Advocacy speech topics. 613 Original Argumentative Speech Essay Topics Ideas [Updated December 2022 ] 2022-12-11

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An advocacy speech is a type of persuasive speech in which the speaker aims to advocate for a particular cause or issue. The goal of an advocacy speech is to inspire the audience to take action on the issue being discussed and to make a positive impact in their community or society as a whole. There are many different advocacy speech topics that one could choose to address, ranging from social and political issues to environmental concerns and human rights. Some examples of advocacy speech topics might include:

  1. Climate change: Climate change is a pressing issue that affects everyone on the planet. An advocacy speech on this topic could focus on the importance of taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect natural habitats, and mitigate the impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities.

  2. Racial justice: Racism and discrimination continue to be significant problems in many societies around the world. An advocacy speech on this topic could address the need for greater equality, inclusion, and respect for people of all races and ethnicities.

  3. Immigration reform: Immigration is a complex and often controversial issue that affects many people around the world. An advocacy speech on this topic could focus on the importance of fair and compassionate policies that respect the rights of immigrants and refugees.

  4. Gun control: The issue of gun control is a divisive one that has garnered a lot of attention in recent years. An advocacy speech on this topic could address the need for stricter regulations on the sale, possession, and use of firearms in order to reduce gun violence and promote public safety.

  5. Mental health: Mental health is an important aspect of overall health and well-being that often goes overlooked or stigmatized. An advocacy speech on this topic could focus on the importance of addressing mental health issues, reducing stigma, and increasing access to mental health services.

Regardless of the specific topic chosen, an effective advocacy speech should be well-researched, clearly structured, and emotionally powerful. The speaker should be able to present a compelling argument in favor of their cause, using evidence, examples, and personal stories to support their points. In addition, the speaker should be able to inspire and motivate the audience to take action on the issue being discussed, whether that means contacting their representatives, participating in advocacy efforts, or simply spreading awareness about the issue.

Advocacy Speech Topics

advocacy speech topics

Tell a story about when that need was not fulfilled, using details about yourself, what you went through, and how it made you feel. The topics from this section may create entertaining and interesting discussions. According to the New York Times, a Supreme Court ruling in 2013 Times reported that as a result, 14 states had voting restrictions in 2016, "including strict voter ID laws, fewer opportunities for early voting and reductions in the number of polling places. Describe the need and why it is important to you. Mandatory minimums are utilized for various crimes, but many involve drug offenses. Feel free to add steps or skip suggestions that do not work for you or the situation you are in — make it your own! How does it affect us and the surrounding world? Furthermore, the response you may get from the audience can help you improve your solution to the stated issues. The purpose of the training is to strengthen awareness of polyvictimization in later life and to provide knowledge and skills of professionals to address the needs of victims.


Specific Topics of Interest for Advocates

advocacy speech topics

Patient care topics can advocate why the importance of losing weight, finding a trainer, joining a health club, eating better, searching for a better doctor, fighting cancer or getting treated for a particular disease. While selecting political persuasive speech ideas, we deliberately included only popular and interesting topics. It is also important for advocacy to be honest and full of integrity, rather than being delivered in a way that is purposefully inflammatory, emotionally manipulative, or unethical. Of course, the opposite concepts are also applicable. This involves communicating a problem and a solution. Take a closer look at this section. It then provides evidence for how services should be provided: survivor-driven, trauma-informed, and voluntary.


Advocacy Campaign Speech

advocacy speech topics

That happened because it became difficult to navigate in such a wide art sphere. Provide solutions in general terms, and discuss the main points in the speech body. Accompany your speech about the significance of the problem with visual materials. There are plenty of temporary problems that humanity should solve. Domestic Violence Housing First Toolkit This toolkit is designed to provide materials and resources for organizations to use when developing or implementing the DVHF approach. You may see and meet animals almost everywhere.


Resource 8: Basic Advocacy Speech Structures

advocacy speech topics

Making an outline helps you be guided on the flow of your speech. With some acting, the discussion may become even more exciting. For instance, you found the information in official news sources. And we have all heard the anti-media rhetoric, the attacks on journalists, the exclusion of reporters viewed as unfriendly during the presidential campaign. The advocates for limiting that freedom have made their feelings very well known. The common activities in politics include joint decision making, voting, and campaigning. Also included are tip sheets on working with teen survivors, information on confidentiality and mandated reporting laws, information on the teen brain, an annotated bibliography of recent research, and more.


Political Persuasive Speech Topics

advocacy speech topics

The country has set up Thuthuzela Centres which are named after a Xhosa word meaning comfort. Depending on the purpose, you should select a particular field of knowledge. Would it be better if more good news was reported? These stringent requirements are known as This issue needs advocates to fight legislation seeking to impose unfair requirements on abortion clinics and to fight for geographically accessible and financially affordable abortion clinics for women in all 50 states. Most are poor, and a disproportionate number are women of color, both immigrant and U. The content of the speech should carry social weight and should make us care and listen.


515 Powerful Persuasive Speech Topics [2022 Update]

advocacy speech topics

Should general control be tightened? For example, in 2013, While some 3. Speakers can also argue for the elimination or continuation of the teacher tenure system and how it either promotes poor classroom performance or keeps teachers well informed in their field. Avoid Using Difficult and Unclear Jargon Remember when you are making your advocacy campaign speech, your entire point is to inform, persuade, and give context to your advocacy. A Scan of the Field: Learning About Serving Survivors of Human Trafficking — English Guide from the National Latin Network detailing how domestic and sexual violence organizations serve human trafficking survivors. At this study level, you probably have a persuasive speech experience. DACA faces a very real threat from the Trump administration, as his legal team has already found ways to 4. Speakers can also address the proposed government-run health care system and advocate either for or against it.


292 Education Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative, Argumentative] • My Speech Class

advocacy speech topics

Topics can also advocate online education as a way to reach rural school systems, smaller class sizes for personal attention to students and longer school days and years so teachers can cover more material. These ideas reflect modern trends. It can be counterintuitive; however, walking in the fresh air especially in the These are three body paragraphs that include main points. Net neutrality prohibits service providers from "playing favorites" with websites, such as through speeding up some sites and slowing down others, or blocking certain websites altogether. What do you think caused it and what can be done to stop that from happening in future elections? They also mandated that servicers who were managing student loans on behalf of the federal government The rollback of these provisions goes against the interests of the 14. Student Loan Protections Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos recently eliminated several federal student loan protections that were created under the Obama administration. These ideas reflect the political concepts incorporated into our lives.


613 Original Argumentative Speech Essay Topics Ideas [Updated December 2022 ]

advocacy speech topics

Working with Older Survivors of Abuse: A Framework for Advocates Toolkit from the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life providing a brief overview of elder abuse and abuse in later life, descriptions of seven key guiding principles as well as minimum guidelines and practice strategies for advocates to consider in their work with older survivors. Making an outline helps you be guided on the flow of your speech. The greeting the first element of the introduction does not require anything special. It affects our lives constantly and almost everywhere. This choice narrows down the investigation area significantly. You are in the right place.


17 Issues To Advocate For In 2017

advocacy speech topics

Victim Assistance Training Online has four sections: Basics, Core Competencies and Skills, Crimes, and Specific Considerations for Providing Victim Services. Responding to Stalking: A Guide for Advocates A guide from the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center for advocates to recognize stalking and best help victims by identifying stalking behaviors, creating safety plans, filing PPOs, and helping victims navigate the criminal and civil justice systems. The accessibility makes it possible to produce and spread this art all over the planet. Then take a look here: We formed a list of topics about modern political life. Have you ever tried to motivate people to make positive changes in various aspects of human life related to sports?.
