Arguments against punishment. Arguments Against Corporal Punishment: Why Spanking Is Not A Good Idea: [Essay Example], 1118 words GradesFixer 2022-12-14

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Punishment is a common form of social control that is used to deter individuals from engaging in undesirable behavior. While punishment can be an effective way to modify behavior in the short term, there are several arguments against its use that deserve consideration.

One argument against punishment is that it can be harsh and inhumane. Some forms of punishment, such as physical punishment or solitary confinement, can be severe and have negative physical and psychological effects on the individual being punished. These methods of punishment may be especially harmful for vulnerable populations, such as children or individuals with mental health issues. In addition, punishment can often be arbitrary, with different people receiving different punishments for similar offenses. This can lead to feelings of unfairness and injustice, which can further damage relationships between individuals and within society as a whole.

Another argument against punishment is that it may not be the most effective way to modify behavior. While punishment can be effective in the short term, it may not address the root causes of the undesirable behavior and may not provide the individual with the skills and resources they need to change their behavior in the long term. Research has shown that positive reinforcement, such as rewards and praise, can be more effective at modifying behavior than punishment. In addition, punishment can sometimes have unintended consequences, such as increasing aggression or resentment, which can lead to further problematic behavior.

A third argument against punishment is that it can perpetuate cycles of violence and aggression. Punishment often involves the use of force or coercion, which can lead to resentment and a desire for retribution. This can create a cycle of violence, in which one person punishes another, who then seeks revenge, leading to further punishment. This cycle can be especially harmful in situations where there is already a power imbalance, such as between a parent and child or between a government and its citizens.

In conclusion, while punishment can be an effective way to modify behavior in the short term, it is not without its drawbacks. Harsh and inhumane punishment can have negative physical and psychological effects, it may not address the root causes of problematic behavior, and it can perpetuate cycles of violence and aggression. Alternative approaches, such as positive reinforcement and addressing the root causes of undesirable behavior, may be more effective at promoting long-term behavioral change.

Arguments For and Against Capital Punishment

arguments against punishment

We believe this cost is worth it because it means that more people, on the whole, are saved. That is because murder is uniquely horrific -- "as close as someone can come to pure evil" p. These included two murders, one suspected murder, one attempted murder, three rapes and two instances of grievous bodily harm. Let us examine the merits of both the pro and anti arguments. More than once on the campaign trail President Bush reiterated his support for capital punishment because it saves lives.


Against Capital Punishment

arguments against punishment

It might be the only way to get revenge, but the law should not be used for revenge. Corporal Punishment In Public Schools 1646 Words 7 Pages Corporal punishment within public school systems continues to be a controversial issue, however, its use is one of the most effective means of discipline in public schools. It establishes a boundary between who is in charge, and what the rules happen to be. As the years progressed and the spanking continued, Antisocial Behavior tended to worsen as well. The risks of resorting to this consequence in a moment of anger are what limit its overall effectiveness.


Arguments Against Corporal Punishment

arguments against punishment

The reason for this is that for most people, being caught is a far greater deterrent than some possible, probably misunderstood punishment, e. Every method of discipline is ineffective at some point. Having identified putative reasons to execute, Yost searches for countervailing considerations. I recommend the book wholeheartedly. And in the case of Kant, while Yost's interpretation struck me as both exegetically sound and marvelously interesting, his arguments left me cold. Most of the disadvantages that come with the use of corporal punishment are directly associated with its use when a parent or teacher are frustrated in the heat of the moment. Ten years later the total for the year was 107 which rose to 173 by 1985 and 214 in 1995.


capital punishment

arguments against punishment

Majority opinion in some democratic countries, including the U. Wouldn't we think she was making a mistake? Corporal punishment inflicts long-term harm both physically and mentally on children. If the death penalty is to appear certain to a potential murderer performing the premeditated cost-benefit calculus, these statistics would need to be reversed. Are there any other real, socially acceptable, options for dealing with murderers? If you have endless time to plan an escape and everything to gain from doing so, it is a very strong incentive. Lethal injection, as my own survey has shown, is perceived by most respondents as the least cruel method - probably because it is the least gruesome method. It communicates a set of values that one may not want their children to have.


Arguments Against Corporal Punishment in Schools

arguments against punishment

Statistical evidence further proves that severe and punishment acts as a reliable deterrent to future criminal activities. When we talk about physical punishment in children, we usually attribute it to a compassionate corrective which intention is to modify the behavior of the kid but in a non-injurious way. Every act of children in their formative years is not a result of liberalized thinking. Between 1900 and 1965 they ran at an average of 29 per year. In particularly heinous cases of murder the execution could be carried out near the scene of the crime so that the local people could see the murderer punished, or the criminal could be gibbeted near the scene to remind people of the punishment.


Arguments in Favour & Against Capital Punishment

arguments against punishment

Parents tend to spank their child to discontinue an undesired behavior. How should we punish such offences? The bulk of this chapter makes the case for this claim first in an approximated form, and finally in a more refined form cashed out in terms of risk. The standard argument for abolishing the death penalty holds that even when moral agents have culpably perpetrated heinous wrongs, executing them is an unacceptable attack on their dignity, something that even they do not deserve to suffer. This Essay will focus on attitudes and opinions about corporal punishment in South Africa. Ideally, in making an economic calculation of costs and benefits in a rational manner the would-be murderer consequently revert from committing the offence.


Arguments Against Corporal Punishment: Why Spanking Is Not A Good Idea: [Essay Example], 1118 words GradesFixer

arguments against punishment

Anger and frustration cannot be safely express so they learn to store it inside them. It is reasonable to assume that if a majority is in favour of a particular thing in a democracy, their wishes should be seriously considered with equal consideration given to the downside of their views. These include killing in self-defense and in defense of other members of the society. Physical punishment is a controversial topic. In many cases, we will know of this in advance and suffer great pain and emotional anguish in the process. The first point he identifies -- that execution for murderers is cardinally proportionate -- struck me as convincing within a retributivist framework. In other words, they externalize the responsibility for their behavior rather than feel accountable for it.


The Facts: 13 Reasons to Oppose the Death Penalty

arguments against punishment

It is impossible to say that only this one factor affects the murder rate. It is equally clear that when any form of execution is bungled the prisoner often exhibits signs of great suffering. The way in which religious customs turn into pointless ideologies or means to obtain the upper hand is frightening. It is neither fair to allow anyone that steals a life to keep their own. Should we only execute people for the most awful multiple murders as a form of compulsory euthanasia rather than as a punishment or should we execute all murderers irrespective of the degree of guilt purely as a retributive punishment for taking another person's life and in the hope of deterring others? No details of the execution were made available and so the story would be two paragraphs unless there was some special feature such as a protest outside the prison.
