What is global stratification. Global Stratification: What is it and why does it matter? Free Essay Example 2022-12-12

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The compare and contrast structure is a common organizational method used to discuss the similarities and differences between two or more items. This structure is often used in academic writing, particularly in essays, as it helps to clearly and effectively communicate the points being made.

One of the key features of the compare and contrast structure is that it allows the writer to highlight the similarities and differences between the items being compared. This can be done through the use of various techniques, such as using transitional words and phrases, using parallelism, and using specific examples to illustrate the points being made.

One way to organize a compare and contrast essay is to use the point-by-point structure, in which the writer discusses one aspect of both items in each paragraph. For example, if the writer is comparing and contrasting two different novels, they might discuss the characters in one paragraph, the plot in another, and the themes in a third. This structure allows the writer to thoroughly analyze each aspect of both items, and to make clear connections between them.

Another way to organize a compare and contrast essay is to use the block structure, in which the writer discusses all of the aspects of one item in one section, and then all of the aspects of the other item in a separate section. This structure allows the writer to delve more deeply into each item, and to provide more detailed analysis. However, it can be more difficult to make clear connections between the two items using this structure.

Overall, the compare and contrast structure is a useful tool for discussing the similarities and differences between two or more items. By using transitional words and phrases, parallelism, and specific examples, writers can effectively and clearly communicate their points. Whether using the point-by-point or block structure, it is important for writers to carefully consider their purpose and audience in order to choose the most effective organizational method for their compare and contrast essay.

10.2: Global Stratification and Classification

what is global stratification

Social inequality is a condition in which members of a society have different amount of wealth, prestige and power. Some dependency theorists also say that poor nations should limit their importation of goods from wealthy nations, and that wealthy nations should even be forbidden from investing in poor nations. Effects of Global Stratification. Costs of commodities have dropped, and products have become more affordable. Some social researchers, such as Walt Rostow, suggest that the disparity also resulted from power differences.


Global stratification

what is global stratification

AIDS, malaria, starvation, and other deadly diseases are common. Because Haiti had ramshackle buildings, a weak infrastructure, and inadequate public services, many more people died or otherwise suffered from this earthquake than from earthquakes of similar magnitude in wealthier countries. However, once the fuel crisis of the 1970s hit and people in the United States increasingly looked to imported cars with better gas mileage, U. Yes, we would have more jobs, but the market would not be there. What are the major types of stratification system? The colonized nations were thus unable to develop a professional and business class that would have enabled them to enter the industrial age and to otherwise develop their economies. What are the 4 systems of stratification? There are two dimensions to this stratification: gaps between nations and gaps within nations. We can look at free trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA as an example of how a core nation is able to leverage its power to gain the most advantageous position in the matter of global trade.


What is the global stratification?

what is global stratification

The functionalist perspective is a macroanalytical view that focuses on the way that all aspects of society are integral to the continued health and viability of the whole. Doing so allows them to maximize profits, but at what cost? By exporting them to other countries, we earn more foreign exchange. These legalized and culturally accepted forms of prejudice and discrimination exist everywhere—from the United States to Somalia to Tibet—restricting the freedom of individuals and often putting their lives at risk Amnesty International 2012. There are abundant examples of countries in this category, such as Vietnam and Cuba. Wallerstein proposed the following categories: Core nations are dominant capitalist countries, highly industrialized, technological, and urbanized. The major systems of stratification are slavery, estate systems, caste systems, and class systems.


9.3 Explaining Global Stratification

what is global stratification

They are the ones who are already making tons of money simply being based in the United States, but they go and take advantage of these other, poorer countries to make more of a profit for themselves. Sociologists employ three broad categories to denote global stratification: most industrialized nations, industrializing nations, and least industrialized nations. They know everything about your phone or your modem, often using a remote server to log in to your home computer to accomplish what is needed. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Western nations, however, decry the practice and are working to stop it. This leads to a huge gap between the rich and the poor.


Global Stratification: Definition & Examples

what is global stratification

What are examples of global stratification? This typology has the advantage of emphasizing the most important variable in global stratification: how much wealth a nation has. A functionalist might focus on why we have global inequality and what social purposes it serves. This view might assert, for example, that we have global inequality because some nations are better than others at adapting to new technologies and profiting from a globalized economy, and that when core nation companies locate in peripheral nations, they expand the local economy and benefit the workers. I nequality is even more important to understand in today's world, where it is not just a cause for concern for the poor, but the rich too. For inspiration, turn on a news channel or read the newspaper.


What Is Global Stratification?

what is global stratification

Explorers went out in search of new land and resources as well as to trade goods, ideas, and customs. The Industrial Revolution also saw the rise of vast inequalities between countries that were industrialized and those that were not. As civilizations began to grow and emerging cities developed political and economic systems, trade increased, as did military conquest. . What are the two main theories to study global stratification? You can The Big Picture: COMPARING Global Stratification A few organizations take on the job of comparing the wealth of nations. For example, Wallerstein contends that the United States is an economic powerhouse that can support or deny support to important economic legislation with far-reaching implications, thus exerting control over every aspect of the global economy and exploiting both semi-peripheral and peripheral nations. Stratification also exists across the world.


Why is global stratification important?

what is global stratification

Wallerstein conceived of the global economy as a complex system that supports an economic hierarchy that placed some nations in positions of power with numerous resources and other nations in a state of economic subordination. Although the help from the First World sometimes assists the developing countries to escape poverty, the policy of neocolonialism ensures global stratification. End poverty: Export capitalism. Cold War Terminology Cold War terminology was developed during the Cold War era 1945—1980. Therefore, the Third World becomes dependent on products from rich countries and financial help.


global stratification definition

what is global stratification

Along with tracking the economy, the World Bank tracks demographics and environmental health to provide a complete picture of whether a nation is high income, middle income, or low income. Later, sociologist Manual Castells 1998 added the term fourth world to refer to stigmatized minority groups that were denied a political voice all over the globe indigenous minority populations, prisoners, and the homeless, for example. As these big companies increase their profit, bringing in an abundance of money, this does not actually impact the individuals. So, GNI refers to productive output and PPP refers to buying power. Put more simply; there is an extreme difference between the richest and poorest nations. Which in turn can help develop and increase the living standards here in the United States.



what is global stratification

I believe that the global stratification winner would be how it affects the United states as a whole unit. Those opportunities lead to businesses closing the factories that provide jobs to the middle class within core nations and moving their industrial production to peripheral and semi-peripheral nations. Deindustrialization, a related issue, occurs as a consequence of capital flight, as no new companies open to replace jobs lost to foreign nations. Replacement definitions and typologies placed nations into developed , developing , and undeveloped categories respectively. As the name suggests, debt accumulation is the buildup of external debt, wherein countries borrow money from other nations to fund their expansion or growth goals. The fault line in Haiti runs straight to France. Global stratification is imperative when it comes to currency.
