therefore I think the United States was justified in going to war with Mexico. However, through all their fighting spirit, the Americans faithfully ignored their own mistreatment of the Mexicans. The expansion and capitalist development moved together.
