Where are you going where have you been full text. New Year 2023 Wishes, Messages, Captions 2023-01-04

Where are you going where have you been full text Rating: 4,1/10 610 reviews

"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" is a short story written by Joyce Carol Oates and first published in 1966. The story follows the character Connie, a 15-year-old girl who is initially depicted as vain and shallow, as she grapples with the consequences of her actions and the limitations of her youth.

At the beginning of the story, Connie is preoccupied with her appearance and spends her days flirting with boys and trying to gain the attention of her older sister's boyfriend. She is unaware of the danger that lurks around her in the form of Arnold Friend, a predatory man who has been watching her and plotting to kidnap her.

As the story progresses, Connie's vanity and naivety are tested as Arnold Friend becomes more threatening and manipulative. Despite Connie's initial attempts to resist and escape, she ultimately succumbs to Arnold's persuasion and agrees to leave with him. However, she is ultimately saved when her family returns home, interrupting Arnold's plan.

Throughout the story, Oates uses Connie's interactions with Arnold Friend to explore themes of innocence, sexuality, and the dangers of youth. Connie's reliance on her physical appearance and her lack of awareness of the world around her make her vulnerable to Arnold's manipulation. The story ultimately serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of becoming too focused on superficiality and ignoring the potential dangers that exist in the world.

Overall, "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" is a thought-provoking and haunting story that delves into the complexities of adolescence and the dangers of ignorance. Its themes and characters continue to resonate with readers today, making it a classic work of literature that continues to be studied and analyzed by readers and scholars alike.

"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" Literary Analysis

where are you going where have you been full text

Connie sat with her eyes closed in the sun, dreaming and dazed with the warmth about her as if this were a kind of love, the caresses of love, and her mind slipped over onto thoughts of the boy she had been with the night before and how nice he had been, how sweet it always was, not the way someone like June would suppose but sweet, gentle, the way it was in movies and promised in songs; and when she opened her eyes she hardly knew where she was, the back yard ran off into weeds and a fence-like line of trees and behind it the sky was perfectly blue and still. The car came to a stop at the side door and the horn sounded four short taps, as if this were a signal Connie knew. They sat at the counter and crossed their legs at the ankles, their thin shoulders rigid with excitement, and listened to the music that made everything so good: the music was always in the background, like music at a church service; it was something to depend upon. Dirda Bellesiles 4 Where are you going, Where have you been is an intriguing short story written by Joyce Carol Oates, it was her second major published story, and probably her most well-known. Oates uses numerous devices to convey the message of the text in an engaging manner.


New Year 2023 Wishes, Messages, Captions

where are you going where have you been full text

Death and the Maiden which was supposed to be the original title, leaves a strange and frightening feeling behind. As we get ready for the New Year, we should also greet our loved ones a happy new year as they enter 2023. He sounded like a hero in a movie, declaring something important. Connie views herself as superior to her sister because of her beauty. She is portrayed as a fairly ordinary teenager.


Joyce Carol Oates

where are you going where have you been full text

But look: it's real nice and you couldn't ask for nobody better than me, or more polite. Friendly then tells her to come outside and come for a ride in the car with him, and Connie resignedly agrees. Let's make 2023 the best year ever. Arnold Friend said, in a gentle-loud voice that was like a stage voice, "The place where you came from ain't there any more, and where you had in mind to go is cancelled out. He knows where the action is. His sideburns gave him a fierce, embarrassed look, but so far he hadn't even bothered to glance at her.


Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been

where are you going where have you been full text

Joyce Carol Oates describes in detail a new suburban, American youth culture; one with rites trips to the sacred burger joint , hierarchies the importance of beauty , and idols brash popular music. It was the same program that was playing inside the house. Connie stared at him, another wave of dizziness and fear rising in her so that for a moment he wasn't even in focus but was just a blur standing there against his gold car, and she had the idea that he had driven up the driveway all right but had come from nowhere before that and belonged nowhere and that everything about him and even about the music that was so familiar to her was only half real. She couldn't hear the music at this distance. The sinister Arnold Friend seems to take on metaphysical proportions in the text: more than just an individual, he is Death, everything that opposes life, love, and joy.


"Where are you going, where have you been?" (1994 edition)

where are you going where have you been full text

It could be shown to symbolize life, and how as we grow older we eventually lose the innocence and sense of control that we believed to be undeniably ours. He touched the sunglasses perched up on top of his head as if to make sure they were still there. He wore a bright orange shirt unbuttoned halfway to show his chest, which was a pale, bluish chest and not muscular like Arnold Friend's. Arnold Friend was pleased at her laughter and looked up at her. While Connie seems to do this almost subconsciously, Arnold is very aware of how much effect music has on kids her age. The music made Connie feel empowered, though it fits into the background. This Ellie said, pulling the words out of the air one after another as if he were just discovering them, "You want me to pull out the phone? She brushed her hair back out of her eyes.


Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Study Guide

where are you going where have you been full text

Sometimes, over coffee, they were almost friends, but something would come up—some vexation that was like a fly buzzing suddenly around their heads—and their faces went hard with contempt. She could see then that he wasn't a kid, he was much older—thirty, maybe more. Her mother was so simple, Connie thought, that it was maybe cruel to fool her so much. She spent three hours with him, at the restaurant where they ate hamburgers and drank Cokes in wax cups that were always sweating, and then down an alley a mile or so away, and when he left her off at five to eleven only the movie house was still open at the plaza. You're crazy—" "Yes, I'm your lover. That was so last year.


Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been Essay [reljq063kv41]

where are you going where have you been full text

It was a little flatter, as if the heat was finally getting to him. She uses the Bellesiles 8 lyrics of popular songs to help dictate how she wants other people to see her, and this is what makes her so vulnerable to Arnold Friend. Her name was Connie. So they went out to his car, and on the way Connie couldn't help but let her eyes wander over the windshields and faces all around her, her face gleaming with a joy that had nothing to do with Eddie or even this place; it might have been the music. This creates a feeling of tension, as Connie is shown to be in a state of distress, as she somewhat understands that she is in danger. Music is like prayer for Connie, it is her saving grace.


'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?': Joyce Carol Oates / Edition 1 by Elaine Showalter

where are you going where have you been full text

Arnold tries to convince Connie to come out of her house but she is still unsure and slightly unsettled. What was happening in the alley way? She watched this smile come, awkward as if he were smiling from inside a mask. He knows nobody is coming home for her and implies that they had planned a Sunday drive together and it is she who is being uncooperative. It looks solid all right," he said. He grinned to reassure her and lines appeared at the corners of his mouth. She put out her hand against the screen. In addition, the villain of the story, a mysterious man who calls himself Arnold Friend, is a clear example of appearance not being all they seem.
