What is standpoint theory in communication. Standpoint theory 2022-12-08

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Standpoint theory is a concept in communication and sociology that emphasizes the influence of an individual's social location on their perspectives and knowledge. This theory suggests that an individual's background, experiences, and social position can shape their understanding of the world and the issues they encounter.

Standpoint theory was developed by feminist theorists in the 1980s as a way to understand how gender, race, and other social identities can shape an individual's understanding of the world. These theorists argued that dominant groups, such as men and white people, often hold a privileged position in society that allows them to see the world from a particular perspective. This perspective is often referred to as the "dominant standpoint," as it reflects the dominant values, beliefs, and assumptions of the dominant group.

However, standpoint theory also recognizes that individuals from marginalized groups, such as women and people of color, often have a different perspective on the world. These perspectives are referred to as "subordinate standpoints," as they are shaped by the experiences and struggles of marginalized groups. Subordinate standpoints can provide a unique and valuable perspective on the world, as they often challenge the dominant narrative and highlight the experiences and perspectives of marginalized groups.

Standpoint theory has important implications for communication, as it emphasizes the importance of understanding the perspectives and experiences of others. By recognizing and valuing the different standpoints of individuals, we can have more meaningful and productive conversations and better understand the perspectives of others. This is especially important in situations where power dynamics may be at play, as it allows for a more equitable and inclusive communication process.

In conclusion, standpoint theory is a useful concept in communication that highlights the influence of an individual's social location on their perspectives and knowledge. By recognizing and valuing the different standpoints of individuals, we can have more meaningful and productive conversations and better understand the perspectives of others.

Standpoint theory

what is standpoint theory in communication

Women devote themselves for these things but is never understood. And also cultural effects that occur since birth, changes standpoints as well as communication. Secondly, the voices of the poor and the marginalized or disfranchised are far weaker than the voices or the views of the elite or the ruling groups. During The Progressive Era 1029 Words 5 Pages Throughout the ages women have faced varying degrees of sexism and during the progressive era this was a very prominent issue, women had finally had enough of being treated as second class compared to white males and simply males in general. The idea is that feminist theories can be developed from Marxism to criticize societies that are patricarchal in nature. They suggested that the impoverished poor who provide sweat equity are society's ideal knowers, as long as they understand the class struggle in which they are involved. But, the people who are involved in policy making do not see the whole picture of the lives of marginalized people.


Standpoint Theory Flashcards

what is standpoint theory in communication

To wit, women from our history were marginalized. As such, the basic tenet of the standpoint theory is to attempt to comprehend the perspective of the marginalized society, specifically the women. Does the "bottom line" in an annual report refl ect corporate reality? Knowledge helps man to understand a part of the world and the universe. This makes it imperative for women to get out and teach other women — and men — this knowledge so it can be passed down to others. There is now a long tradition in mass communication research that asks people to report the amount of time they devote to different kinds of media. Women had been given many rights by the time this theory had been developed, including the right to vote, but the terminology and attitude by society was still bothersome. They are left to either A not enter the building; B ask for assistance to get into the building; or C attempt to walk through the entrance on their own, even though they are bound to a wheelchair.


Standpoint Theory (CHAPTER 35) Flashcards

what is standpoint theory in communication

Girls and women feel it is crucial that they be liked by their peers, a form of involvement that focuses on symmetrical connection. A low-context communication is just the opposite, i. We have got to go forward. It helps people to realize how each individual differently "see" scenarios and intentions in various lights. The criticism focuses mainly on the assumptions that different social positions produce different kinds of knowledge. In 1807, German philosopher Georg Hegel analyzed the master-slave relationship to show that what people "know" about themselves, others, and society depends on which group they are in.


