What is the difference between endogamy and exogamy. SOC 260 Final Flashcards 2023-01-01

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Endogamy and exogamy are two terms that refer to marriage and mating practices within a society. Endogamy refers to the practice of marrying within a specific group or category, such as within a certain ethnic group or social class. In contrast, exogamy refers to the practice of marrying outside of one's group or category, often to someone from a different social, cultural, or ethnic background.

Endogamy has been a common practice throughout history and is still practiced in many societies today. It is often motivated by cultural, religious, or social factors, such as the desire to preserve tradition or to maintain close relationships within a particular community. Endogamy can also be motivated by economic or political considerations, as it can help to preserve wealth or political power within a specific group.

Exogamy, on the other hand, is the practice of marrying outside of one's group or category. This can be motivated by a variety of factors, including a desire to broaden social and cultural horizons, to form new relationships and connections, or simply to find a partner who shares similar values and interests. Exogamy is often seen as a way to promote diversity and inclusivity within a society, as it can help to break down barriers and promote understanding between different groups.

While endogamy and exogamy are often seen as opposing practices, they can coexist within a society and may even be practiced by the same individuals at different times in their lives. In some societies, both practices may be equally common, while in others one may be more prevalent than the other. Ultimately, the choice between endogamy and exogamy is a personal one and will depend on an individual's values, beliefs, and circumstances.

The difference between Exogamy marriage and Endogamy marriage

what is the difference between endogamy and exogamy

Eriksen writes: In a sense, all humors groups are both endogamous and exogamous to varying degrees. This is likely due to changes in the importance of marriage as a method of forming political alliances through kinship ties between nobility. In In India, most people are part of a caste which determines their marital choices. This is why most Indians marry within their caste. Normally, it consists of father, children and siblings. Westermarck has provided yet another interpretation for exogamy through an anecdote. On the other hand, when alliances between otherwise warring factions has been the goal, exogamy in the form of intermarriage between the two has maintained harmony and prosperity and the health of the lineages.


SOC 260 Final Flashcards

what is the difference between endogamy and exogamy

The … n he turns to his right and walks 40 m. Such a man is con­sidered heroic who brings a girl from great distances. An individual will usually choose a spouse from among their friends, relatives, or potential partners. In the same way, a Gond would not marry a Santhal. Some couples may prefer to avoid sharing their Arranged marriages were very common in ancient societies. The main disadvantage is that there may be limited interaction with people of other tribes, which can lead to tribal conflicts.


Exogamy and endogamy

what is the difference between endogamy and exogamy

Marriage Choices and Class Boundaries: Social Endogamy in History. However, many people now have the choice of marrying someone of the same gender or ethnicity. In this case, the boundary for endogamy is dependent upon the acceptance of specific groups in the society or community. Normally, it consists of father, children and siblings. Because of this there is the prac­tice of village exogamy according to which a tribal would not prefer to marry within his own village. Wester­marck gives yet another empirical evidence to support the practice of exogamy.


Exogamy vs. Endogamy: What's the Difference? Free Essay Example

what is the difference between endogamy and exogamy

ADVERTISEMENTS: One school has co-education while the other one is exclu­sively for girls. At the same time, members of exogamy marriages may experience cultural differences which may destabilize the family. Exogamy also means that representatives of other, potentially enemy groups will be present in your own group, exerting pressure to avoid conflicts. After it, he turns to his left and walks 70 m. In the Indian context, the caste is defined as an endogamous group just as the Gonds are a tribe.


What Is Endogamy and Exogamy Marriage?

what is the difference between endogamy and exogamy

The Natural History of Inbreeding and Outbreeding: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. Acculturation: a process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group Symbolic processes we fall in love and marry those with whom we share a common symbolic environment and who reflect back to us a consistent and positive self-image. When a person marries outside a specific social group of which he is a member, it is exogamy. For example, I will need first to understand their background and get their opinion and feelings on the current situation before proposing solutions. The organizational advantage of exogamy is that outsiders are constantly brought in, which might be desirable, e. A Gond, for instance, is not allowed to marry within his own clan. Dictionary Home AnthroBase Home Bookmark, cite or print this page Endogamy is when one marries someone within one's own group.


The difference between Exogamy marriage and Endogamy marriage

what is the difference between endogamy and exogamy

Some of the main advantages of exogamy marriages are that individuals are able to increase the number of relatives and that such marriages enhance national solidarity, unity, and avoidance of ethnocentrisms. Marriage customs of the world: An encyclopedia of dating customs and wedding traditions. After walking 80 m, he turns to his right and walks 50 m. In human civilizations, arranged marriages are extremely prevalent. In this sense member­ship class is endogamous.


What is the difference between endogamy and exogamy?

what is the difference between endogamy and exogamy

Stanford University Press, 2004. Under endogamous marriages, one is therefore forced to marry a specific person Monger, 2013. Among the tribals too there are clans. Totemism And Exogamy: A Treatise On Certain Early Forms Of Superstition And Society V4. Where the society is stratified on class lines, a member would marry within his own class. In the same way, a Gond would not marry a Santhal. We know them all; they are rotten.


Endogamy, exogamy

what is the difference between endogamy and exogamy

Exchange processes we fall in love with those who have sufficient resources to reward us at a level equal or greater than the costs involved in interacting with them. Article shared by Exogamy is a general rule of marriage. University of Chicago Press, 1993. A person is going towards North-East. Among genetic populations that are isolated, opportunities for exogamy are reduced.


Sociology: Family chapter Flashcards

what is the difference between endogamy and exogamy

This could be marrying someone who is white or black or Asian or American Indian or Native Hawaiian. In other words, a marriage outside the lineage group is exogamy. In such a situation it becomes inter­esting to differentiate between the close kin and the descent or lineage. Norwegians only married other Norwegians; "community endogamy" would mean that one only married other members of one's community. Finally, interpersonal skills will be instrumental in creating a healthy relationship with the couples, thus providing the necessary environment for them to open up. Inbreeding, Incest, and the Incest Taboo: The State of Knowledge at the Turn of the Century. Lewis defines endogamy as follows: ADVERTISEMENTS: The rule that requires a person to marry within a specific social group of which he is a member.
