Was the violence of the french revolution justified. Degrees of Violence in the French Revolution 2022-12-28

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The French Revolution, which took place from 1789 to 1799, was a period of significant social, political, and cultural change in France. During this time, the French people overthrew the monarchy and established a republic, and many reforms were implemented, including the abolition of feudalism and the implementation of the Napoleonic Code. The revolution also saw its fair share of violence, as the French people, who had been oppressed for centuries, rose up against their rulers and fought for their rights and freedoms.

One of the main causes of the violence during the French Revolution was the widespread poverty and inequality that existed in France at the time. The monarchy, which was deeply unpopular, had squandered the country's wealth on lavish palaces, expensive wars, and other extravagances, while the vast majority of the French people lived in poverty and suffered from high taxes, food shortages, and other economic hardships. The revolution was, in part, a response to these conditions, as the French people sought to overthrow the monarchy and create a more just and equitable society.

Another factor that contributed to the violence of the French Revolution was the intense political and ideological conflict that existed between different groups within the country. The French people were divided between those who supported the monarchy and the existing social and political order, and those who were calling for radical change. This conflict often took the form of violence, as different groups sought to assert their power and influence.

There are those who argue that the violence of the French Revolution was justified, given the deeply oppressive conditions that the French people were living under at the time. They point to the numerous reforms that were implemented during this period, including the abolition of feudalism, the introduction of the Napoleonic Code, and the establishment of a more representative government, as evidence that the revolution was necessary and ultimately beneficial to the French people.

On the other hand, there are also those who argue that the violence of the French Revolution was not justified, and that it ultimately did more harm than good. They point to the widespread death and destruction that occurred during this period, as well as the fact that the revolution ultimately led to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, who would go on to conquer much of Europe and impose his authoritarian rule on the French people.

Ultimately, whether or not the violence of the French Revolution was justified is a complex and highly debated question, and there are valid arguments on both sides. It is clear, however, that the French Revolution was a significant turning point in the country's history, and that it had a profound impact on the course of European history as a whole.

Do you think the violence of the French Revolution was justified

was the violence of the french revolution justified

The France social system was out of date and consisted of three Estates. Which was protecting the The French Revolution Dbq The French Revolution changed the course of France and the empires around it, sparking new ideas and philosophies on revolution and change. With the establishment of the Constitution of 1805 by Dessalines, the exercise of the vodou religion was banned although this was rarely, if ever recognized and instituted Rodman, 67-68. The question is; were these acts of the new French government justified? One of the most widely known and influential revolutionary Different Kinds of Terrorism terrorism they had their own images or meanings for this term. Did they start out wanting to completely overthrow their government? What were the causes and effects of the Terror in France between 1792 and 1794? They revolted relatively peacefully and did not kill each other or devour themselves. Was this revolution inevitable Premium French Revolution Louis XVI of France Constitutional monarchy Justified Violence Justified Violence Violence has become accepted as a common means to achieve an end. Human Rights, the economy and religion all suffered at the hands of the revolution.


Explain How Much Violence Is Justified In The French...

was the violence of the french revolution justified

Another great example is the french were prepared to punish the king for his crimes his title or threats were irrelevant when justice was in …show more content… In the result of the growing opinion extremist began an oligarchy Committee of Public Safety who stood for things , as liberté , equalite , fraternite. Why could violence alone not be justifiable? In one of his reasons, it states that the government should only protect peaceful citizens, and that the enemies inside of France are one in the same with the enemies outside of France. It will demonstrate changes in terrorism threat in the United Kingdom UK since 1969. Deprivation of Human Rights Riots and revolts were obviously another piece of violence within the Haitian Revolution, and there are, of course, a variety of reasons as to why the violence took place. It was originally carried out to stop supposed threats to revolution, but ended up displaying the excesses of the revolution and the heights of violence. Violence was used by both sides to achieve the goals that each of these set for themselves.