Free Sample Essay On Standpoint Theory

what is standpoint theory in communication

Determining the extent of knowledge is an important secondary task for epistemologists. Generally standpoint arises when people recognises the value of power that creates a different groups within the society. Standpoint Theory: this article explains the Standpoint Theory in a practical way. By emphasizing the feminist point of view, it becomes possible to encourage others who finding themselves in a marginalized system to begin fighting for better circumstances. They embrace its skepticism about science, but reject its absolute relativism. Journal of Social Service Research. Retrieved 27 April 2021.


Communication Theories

what is standpoint theory in communication

The notion that media compete for attention and time is only an initial step. What part of postmodernism do Harding and Wood include? Standpoint theorists Sandra Harding and Julia Wood claim that one of the best ways to discover how the world works is to start the inquiry from the standpoint of women and other groups on the margins of society. She showed how African American women were oppressed by the economic exploitation of their labor, the political denial of their fundamental rights and the use of controlling cultural practices that created harmful stereotypes. If you're interested in communication, you'll want to fi nd the answers. It has also been expanded beyond television to include any media that is frequently consumed. Is it possible that man does not know as much as we think? It shall help the students to realize how people "see" individuals in the social realms p. Considering women as a marginalized sector in society, it follows that they usually tend to accept the perceptions of the powerful groups such as the upper class or the men.


The Standpoint Theory

what is standpoint theory in communication

The difficulties in the theory make it problematic to adopt the theory. This experimental research aimed to apprehend the responses that could be obtained from a group of young viewers from seeing a media representation of an LGBTQ+ personality. This theory is very relevant for exploring cross cultural communications. In the mass communication process much initiative in linking need gratification and media choice lies with the audience member. Sexism all though not as prominent today is still a very big issue, ranging Susan B Anthony Persuasive Speech 1975 Words 8 Pages Thousands of women have screamed at the top of their lungs, clawed at the patriarchy, and tirelessly fought for their rights as citizens of the United States of America. They embrace both its skepticism about science and its absolute relativism. The fact that researchers continue to be inspired to conduct new studies under its banner gives testimony to its contributions to the field of communication.


Standpoint Theory

what is standpoint theory in communication

Uncertainty avoidance —the extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguity and create beliefs and institutions to try to avoid it Americans —low; Japanese—extremely high 4. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. Truth and method: Feminist standpoint theory revisited. He uses it to demonstrate the rhetorical force of appealing to shared speech codes. On the other hand, women tend to express their desire for community by telling stories about others.


Standpoint Theory: Definition and Examples (Sociology)

what is standpoint theory in communication

This article needs additional citations for Please help Find sources: · · · · December 2020 Standpoint theory, or standpoint epistemology, Standpoint theory's central concept is that an individual's perspectives are shaped by their social and political experiences. Current thinking on news selection focuses on the crucial role of public relations professionals working for government agencies, corporations, and interest groups. This causes the theory to make three key claims. Similarly, men never have to face problems like those faced by women like menstruation and pregnancy. Individuals who instantly follow the most common views can assess and understand themselves and to fight for their rights and to help meaningfully to the equal development of their society Pawlowski, p.


Standpoint Theory: A Communication Phenomenon Of Looking

what is standpoint theory in communication

Brenda Allen stated in her research that, "Organizational members' experiences, attitudes, and behaviors in the workplace are often influenced by race-ethnicity. He noticed that the relationship between master and slave was related to a person's position and the group's influence on how information and authority was dictated. It sets the attitude of a person and changes their perception. Quality information is not false or lacking in evidence. Do the Differences Women Have Eliminate Their Similarities? This makes the theory more of a relational standpoint to the current society rather than a specific knowledge database that is only available to a specific gender.


Communication Theory (standpoint theory) *not mine Flashcards

what is standpoint theory in communication

Apparently, they had no voice and they shared no power in the wider society. The standpoints of marginalized people provide less false views of the world than do the privileged perspectives of the powerful. The latter usually considers the issues from a practical standpoint p. They do not know about their needs and problems. The theory has been extensively used by feminists to explain power in relations and discrimination.
