Terrestrial food web diagram. 1)Draw a labelled line diagram of a terrestrial food web. 2022-12-10

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A terrestrial food web diagram is a graphical representation of the feeding relationships within a terrestrial ecosystem. It shows the various species of plants and animals that make up the ecosystem, and how they are connected through the process of feeding.

At the base of the food web are producers, which are typically green plants that use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy. These plants provide the primary source of energy for the rest of the ecosystem, and are eaten by herbivores, or primary consumers.

Herbivores, in turn, are eaten by carnivores, or secondary consumers. These carnivores may be larger animals, such as wolves or lions, or they may be smaller animals, such as snakes or birds of prey.

Tertiary consumers, or top predators, sit at the top of the food web. These animals have few natural predators, and may include species such as bears or eagles.

Decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, play a crucial role in the terrestrial food web by breaking down dead organic matter and returning nutrients to the soil. This process helps to recycle nutrients and maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

One of the key features of a terrestrial food web is that it is constantly in flux, with species interacting and feeding on one another in a complex web of relationships. This interaction can have both positive and negative impacts on the ecosystem, and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the availability of resources, competition for food, and changes in environmental conditions.

In conclusion, a terrestrial food web diagram is a useful tool for understanding the complex relationships between species in a terrestrial ecosystem, and the role that each species plays in the overall functioning of the ecosystem. Understanding these relationships can help us to better understand and manage the ecosystems in which we live, and to protect and preserve the biodiversity of our planet.

Ch. 55 Flashcards

terrestrial food web diagram

C Heat produced by cellular respiration is used by heterotrophs for thermoregulation. B Marine organisms break down iron for energy and thus for productivity. Consider the global nitrogen cycle depicted in the figure. For example, an energy flow aquatic food web would depict the energy flux relationships in an aquatic environment, while an energy flow terrestrial food web would show such relationships on land. C Nutrient cycling rates tend to be limited by decomposition. A adding fertilizer to the entire area B introducing one hundred rabbits into the area C planting five hundred new trees D relocating all of the deer found in the area Use the following information to answer the question s below. .


1)Draw a labelled line diagram of a terrestrial food web.

terrestrial food web diagram

How Energy Moves Through A Food We The rabbit is now captured by a hawk. C The carbon cycle has maintained a constant atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide for the past million years. Food webs, which are higher in herbivore trophic status, are better described as a tangled web of omnivores. B NEP can be expressed in terms of carbon fixed by photosynthesis for an entire ecosystem, minus respiration by producers, allowing the measurement of net CO2 flux. The exchange with deeper soil layers was sensitive to water table depth, in contrast to G, which responded primarily to IR loading. These links can reveal secrets about climate change, biodiversity and the ongoing battle between native and invasive species. B Calcium levels remained high in the soil of deforested areas.


Bio Ch55 Flashcards

terrestrial food web diagram

What could you do to eliminate error in your study as a result of this event? I Nutrients in the control watershed are being lost due to evapotranspiration from leaves. Ecologists at SERC study the connections between herbivores plant-eaters , scavengers eaters of dead plants or animals , and decomposers. He is considered one of the founders of modern ecology and his book is a seminal work. Based on the figure, which of the following are plausible reasons for the results? Where is the greatest flux of water from one reserve to another? D NPP shows the rate at which the standing crop is utilized by consumers. C Seal populations are larger than fish populations.


APES Quiz: Ecosystems and Biogeochemical Cycles Flashcards

terrestrial food web diagram

After looking at the experiment in the figure, what can be concluded about productivity in marine ecosystems? A only I B only II C only III D I, II, and III You own three hundred acres of patchy temperate forest. B Plants can obtain the nitrogen necessary for growth from the atmosphere, but bacterial communities will be negatively impacted. B The wetland would likely absorb more heat than the temperate forest and significantly change water table depth. B Plants do not intercept all incoming light, as some light will strike water, bare soil, or rock. A Find out how much nitrogen is consumed in plant material by a Canada goose over about a twelve-hour period, multiply this number by 100, and add that amount to the total nitrogen in the ecosystem. I atmosphere II sediments and sedimentary rocks III fossilized plant and animal remains coal, oil, and natural gas IV plant and animal biomass A only I and III B only II and IV C only II, III, and IV D I, II, III, and IV Which of the following statements is correct about biogeochemical cycling? Food web for a particular terrestrial ecosystem arrows represent energy flow and letters represent species Examine this food web for a particular terrestrial ecosystem.


