What makes a good role model essay. What Is A Good Role Model Essay? Essay Sample 2022-12-17

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A good role model is someone who serves as an example for others to follow and look up to. They possess qualities that inspire and motivate those around them to be their best selves. There are several characteristics that define a good role model, and these include:

  1. Positive attitude: A good role model maintains a positive attitude and outlook on life, even in the face of challenges. This attitude is contagious and can inspire others to adopt a similar mindset.

  2. Integrity: A good role model is honest, reliable, and trustworthy. They do the right thing, even when no one is watching, and they stand up for what they believe in.

  3. Respect: A good role model treats others with respect and kindness, regardless of their background or status. They recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every person and strive to create a positive and inclusive environment.

  4. Responsibility: A good role model takes responsibility for their actions and is accountable for the consequences of their choices. They understand the impact their behavior has on others and strive to make positive contributions to their community.

  5. Empathy: A good role model is able to understand and share the feelings of others. They are compassionate and caring, and they strive to make a positive difference in the world through their actions.

  6. Perseverance: A good role model demonstrates resilience and determination in the face of obstacles and challenges. They never give up and always strive to improve and reach their goals.

In conclusion, a good role model is someone who embodies positive qualities and serves as a positive influence on those around them. They demonstrate integrity, respect, responsibility, empathy, and perseverance, and they inspire others to be their best selves.

Role model essay: How to write an essay about a role model (examples)

what makes a good role model essay

You can also discuss how they have inspired you to be a better person. This media personality has also promoted health and fitness by launching O-Magazine as well as talking about health issues on her show. Consequently, this also will increase the financial impact of health care for this elderly Positive Role Model In 'The 100' By Clark Griffin 566 Words 3 Pages Anyone can be role models for many reasons, whether it is someone who is famous, close to you, or a character from a show or movie. Write a concluding remarks. In the process of his teachings, Jesus has showed that human beings can be holy wrought their compassion towards the poor, marginal's and dispossessed.


Good Role Model

what makes a good role model essay

He believes strongly in humanity and lives with his ethics in life. When I started learning about him from my dad, I was highly motivated, which made me read more about him. In addressing these questions, attitude and behaviour need to be considered. Great people always say what they do and always do what they say. The most effective way to reduce traffic on roads is to promote public transport. Qualities of a good role model in the workplace is respect of others, dedication to their job; illustrated by their hardwork and achievements, listening to people without judgement, providing credit to others where it is due, provides a positive and encouraging work environment, uses logical and rational thought when decision making and allows others to provide their viewpoint.


Celebrities as good role models

what makes a good role model essay

My father is my role model. Youngsters think following the footsteps of their role models will lead them to success. Teens use these five qualities for their role models. We as Christians pray following this example of Jesus life of prayer and teachings of private prayer when we are faced with our own hardships and are in need of guidance. And celebrities know that any exposure is good exposure and sometimes will try and get into the tabloid newspapers as much as possible as this then can improve their careers as a celebrity. Being a good role model means being committed to the good qualities that certainly make you an example in society, such as being confident, having high moral values, being respectful and positive, but above all be confident in yourself.


Characteristics Of A Good Role Model Essay

what makes a good role model essay

During this, Jesus says "But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. He will forever be my hero, mentor and guide throughout my life. The leadership model is congruent with management responsibility. Someone who shows them that they can pull through and that everything will be okay in the end. She has brought media attention back to forgotten civil conflicts. Luckily with the invention of the internet we can find alternative news stories discussing different opinions on the subjects if need be.


What Makes A Good Role Model?

what makes a good role model essay

He was a brilliant personality. Actually, she never gets disappointed and never ponders on the past. And they may be inspiring to the young who dream of singing, or acting, celebrities have the spotlight on them because of their high status. And finally, Hannibal experience in the US military. Finally, the third person is not a person.


Process Essay: What Makes A Good Role Model

what makes a good role model essay

He worked with DRDO and ISRO. As a field agent of the UN, Jolie went to Pakistan and Cambodia to do mission work in refugee camps. He is truly an inspiration for me. It is so cute and touching how fathers care for their daughters and enjoy their tantrums. First of all, there is an argument that overeating.


Finding Good Role Model Essay

what makes a good role model essay

So go out and be yourself. In addition to visiting refugees, Jolie has done a lot of media campaigns and lobbying work. We cannot expect them to model a role that they are not capable of leading, but nevertheless we can expect them to display good sportsmanship and commitment to fair play. He was from a poor family still he never blamed his financial condition; his father uses to manage things for him. Good role models can help young boys develop positive characteristics and bad role models can help young boys develop negative characteristics.


What makes a Good Role Model Essay in English for Students

what makes a good role model essay

Children's presenters or child celebrities need to be very careful about the way they go about their everyday lives. I aim to be a social worker and he is my role model. Malnutrition can be reduced by the consumption of diets having animal sources, vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables as well as nutrient-rich legumes Arimond and Ruel, 2004; Thompson and Amoroso, 2011. His children are his world and he has always provided them with what they want, even in the most challenging periods of his life. Introduction Since celebrities demonstrate what it means to be an extraordinary media personality, then they serve as exemplary role models. A person should not only be dedicated towards his career but he should also focus on the overall development.
