Why the electoral college should not be abolished. Why the Electoral College Will Not be Abolished 2022-12-15

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The Electoral College is a system used in the United States to elect the President and Vice President. It is a controversial system that has been the subject of much debate over the years, with some arguing that it should be abolished in favor of a more direct system of election. However, there are several good reasons why the Electoral College should not be abolished.

First and foremost, the Electoral College helps to ensure that the President is elected by a broad coalition of support. In a direct popular vote system, candidates could focus on campaigning in heavily populated urban areas and ignore the needs and concerns of rural areas. This could result in a President who is not representative of the entire country and who may not have the support of a significant portion of the population.

In contrast, the Electoral College requires candidates to campaign in a variety of states and to appeal to a diverse group of voters. This ensures that the President has a broad base of support and is representative of the entire country.

Additionally, the Electoral College helps to protect against the potential for fraud or manipulation of the election. A direct popular vote system could be vulnerable to efforts to sway the outcome through illegal means, such as voter intimidation or ballot stuffing. The Electoral College, on the other hand, has built-in safeguards to ensure the integrity of the election.

Another reason to keep the Electoral College is that it helps to balance the power of large and small states. In a direct popular vote system, candidates would likely focus their efforts on highly populated states, ignoring the concerns of smaller states. The Electoral College gives small states a proportionally larger say in the election, ensuring that their interests are not overlooked.

Finally, the Electoral College has a long history in the United States and has been a fundamental part of our democracy for more than two centuries. While it may have its flaws, it has proven to be a reliable and effective system for electing the President. Abolishing it would require a significant overhaul of our electoral system and could lead to unintended consequences.

In conclusion, the Electoral College should not be abolished. It helps to ensure that the President is elected by a broad coalition of support, protects against the potential for fraud or manipulation, balances the power of large and small states, and has a long and successful history in the United States. While it may be tempting to consider alternatives, it is important to consider the potential consequences and to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making any changes to such a crucial aspect of our democracy.

The American Electoral College Should Not Be Abolished Politics Essay

why the electoral college should not be abolished

Census creates the allocations of electoral votes that each state receives. The College was devised to quell fears of parochialism in the selection of the President. Something that could happen Tuesday. Max, I usually include direct election of senators in that listā€¦but got distracted here. The only difference is that in this unique structure, the voice of the minority can actually shout down the desires of the majority. Featured Photo caption: Each state in America has a set number of electoral votes equal to the combined total of state delegatesā€”numbers that many argue are not proportionate to state demographics.


The electoral college is an outdated system that needs to be abolished

why the electoral college should not be abolished

According to CNN, in the 2016 election, Hilary Clinton the popular vote by about 3 million votes. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Then the 2020 census will be valid for the 2024 and 2028 elections. So, it would be easy for politicians to ignore the lower population states, or even worse, use them to fund projects to help the high population states, robbing from Peter to buy votes from Paul in a sense. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. If 60,000 votes went the other way in Ohio, George W.


Electoral College Pros and Cons

why the electoral college should not be abolished

This leads to a trending question: should we abolish the electoral college? But its logic, its distortion of the democratic process and its underlying flaws will still strongly influence the conduct of the election. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Yes, I agree as to why the system will not be changed. Also, if an election was close enough to justify a recount, how would we manage it? The Electoral College is the greatest threat to our democracy because it contradicts the very foundations of any democratic system if democracy means that the majority rules. Sam Weber and Laura Fong, "This System Calls for Popular Vote to Determine Winner," pbs. Nor do the half million people in Wyoming mean as much to a politician as the 37 million who live in California. The magic number of 435 is an arbitrary number.


Two cheers for the Electoral College: Reasons not to abolish it

why the electoral college should not be abolished

The Electoral College is also a way to ensure that all states and non-voters are represented in an election. This has happened five times: John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford B. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Abolishing the Electoral College would get rid of this confusing process. Still, the advantages are uncertain and relatively minor.


Why Has The Electoral College Not Been Abolished Politics Essay

why the electoral college should not be abolished

The Electoral College is designed so that larger states will be represented by taking into account counties and regions over population, according to the United States Census Bureau. It is true that the Electoral College no longer serves its original purposes, and that it creates a grave risk that a candidate not favored by a majority of the people will, from time to time, be elected president. When the Constitution was signed, America consisted of the original 13 Colonies, nothing more. John Nichols, "Obama's 3 Million Vote, Electoral College Landslide, Majority of States Mandate," thenation. Bernie Sanders, John Kasich, Ron Paul, and Faith Spotted Eagle received one each. As Steve LeBlanc of the Denver Post The Electoral College is a central pillar of American democracy. For a candidate to win the presidency, he or she must win at least 270 Electoral College votes.


Why the Electoral College Should Not be Abolished? Essay

why the electoral college should not be abolished

Want To Know About The REAL Constitution And What The Founders Truly Intended? Leslie Stahl, "President-elect Trump Speaks to a Divided Country on 60 Minutes," cbsnews. Third, a national election might provide a cure for the delegitimation of presidential authority that has afflicted the last three presidencies. Whoever won, Bush or Gore, it was going to be by a hairsbreadth. By one analysis of the 2012 presidential election, four out of five voters had virtually zero influence on the outcome. Are you sure that you want to do that? Both of these arguments do hold some merit, however neither are enough to offset the benefits of the Electoral College. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, c sus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna.


Jamie Raskin is right: The Electoral College threatens democracy

why the electoral college should not be abolished

It helps to account for voices in less populated areas and the issues they face. Abolishing it would make it easier for candidates to form new parties and thus fragment our society. This was true for Maine in 2016, when Illinois We have 13 million people across the state from top to bottom and we shouldn't allow one community of people to determine who the presidential electors are. The nation seems to have survived these limitations on majoritarian democracy reasonably well, enduring, perhaps in part, because of them. That is not to say the Electoral College is without its advantages.


Raskin says Electoral College is a 'danger' to democracy and should be abandoned

why the electoral college should not be abolished

US Census Bureau, 2017 National Population Projections Tables: Main Series," census. According to CNN, Trump Though I believe that the electoral college should be abolished, the system does have its advantage. Nevertheless, I doubt the wisdom of abolishing the Electoral College. Theoretically, this has discouraged parties that support one issue to take extreme ideological positions. This process means that each candidate must speak with the entire country instead of visiting the largest cities as a way to solicit for votes.


The Nation: The January 6 committee dropped the ball by not calling for the Electoral College to be abolished

why the electoral college should not be abolished

The Electoral College saves us from having to deal with such challenges. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Having the states play an autonomous role in presidential elections, it is said, reinforces the division of governing authority between the nation and the states. Yes, the recently passed omnibus spending bill includes Those nooks and crannies Raskin mentioned become apparent when you look at the original arguments in favor of the Electoral College.