What Is a Food Web? Definition, Types, and Examples

terrestrial food web diagram

Based on the diagram, which of the following statements about the hydrologic cycle is true? A observe Antarctic Ocean productivity from year to year to see if it changes B experimentally enrich some areas of the ocean and compare their productivity to that of untreated areas C compare nutrient concentrations between the photic zone and the benthic zone in various marine locations D contrast nutrient uptake by autotrophs in marine locations that are different temperatures If you applied a fungicide to a cornfield, what would you expect to happen to the rate of decomposition and net ecosystem production NEP? A the rate of decomposition in the ecosystem B the production efficiency of the ecosystem's consumers C the trophic efficiency of the ecosystem D the location of the nutrient reservoirs in the ecosystem 66 The Hubbard Brook watershed deforestation experiment yielded all of the following results except which of the following? In SERC forests, researchers are tracking which kinds of plants are most vulnerable to insect herbivores, and what type of damage the insects do. D Energy transfer between trophic levels is usually less than 20 percent efficient. A nitrogen assimilation B nitrogen fixation C Photosynthesis D Weathering The diagram below represents steps in the phosphorus cycle. Primary producer examples include plants and algae. A Top-level predators are destined to have small populations that are sparsely distributed. A A and D B B and C C C and D D C and E 11 Which of the following has the greatest effect on the rate of chemical cycling within an ecosystem? D Put a net over the pond so that no more migrating flocks can land on the pond and alter the nitrogen balance of the pond. A A B B C C D E 8 Use the following figure to answer the question.


Terrestrial Food Webs

terrestrial food web diagram

B Adding a nonlimiting nutrient will stimulate primary productivity. A Temperatures at the equator often exceed those which are optimal for primary production. A from precipitation to the ocean B from the ocean to the atmosphere C from runoff in streams and the water table to the ocean D from evaporation and transpiration of terrestrial vegetation to the atmosphere 46 Use the following figure to answer the question. After looking at the figure above, what can be said about productivity in this ecosystem? Without trophic levels, ecosystems would be divided into separate sections, which would make interactions more difficult. II Nutrients dissolve in the water running through the watershed. A the amount of heat energy released by the ecosystem B the net flux of carbon dioxide or oxygen in or out of an ecosystem C the rate of decomposition by detritivores D the annual total of incoming solar radiation per unit of area Which of the following ecosystems would likely have the largest net primary productivity per hectare and why? B The phosphorus cycle involves the weathering of rocks.


The Importance Of Plants In The Terrestrial Food Web

terrestrial food web diagram

III Species evolving in contaminated areas could adapt and detoxify the area. C NPP in Earth's open oceans could differ due to variability in depth, the presence of coral reefs, or by ocean currents. D Productivity increases with each trophic level. II Plants cannot photosynthesize as well on cloudy days. C Phosphorous is sometimes unavailable to producers due to leaching. Species C is toxic to predators.


terrestrial food web diagram

D It is eliminated as feces or is dissipated into space as heat, consistent with the second law of thermodynamics. Marine environments are common examples of how these toxic substances can move from phytoplankton to zooplankton, then to fish that eat the zooplankton, then to other fish like salmon who eat those fish, and all the way up to orca who eat salmon. A 200 kilocalories B 1, 480 kilocalories C 2,000 kilocalories D 5,480 kilocalories Energy is transferred along food chains from one stage to the next. Producers are organisms that make their own food. A replace a ruined ecosystem with a more suitable ecosystem for that area B return degraded ecosystems to a more natural state C manage competition between species in human-altered ecosystems D prevent further degradation by protecting an area with park status Which of the following would be considered an example of bioremediation? B Light at the equator is too constant and direct. While you are collecting data, a flock of one hundred Canada geese lands and spends the night during a fall migration. While you are collecting data, a flock of 100 Canada geese lands and spends the night during a fall migration.


terrestrial food web diagram

IV Plant roots that held soil particles in place are no longer there. Bioaccumulation is the accumulation of a substance, like poison or a contaminant, in an animal. B Logging results in soil temperatures that are lethal to nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Energy is transported from the sun to producers and consumers by an ecosystem depicted by a food web. Other large mammals eat them in addition to larger mammals. What is a reasonable explanation for this? B Both decomposition rate and NEP would increase.


terrestrial food web diagram

In the tropics, SERC ecologists are investigating how mangrove trees in Florida, Australia, Saudi Arabia and other parts of the globe fare against insects and crabs—and whether pollution makes them more or less at risk. D The decrease in pH actually increases the availability of soil nutrients, so other nutrients that were less available cause an increase in primary production and an increase in biomass at other trophic levels. C Vegetarians need to ingest less chemical energy than omnivores. C Iron can be a limiting nutrient in productivity. As a result, they are the most important players in the ecosystem, as well as the most important players in the overall health of the ecosystem. A Satellite instruments can detect reflectance patterns of the photosynthetic organisms of different ecosystems. B Logging results in soil temperatures that are lethal to nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
