Adverb of worry. How to use "worry" in a sentence 2023-01-01

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An adverb of worry is a word or phrase that describes or modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb and expresses worry or anxiety. These adverbs can be used to convey a sense of unease or concern about a particular situation or event.

There are many different adverbs of worry that can be used in English. Some common examples include "anxiously," "worriedly," "uneasily," "apprehensively," and "nervously." These adverbs can be used to describe how a person is feeling about a particular situation or event. For example, someone who is anxious about an upcoming exam might say, "I'm studying anxiously for my exams." Similarly, someone who is worried about an important presentation might say, "I'm preparing worriedly for my presentation."

Adverbs of worry can also be used to describe the actions or behaviors of a person who is feeling anxious or concerned. For example, someone who is nervous about meeting new people might say, "I'm approaching the situation uneasily." Similarly, someone who is anxious about flying might say, "I'm boarding the plane apprehensively."

In addition to expressing worry or anxiety, adverbs of worry can also be used to convey a sense of caution or hesitance. For example, someone who is hesitant about taking a new job might say, "I'm considering the offer nervously." Similarly, someone who is uncertain about making a major life decision might say, "I'm thinking about it uneasily."

Overall, adverbs of worry are an important part of the English language and are used to express a range of emotions and attitudes related to worry, anxiety, and caution. They can be used to describe both how a person is feeling and how they are acting in a particular situation.

Worry Definition & Meaning

adverb of worry

His brow is uncreased by worry or doubt, and the only wrinkles he might acquire are laugh lines. They have poppers or Velcro so you don't have to worry about pins, and they have removable paper liners that mean you can quickly and discreetly get rid of unpleasant lumps. Adverbs of frequency Adverbs of frequency describe how often something happens. And don't worry, Highway 108 has been redone and is a much better drive these days. Panic and terror could be smelt in the air and that sensation of worry clenched at his gut. In my cooler, I've got a greens superfood drink that will cancel out the chips, beef jerky, and candy. The doc says it's no worry 'cause it is a common aftereffect of rhinoplasty and should go away pretty soon.


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adverb of worry

Don't make your parents worry. Later it transpires little has been lost, but in the meantime Smith says not to worry, if the worst comes to the worst she'll do another interview. And the authorities also worry that the December fires are just the beginning. The constant worry of a repeat of autumn 2000 is the lasting legacy of the floods. At a moment like that, we don't worry about anything else other than accomplishing our specific mission. Rogers mentions that there is plenty of food in the larder, so they don't have to worry about supplies. Adverbs are one of the main parts of speech, along with nouns, adjectives, and verbs.


How to use "worry" in a sentence

adverb of worry

Sunday was the day I had fun and laughed without any sort of trouble or lingering worry. Although the PRC needs economic growth to spur its development, the government began to worry that rapid economic growth was degrading the country's resources and environment. Dan walked with chub, telling him again not to worry about the smashed glass. Job security remained a major worry for households during October, with 24 per cent of people saying they thought their job was now less safe. But why should you avoid these cool descriptive words? The people who buy this car don't worry about the price of petrol at the pumps, they probably own some of the barrels at the well head. How did the dog eat his dinner? You know there are people who cheat, but you just go out there to be the best you can be and not worry about anybody else.



adverb of worry

With two reams, he wouldn't have to worry about running out in the middle of a good part and having to get up to run to the store. We often worry about the toxicity resulting from spraying crops but we rarely worry about those from not spraying them. Examples: Relative adverbs in a sentenceThis is the city where the soldiers were stationed. Now, the issue is how the adverb unworriedly could be used idiomatically in your context. It just looks like a little pink pimple, lost in my arm freckles, so not to worry. I've been involved in those areas latterly as assistant grounds manager and I can say to fans not to worry. To me, and I am not one of those free market knee jerkers who like Bobby McFerrin sing, don't worry, be happy.


What Is an Adverb? Explanation, Usage, and Examples

adverb of worry

Many adverbs of purpose function as Examples: Adverbs of purpose in a sentenceThe company made a huge profit; therefore, the employees were given raises. Tyre biters have got our list of members. His supporters had little to worry about as Christophe Soumillon cruised up to the front-running Bandari on the favourite before letting out an inch of rein. Show More Sentences But don't worry, I lead a very active social life and my Sunday roast dinners-for-ten are legendary! I sometimes worry that the concern over self-identity obscures a far bigger problem. His only worry right now is getting to the airport on time. Lest her little monster fans worry, as she stepped on stage, her derriere did not appear to have been impaled.


What Is an Adverb? Definition, Types & Examples

adverb of worry

The correct word would only have one y: "worrilessly. Adverbs of indefinite frequency are usually placed before the main verb. With an overriding mood of boredom, the boys and girls are almost totally incapable of talking to one another, and all their parents worry about is keeping up appearances. Show More Sentences He would pass the letter on to his accountant, who would more than likely tell him not to worry. Use these adverbs when you're talking about the speed of a verb. Good is an adjective, and well is an adverb.


adverb of worry

Age Concern often ends up helping older people move into residential care simply because they don't want the worry of running a home any more. The area of policy you most care about is Y. If life isn't looking so positive for you or your characters, you might need an adverb that suits a more negative tone. For the first time since Trafalgar, Britain had an aggressive and truly dangerous rival to worry about. His actual worry will lie in maintaining harmony among such a gathering of outstanding footballers who will all understandably feel that they should start matches. Another worry is that criminals will use the occasion to launder dirty money. But should we worry that Scottish companies might simply up sticks and move to a bigger market in England? Audiences will have just as much fun with the traditional 2D version and won't have to worry about the occasional queasiness caused by the natty plastic goggles.


adverb of worry

I think I would tell them not to worry about trying to second-guess the marketplace. He held her hands tighter and drew her to him, concern and worry in his eyes. Positive Adverbs List If you need a word that shows how an action was done in a positive way, look no further. Sometimes I worry that my fear got the better of me, that I wimped out of this process of learning to competently go it alone, to stay warm without external assistance. The verb laughed already shows the emotion. It is natural for a wolf to worry a lamb, but when a lamb worries another lamb then it is a monstrous business.


adverb of worry

Jeff is extremely talented. A simple look around the Internet finds much to worry about in the world of essential oils. When I studied public administration in the early 1980s, we used to worry a lot about politicisation. I suppose I am hoping you will say that yes, you had some trouble with your memory but it's all just jake now and not to worry. But that didn't worry Allardyce, who recalled situations early in the season when similar tactics brought similar results. Residents need not worry about what to do with their old bin when it is replaced by their new wheelie bin. You don't have to worry about plants spreading underground like red raspberries, because most black raspberry shoots arise right at the base of the plant.


adverb of worry

However, we no longer have a caterer. Now picture him walking happily after receiving good news. Another worry is that while retail investors often lack ready cash of their own, many lenders seem all too willing to bankroll them through both personal and margin loans. That she didn't have to worry about getting married and having babies, not just yet. Not that that will worry the 26-year-old Swede, who, despite a speech disability, is as amenable and communicative as Webb is often abrasive. The way to beat them is not to forestall or worry about who scored points today. Also, I forgot to thank you for your gift.
