About shuttlecock. Shuttlecock 2022-12-22

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A shuttlecock, also known as a birdie, is a small object used in the sports of badminton, sepak takraw, and jianzi. It consists of a cork base, a conical crown made of feathers or synthetic material, and a thin stem connecting the two. Shuttlecocks are used in these sports as the projectile that players hit back and forth across a net.

In badminton, shuttlecocks are used to play the game by hitting them over a high net using rackets. The objective is to hit the shuttlecock in such a way that the opponent is unable to return it, resulting in a point. Shuttlecocks are designed to be lightweight and aerodynamic, allowing them to travel long distances through the air with minimal resistance. They are also designed to be stable, so that they can maintain their trajectory despite being hit by a racket at high speeds.

Shuttlecocks are made from either feathers or synthetic materials. Feather shuttlecocks are made from the feathers of ducks or geese and are considered to be of higher quality because they are more durable and produce a more consistent flight path. Synthetic shuttlecocks, on the other hand, are made from nylon or other synthetic materials and are less expensive, but are not as durable as feather shuttlecocks and may not have as consistent a flight path.

In sepak takraw, shuttlecocks are made from a combination of synthetic materials and woven rattan. The game is played with a ball-shaped shuttlecock that is kicked back and forth over a net using the feet, head, chest, and knees. The objective is to keep the shuttlecock in the air and prevent it from hitting the ground on the opponent's side of the net.

Jianzi is a traditional Chinese game that is similar to sepak takraw, but it is played with a shuttlecock that is made from a heavy cloth material and has several feathers attached to it. The game is played with players trying to keep the shuttlecock in the air using their feet, legs, and hips, while trying to prevent the shuttlecock from hitting the ground on their side of the court.

In conclusion, shuttlecocks are small, aerodynamic projectiles used in the sports of badminton, sepak takraw, and jianzi. They are made from either feathers or synthetic materials and are designed to be lightweight and stable in flight. They are an essential part of these sports, serving as the object that players hit back and forth across a net or court.


about shuttlecock

After drying up completely, the feathers are attached with thread and appropriately glued. Shuttlecock material The first factor that needs to be considered is the material used to make the shuttlecock. Both humidity and height above sea level affect shuttle flight. Many players have expressed their aid about finding where the cock has landed in different ways. That means not having to move here and there to hit the shuttlecock again or miss any attack. A new form of LED has been introduced, which will allow you to play badminton after sundown where the ambient light is very less in intensity.


Shuttlecock (2020)

about shuttlecock

Saturated feathers are 'mushy', making the feather cone narrow too much when strongly hit, which causes the shuttle to fly overly far and fast. It fits perfectly into a minimalist interior style, due to its stylish silhouette and deep color. Feather shuttles need to be properly humidified for at least 4 hours prior to play in order to fly the correct distance at the proper speed and to last longer. To play badminton sports need a ball. Recent Posts LEGAL INFORMATION This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.


Top Badminton Shuttlecocks in 2022

about shuttlecock

What is the American word for shuttlecock? Yonex AS-20 is the other type of best shuttlecock for badminton. It is prepared with nylon feathers which provides durability. This entered the Guinness World Records for the fastest recorded hit in the world across any sport. Instead of this, the cork tip makes an easy hit according to the desired direction. To enhance stability, the ball head cavity is filled with wood grain. It is the film story that independent producers pray they will never live through. Also, the users say it is unbelievably durable and sturdy that you pay for it.


Shuttlecock Summary

about shuttlecock

During a memorial for his father, WW II hero Major James Prentis confesses a dark family secret to his son, something he has harbored for more than 20 years. Feather arrangement and features If you are buying a feather shuttlecock, make sure to check the features of the goose feathers. Make a double check or recheck before launching in the market. You typically have no idea how much something costs because the price range can vary so widely. Get right speed, stability and distance performance. Supposedly, this would greatly affect the game.


Why are they called shuttlecocks?

about shuttlecock

Some records date its origin as far back as the Han Dynasty 206BC-220AD. Retrieved July 14, 2017. Final Words A badminton shuttlecock must be stable, durable, robust, long-lasting, and lightweight. In this shuttlecock, both the nylon feather skirt and ball head are white in color. They are also regarded as a bird or birdie. Bounce factor Every shuttlecock has a bounce factor. They made their own adaptations to the sport, primarily adding the net and called it Poona or Poonah, after the town Pune the garrison was based in.


Shuttlecock Definition & Meaning

about shuttlecock

There are 16 overlapping feathers embedded in the base. The higher the bounce factor, the more will be the trajectory length and height. The Shuttlecock Plant has its origins in the tropical climate in Indonesia and the world's second largest island, New Guinea. Speed 78, 79 in Finland, Canada, Korea and Japan. These shuttlecocks are the most popular ones in the market and have better durability than other products. The goose feathers of the shuttlecock are arranged in a way to make the product compact and aerodynamic in nature.


Everything You Wanted to Know about a Badminton Shuttlecock

about shuttlecock

The shuttles come with a storage tube to keep them safe when not in use or when traveling. So, the form makes this cock stand out from the rest. Our Store will be closed from 7pm Friday 23rd December and reopen 3rd January 2023. Inside the ball head of the product, the cavity is filled with wood grains. They are the best choice for everyday sports. The leaves are two-colored with a clear green color on the upper side, and a bordeaux tone on the back of the leaves. © 2022 - All Right Reserved.


12 Interesting Facts To Know About Badminton Shuttlecocks

about shuttlecock

This fast-speed Carlton T-800 shuttlecock provides you the high-speed shot that you want. . But you need to know that this cock is crouching more on the large side. Moreover, the brand of Carlton deserves honor because of its quick delivery upon ordering. Some other styles include kicking the shuttlecock back and forth between two people. Plastic shuttle cocks will generally last a long time, but the real shuttlecocks made of real feathers may have to be replaced every few games, depending on the strength of the players.
