Words to describe effort. Words To Describe Effort 2022-12-25

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Effort is a crucial element in achieving success and fulfillment in life. It is the energy and determination that we put into our pursuits, whether they be professional, personal, or academic. Without effort, we would be unable to achieve our goals and dreams.

There are many words that can be used to describe effort, each with its own connotations and nuances. Here are just a few:

These are just a few of the many words that can be used to describe effort. No matter what word we choose, it is clear that effort is an essential component of success and achievement in life. Without it, we would be unable to accomplish our goals and reach our full potential. So, it is always important to put in the necessary effort in everything we do.

Words To Describe Effort

words to describe effort

Baptiste made a pitiful effort to follow her, but his weary limbs were unable to bear the strain any longer, and he fell unconscious to the floor. How do you describe Effort? He bowed his head and asked pardon of God because he had dared to sacrifice in that last effort the lives of many others. He fingered his bruised throat ; swallowing was a painful effort. Too brave and resolute to leave their comrade - in - arms , too feeble to procure his safety , they were wearing out their strength in futile though heroic efforts , whilst the object of their solicitude was at his last gasp. With a mighty effort , he hurled the three men from him and leaped to his feet. Most of them were engaged in executing drawings upon blocks of wood , although it is probable that some of them were smoking pipestobacco being vastly conducive to that concentration of thought by which alone great mental efforts can be followed by equivalent results.


711 adjectives to describe effort

words to describe effort

With a great effort of self-control, however, she changed her mind and threw herself into his easy-chair with a little gesture of recklessness. She had been standing for an hour wedged tightly against the doors of the Opera House by an impatient crowd which swayed hither and thither in a fruitless effort to force an entrance. Ill-success failed to crush us: the mere effort to succeed had given a wonderful zest to existence; it must be pursued. What is war if it isn't a consistent effort to exterminate the enemy? His pride is awakened, he would hate to fail, or to disappoint them, so he makes a conscientious effort to be worthy and to succeed. He walked only with the aid of a cane, and then, apparently, with great effort, stopping frequently to rest. Sir Hilton nodded again, and then made a desperate effort to turn the conversation back upon his friend. When singing songs, however, they do not show, at least not nearly as much as wrong breathing and wrong effort.


Adjectives For Effort

words to describe effort

If he did, why didn't he make some further effort to talk with her? Valerie leaned back against the door, hands clasped behind her, eyebrows bent slightly inward in an unwilling effort to remember. Like everything else of his authorship this building represented a determined effort to lend the town an air of Eastern elegance. Many of these are, of course, formed to undertake some definite work, to achieve some end which can only be achieved by co-operative effort. A week, however, was too short a time in which to cover the ground, but by persistent effort on our part much was accomplished. He was just by the edge of the rock , almost within reach of my landing net , when , with a last desperate effort to escape , he plunged towards the bottom , made a dive under the rock , the line came against its edge , slipped gratingly for a moment , snapped , and the fish was gone.


RhymeZone: Adjectives for effort

words to describe effort

The inadequacy of the analyses already offered should not discourage further effort in this direction. He picked it up, made a clumsy effort to comfort it, and, not knowing what else to do, sat down beside it. Maggie made a supreme effort to reply in a controlled voice: "Just a minute. At other social levels, he knew, there was the same closing of the shutters, the same effort to create an enjoyable sunlight in a cloistered room. They were determined to make a supreme effort to regain Quebec in the spring ; and they were equally determined that the habitants should not be free to supply the British with provisions. It's the mixture of physical and intellectual effort which makes the attraction, I imagine. Constant efforts will miracles.


words to describe effort

It must be now or never, for it was clear to him that the men were making their last effort, and the boilers would not bear another pound of steam. Without attempting to go around it, he grasped the edge, and, by a determined effort, drew himself upon it. She made a valiant effort not to speak; but to hear Rupert abused was like dragging her through fire. To acquire is to get into more or less permanent possession , either by some gradual process or by one 's determined efforts. With a tremendous effort , I glanced down ; and , with that , the spell that had held me was broken. By a strong effort he controlled himself, the old look of determination came back into his eyes, and he spoke more like his normal self. Middle - age strips her of everythingthe admiration , the flattery , the shallow merrimentall the little things that her little mind longs forand other women take her place , in spite of her futile , pitiful efforts to remain young.


words to describe effort

They looked at the rooms; they stood gazing pensively at their trunks; it seemed too cold to make the physical effort to unpack their clothes. A frightened effort to regain her self-control, and her voice broke in something like a sob, while tears trembled on her lashes. The maid was sitting on the chair where we had left her ; her hands clenched tightly together in her lap , as though it was only by some violent effort she could maintain her self - control. We say , then , that we are glad to see this division in the Tract Society , not glad because of the division , but because it has sprung from an earnest effort to relieve the Society of a reproach which was not only impairing its usefulness , but doing an injury to the cause of truth and sincerity everywhere. With one powerful effort he sent the foreman whirling through the open door into the hall, slammed the door after him, and stood shaking. If useful at all, it will, we apprehend, be in the forming stage of the disease, before the skin is altered by the eruptive effort.


words to describe effort

The child never stirred from his place, but she noticed that he made a constant effort to entertain Robin. There is an irksomeness, a restlessness, a pervading dissatisfaction, together with an absolute incapacity to bend the mind to any serious effort. The waitress brought them tea and the orchestra flung itself into a more outrageous effort than before. Again, every possible effort should be made to encourage habits of thrift, and to provide satisfactory modes of investment for small savings. Then, as though by a great effort, overcoming his reluctance for the waste of words, he displayed an almost unexpected urbanity.


words to describe effort

This strength of will was not, as is generally supposed, inherited by him; he was born without it, and acquired it by a tremendous effort. Disheartened and despondent over this abortive effort, I opened the door again, and went up to my room. The greatest achievement of the order is that it has taught the farmers of America the value of co-operation and the power of organized effort. In several decades of painful effort, French diplomacy has solved the problem in brilliant fashion. It appears that our ever - active Park Commissioners are making vigorous efforts to establish a Zoological Garden in Central Park.


words to describe effort

That my legs , without conscious effort of my own , should carry me up the Avenue and around the corner after the cab in which I had seen Godfrey was a foregone conclusion , and yet it was with a certain vexation of spirit that I found myself racing along , for I realised that Godfrey had not been entirely frank with me. It was kept by some people named Marac , whose characters were anything but good , and who had been implicated in several robberies that had taken place some years before , although the utmost efforts of the police had failed to trace any crime directly home to them. Adelle cranked her car feverishly and succeeded at last, after much effort, in starting the engine and in pushing back the garage door. BUMSTEAD managed to get off his hat , covering himself with a bandanna handkerchief and innumerable old pieces of paper and cloth , as he did so , from head to foot ; made a feeble effort to throw it at the aged lawyer ; and then , chair and all , tumbled forward with a crash to the rug , where he lay in a refreshing sleep. Every fine day the dwellers in the trenches before Bapaume saw machines swerving round each other in determined effort to destroy. .


words to describe effort

Involuntarily Dulce has covered her eyes with her hand, and by a supreme effort has suppressed the cry that has risen from her heart. The enemy had made a determined effort to retake Moeuvres, and our right flank was just on the edge of his attack. Project Gutenberg volunteers and employees expend considerable effort to identify , do copyright research on , transcribe and proofread public domain works in creating the Project Gutenberg - tm collection. Making a supreme effort, she got in; and then, neither dreams nor waking thoughts, but oblivion complete. But he was keen enough to see that, like his coveted riches, the needed effort to gain her affection added to the intensity of his desire.