Reasons For Violence

was the violence of the french revolution justified

Rochambeau also burned his victims at the stake as well as using dogs to sniff out the insurgents in the woods and mountains. The National Assembly was working to combat lingering problems and instability— most concerning religion, authority, and discontent— while promoting toleration and civil resolution. As a consequence National Assembly got support from Premium French Revolution Louis XVI of France Reign of Terror Was The American Revolution Justified Essay rational causes for their rebellions. The French Revolution of 1789-1799 was one of the most important events in the history of the world. In 1789, French society was split into three Estates that showed class distinction from the rich to the poor. Even though, the French Revolution saw the Terror as a sign to create peace and restore a new France it was not justified because the extremities of the internal and external threats spun out of control and the methods of the period were over the top. The reign of terror was unjustified because thousands of people were killed, the peasants and lower class citizens were not treated as well as the clergy, and it took away the peoples freedom.


Was the violence of the French Revolution justified?

was the violence of the french revolution justified

The victims of this particular type of violence were usually people in the clergy or higher positions in society and were often the most despised individuals by the populace. However plan Changes In Terrorism In The UK This paper will discuss some key terms in the form of religious adherence, radicalisation, and sectarian violent extremism. The motto of the French was liberty, equality, or death and the price to be paid for the civil liberties was blood. The Legislative Assembly was formed out of the National Assembly which was formed to reform France. . Specifically, the writings of John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Baron de Montesquieu greatly influenced the revolutionaries in France.


Was the violence of the french revolution justified Free Essays

was the violence of the french revolution justified

Through early reflections of the Revolution, the responsibility for the Terror rests on Robespierre, yet newer analysis claims there were many more involved. At times the outcome of revolt led to social change and at times it just led to unnecessary bloodshed. King Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, the Austrian born queen, escaped there parisian palace, the Tuileries. Degrees of Violence in the French Revolution. . Unfortunately the French went about it in a wrong way, because the French revolution failed. It is a defining Free French Revolution Age of Enlightenment French Revolution Q.


Why were the initial goals of the french revolution distorted during the reign of terror?

was the violence of the french revolution justified

About 40,000 people were executed. French military successes served to undermine the justification for such ruthlessness and a conspiracy was formed to overthrow Robespierre. It began with the self-proclamation of the Third Estate as National Assembly in 1789 and ended with the coup of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1799. Causes Of The French Revolution The French Revolution brought an end to monarchy in France during 1789 to 1799. These actions were not as justified.


Was The French Revolution Justified

was the violence of the french revolution justified

Although the events that took place in Saint Domingue was detrimental, the destroying of the plantations was very symbolic to the enslaved people who were fighting back. Slowly the very man who started an revolt was revolted against by the people he fought for. Throughout history, violence has been a huge factor in deciding how people react in wars and revolutions. What lead to the revolt? During the French Revolution, food scarcity and rising prices led to the overthrow of the moderate political party, the Girondins. The slaves were treated very cruelly, in some cases, by their slave owners.


Was The French Revolution Justified For Violence Research...

was the violence of the french revolution justified

Many of the killings had been carried out below orders from Robespierre, who dominated the draconian Committee of Public Safety until his personal execution on July 28, 1794. The criteria in jus ad bellum include; just cause, declaration by a proper authority Violent vs. It will be shown that there is not a single direct cause for the occurrence of the French Revolution, but many different reasons of varying importance. What were the main causes of the Reign of Terror quizlet? Furthermore, the National Assembly was known to be made up of Jacobins. He then would take the prisoners and put them in a make shift arena and sic the dogs on them and watch them be devoured alive Girard, pg.


The Justification of the Reign of Terror During the French Revolution: [Essay Example], 792 words GradesFixer

was the violence of the french revolution justified

A new argument suggests there were even hints before the Revolution began that it would be bloodier than any revolution to date. The absolute monarch of France was Louis XVI in 1789. The conservatives still overthrew Robespierre and the committee of public safety and Robespierre was unfortunately beheaded. This was the time of the Reign Of Terror DBQ Reign Of Terror was during the French Revolution. Poorer citizens were forced to carry most of the tax burden while the monarchs enjoyed lavish lives. Shifted from a radical left to a conservative right. If they were found guilty, they would either be sent to the guillotine or the breaking wheel.
