7cs of communication examples. 7Cs of Communication 2023-01-07

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The 7cs of communication is a model that helps ensure effective and clear communication. It was developed by Richard L. Weaver in the 1950s and has since become a widely used framework for understanding and improving communication. The 7cs stands for clarity, conciseness, consideration, completeness, concreteness, correctness, and courteousness. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in effective communication and can be demonstrated through various examples.

  1. Clarity: Clarity refers to the ability to communicate clearly and distinctly, so that the message is easily understood by the audience. For example, if a teacher is giving a lesson on a complex topic, they should use simple and straightforward language to explain the concepts. They should also use visual aids, such as diagrams and charts, to help illustrate the ideas.

  2. Conciseness: Conciseness refers to the ability to convey a message in the fewest words possible, without sacrificing clarity or completeness. For example, if a colleague is writing an email to request a meeting, they should be brief and to the point, rather than writing a long and rambling message.

  3. Consideration: Consideration refers to the ability to consider the needs and perspective of the audience when communicating. For example, if a manager is giving a presentation to a group of employees, they should consider the level of knowledge and experience of the audience, and tailor their language and examples accordingly.

  4. Completeness: Completeness refers to the ability to provide all of the necessary information in a message. For example, if a customer service representative is responding to a customer complaint, they should provide a full and detailed explanation of the issue, as well as a clear resolution.

  5. Concreteness: Concreteness refers to the ability to use specific and tangible examples to illustrate a point. For example, if a salesperson is trying to sell a product, they should use concrete examples of how the product has helped other customers, rather than just making abstract claims about its benefits.

  6. Correctness: Correctness refers to the accuracy and appropriateness of the information being communicated. For example, if a journalist is writing an article, they should ensure that all of the facts and figures are accurate and well-sourced.

  7. Courteousness: Courteousness refers to the ability to communicate in a respectful and polite manner. For example, if a student is discussing a disagreement with a classmate, they should use courteous language and try to understand the other person's perspective.

In conclusion, the 7cs of communication is a useful model for understanding and improving communication skills. By applying these principles, we can ensure that our messages are clear, concise, and effective, and that we communicate in a way that is considerate, complete, concrete, correct, and courteous.

7 C’s of Communication explanation + tips

7cs of communication examples

This will help you in enhancing your active listening skills. Creativity A text will only be lively when the words and sentence structures are used creatively and when short sentences are alternated with longer sentences. You will be receiving an email from him with detailed comments. It can also guarantee that everyone is conversing in the same language. Individuals who work together are not necessarily friends, and therefore, to maintain a healthy working relationship, being courteous is a necessity.


7Cs of Communication

7cs of communication examples

Many researches are taken up in the corporate world for performance evaluation and appraisal in view of the importance attached to this kind of evaluation, but collection, complication, presentation and interpretation of data should precede evaluation and approval. Ensure that you are not perturbed or irritated, but are calm and quiet. Work gets done, and everybody is happy too. For example, a need may arise to inform your coaching client that he or she has fallen behind on the goals that you had agreed upon. It is a clear mind that can talk clearly and effectively. Here are the seven Cs of communication: 1. Last, communications that seem inconsequential can be surprisingly important if the information they contain is complete and effective.


7 Cs of Effective Communication with Example

7cs of communication examples

When employees have a clear grasp of what is expected of them, they will feel empowered to take action. Active voice verbs reflect force and action. When one has to send a lot of emails or messages in one day, folks frequently push the submit button without proofreading and might make several errors in even a short line. Clear Any message needs to come out clearly from your communication rather than the recipient having to assume things and coming back to you for more information. Hope the one weak deadline is okay with you and your team. The sender provides details of the day, time, venue and duration of a proposed meeting. Finn also wanted to find out if you will be available for the client meeting tomorrow.


Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples

7cs of communication examples

Sometimes, however, you may prefer the passive voice instead of the active, as in the following situations: i When you want to avoid personal, blunt accusations, or commands. Only the report is discussed in this email. What are you trying to avoid communicating? Hidden insults and aggressive tones will only cause trouble among individuals and result in reduced morale and productivity. Avoid using vague words. Even though mistakes are never intentional, they distract the recipient and cast a bad image of your organisation. All our facilities are at your disposal, and any time we can be of service, please feel free to call on us. The five canons of rhetoric were first organized by Roman philosopher Cicero in his treatise De Inventione in around 84 BC.


7 C's of Communication With Examples

7cs of communication examples

Clear: For the receiver to understand what you are trying to convey in your message, it must be clear. Share your experience and knowledge in the comments box below. Regards Stanley As a result of the polite request, it is likely that Drew will feel appreciated and important and he will definitely ask his team to help your team out. While you are, do check out these popular courses by Lucy Brown has many years of experience in the project management domain and has helped many organizations across the Asia Pacific region. Now more than ever people are openly looking for coaches, someone in their corner to help guide them to achieving their goals. When facts and figures are mentioned, it is important that there is consistent, supporting information.


7 C's of Effective Communication with Examples

7cs of communication examples

Keep your anecdotes related to your subject, and use them to further your message. A concrete message is solid and specific. Be Confident If you are a shy person or someone who fears public speaking, you can boost your confidence by joining an improv class or any other class that involves activities where you would have to communicate with other people. Knowing details about your audience or the event is useful when preparing to speak courteously. A great deal of clarity is needed at this stage, for if the beginning is fuddled, it is likely to mar the entire communication process. Good Example Hi Pete, I would like to schedule a meeting with you in regards to your presentation on email marketing.


What is 7cs of communication with examples?

7cs of communication examples

Also, I have attached the JK report you asked for here. A phrase must contain facts or statistics for it to be considered concrete. The first person to describe the rule in detail was Theophrastus, successor to Aristotle in the Peripatetic school. Do you want unlimited ad-free access and templates? She will be giving you the feedback once she is done. He probably was not part of the meeting with the engineering team. I need to finalise the budget for the Aurora Project. The transmission of any false or incorrect message may develop misunderstanding and spoil the mutual relations.


7 C's of Effective Communication (And Why They're Important)

7cs of communication examples

This wastes the time of the sender and the receiver and in turn limits their productivity too. Make sure you keep your message short and clear so that it has a lasting impact on the listeners. But for communicating with ordinary readers or listeners, it should be avoided. Make an attempt to envisage your audience, their requirements, emotions as well as problems. Regards, Chris In the above example, we do not know which conversation Chris is referring to.
