Whats concise. Concise Writing: How to Omit Needless Words 2023-01-05

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Concise writing is a style of writing that is clear and to the point, without unnecessary words or details. It is an effective way to convey information and ideas in a clear and efficient manner.

One key aspect of concise writing is using active voice rather than passive voice. In active voice, the subject of the sentence is performing the action. For example, "The cat chased the mouse" is written in active voice. Passive voice, on the other hand, puts the object of the action at the beginning of the sentence and often includes the verb "to be." For example, "The mouse was chased by the cat" is written in passive voice. Active voice is generally more concise because it uses fewer words and is easier to understand.

Another way to be concise is to use specific and precise language. This means choosing words that are specific and accurate, rather than using vague or overly broad terms. For example, instead of saying "a lot," try using a more specific quantity such as "several" or "many." Using specific language helps to convey your meaning more clearly and efficiently.

It is also important to eliminate unnecessary words and phrases from your writing. This can include redundant words or phrases that add no additional meaning to the sentence, such as "in the end" or "in the final analysis." It can also include filler words like "very," "really," or "totally," which do not add any new information to the sentence. Removing these types of words can help to make your writing more concise and straightforward.

In summary, concise writing is an important skill that involves using active voice, specific and precise language, and eliminating unnecessary words and phrases. It helps to convey information and ideas clearly and efficiently, making it easier for readers to understand and remember what you have written.

Concise Definition & Meaning

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The word concise can be used in Her concise, pithy one-liners became the brand of her excellent voice in comedy. Courteous Courteous communication is friendly, professional, open, and honest. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle But if he wrote to his father, no wonder he was concise. Synonyms are a great way to expand your vocabulary and avoid repeating yourself. Complete In a complete message, the audience has everything they need to be informed and, if applicable, take action. I am named Inigo Montoya.


Communicate clearly, concisely and effectively with this Checklist

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Let your nouns do most of the work, and bring in the occasional adjective to help paint a more vivid picture. . What is my purpose in communicating with this person? What have you learned and do differently now as a result? Use Concrete Language and Expressive Verbs The easiest way to write concisely is to use descriptive language. To give you an example, the chart below lists common English phrases on the left, with concise synonyms on the right. Writers break the rules all the time, testing the barriers of language and meaning. This 7C Checklist saves time! But a habit of using big words runs counter to concision. Ozeki uses an equal amount of concrete nouns and verbs; additionally, she occasionally uses adjectives, though only about one-fourth as frequently as nouns and verbs.


What Does Concise Mean?

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If you can condense an idea into a single word, it often makes more sense to use that word than to overstate it in 10 words. Concise comes from the Latin word concidere, which means to cut down. In this example, there are far more of those connective words. What are synonyms and antonyms of concise? I work with clients in 3 different ways: Coach, Consultant, and Productivity. Weekly coaching sessions help you recognize when your inner critic is in your way, and provide small steps forward. Words such as short don't have the full meaning of concise, which usually means not just "brief" but "packed with information". Many things can be concise, like a concise summary without unnecessary details or verbiage, concise and terse reply, a succinct statement of the problem, a concise joke of wit, a concise and effective expression, a concise message of brusqueness, a clear concise statement on Facebook or Twitter, a concise and terse prose style, a concise dictionary or original book, a concise style of a succinct narrative, and more.



whats concise

A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. In active voice writing, the subject takes action. This expressive language comprises half of the entire passage. In active voice writing, the subject does the action. Some pronouns include: he, his, her, hers, they, theirs, who, your, it. Or, necessary again: They drove past the aquamarine fire hydrant. Following these seven helpful tips will help you create clearer communication and as a result, really enhance your Consider how many times and ways you share information with others daily: between emails, meetings, calls, reports, presentations, and interactions with others, some of us spend up to 90% of our time giving and receiving messages with others.


What does concise mean? definition, meaning and audio pronunciation (Free English Language Dictionary)

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The gist: words can carry a lot of weight, so let them. The 7 Cs provide easy to follow guidelines to improve all types of communications to be sure your audience understands your message. The bottom line: be careful about the passive voice, as it often creates needless words. Please scroll WAY down, and add a comment below! Is everything that emphatic? However, in order for us to break the rules, we must first learn the rules. Again, concision is not about writing in a clipped or spare fashion.


Concise Writing: How to Omit Needless Words

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All points are connected and relevant to the main topic, and the tone and flow of the text is consistent. A lot of the phrases we use in English are redundant, especially transition statements and verbal colloquialisms. These opposite words are called antonyms, which are another great way to expand your vocabulary. . Working with a Certified ADHD Coach is essential. How did you fix it? Omit Needless Words: 11 Elements of Concise Writing Below are 11 writing habits that will tend to maximize the impact of each word you write.


whats concise

Hopefully this gives a sense of passive voice writing: it tends to feel wordy, bureaucratic, impersonal. This word is of Latin origin. What Concise Writing Is Concise writing is writing that has trimmed excess. A good synonym is succinct. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subject only in outline, but that every word tell. While the headers of the article were concise, the content sections were verbose, offering an intimate knowledge of offense terms in football.


whats concise

Together we help you slow down, focus and get curious. Perhaps this is a doorway to other, equally discolored objects throughout the city. Bea writer and English teacher! How can you be sure your intended message is not just well crafted and shared, but more importantly received appropriately on the other end? This was considered a gift to some, but made others aloof and bored. Avoid Qualifying Sentences Qualifying sentences exist to modify another sentence, adding contributing details. Simple writing is more concise, in that the reader can more easily glean meaning.
