Article critique example. Sample example of Article critique and review 2022-12-23

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An article critique is a detailed analysis and evaluation of an article. It involves identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an article, as well as evaluating its relevance and credibility. A critique helps readers to understand the main arguments of the article and assess its contribution to the field. It is an important skill to have as it helps to critically evaluate information and form your own opinions.

To write an article critique, you first need to read the article carefully and take detailed notes. Make sure to identify the main arguments and supporting evidence presented by the author. Next, you should assess the credibility of the article by evaluating the quality of the research and the credentials of the author. This can include looking at the sources cited in the article and checking the author's qualifications and experience in the field.

Once you have a thorough understanding of the article, you can begin to write your critique. Start by providing a brief summary of the article, including its main points and arguments. Then, you can move on to your evaluation of the article. This can include discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the research, as well as any limitations or biases that may have influenced the results. You can also discuss the relevance of the article and its contribution to the field.

When writing your critique, it is important to be objective and support your points with evidence from the article. Avoid making personal attacks on the author or using biased language. Instead, focus on the content of the article and use specific examples to illustrate your points.

Overall, writing an article critique requires careful reading and analysis, as well as the ability to articulate your thoughts and evaluations clearly and objectively. By critically evaluating an article, you can develop your own understanding of the topic and contribute to the ongoing dialogue in the field.

(PDF) Journal article critique example

article critique example

It involved observation of participants and measuring of outcomes. It is presumed that the companies offering the internet services observe the highest ethical standards by protecting the privacy of the consumer Broadhurst, 2006 ; unfortunately it seems they no longer consider this as their obligations. The practical purpose for EIE strategy is to ensure that in Ontario there is inclusive education, in which there are no biases, barriers, or power dynamics that discourages student learning possibilities. The author has provided a good background of the three companies and it has shown how they came into the agreement. It will give the writing process a boost of energy.


Writing an article CRITIQUE

article critique example

What is an article critique? Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Doctors and other healthcare providers play a vital role in saving human lives. Description: MLA; Social Sciences; The Covid-19 vaccine is rapidly becoming a popular choice around the world, with many companies scrambling to obtain it. . So, you need to provide the background in addition to the purpose of your critiques. Many arguments use all three in varying ratios. This article basically discusses how the Lenovo collaborated with other two companies, Komodia and Superfish Inc.


Article Critique Example, APA Article Critique ✍️

article critique example

The best way is to find an article you like and discuss it with friends or relatives. There could some content or explanations that you could expect a journal article to present, but that was left out. Are the sources used by the author from all over the place? Describe all details you think may help to deliver an argumentative article critique. . . The research problem being addressed is whether public administrators are free from accountability for their decisions and what are the different influences that can affect their decisions. Ethos is an appeal to authority.


Article Critique Example

article critique example

You can always ask our professional essay writers for help. Data collection Were the methods of gathering data appropriate? References Naga, BSHB, Al-atiyyat, NMH, and Kassab, M. An article critique is an assignment that requires a student to critically read a research article and reflect upon it. Is there a good match between the research problem on the one hand and the paradigm, tradition, and methods on the other? Does it seem like some sources are taken from areas that share a cult-like vocabulary? The authors' primary objective is to prove that there is a correlation between goiter development and the kind of food we consume Goyal et al. .


Sample example of Article critique and review

article critique example

The task of every research article author is to convince readers of the correctness of their viewpoint, even if it is skewed. Are there any logical blindspots? Our products include academic papers of varying complexity and other personalized services, along with research materials for assistance purposes only. . This population group is unique and requires its own level of support and guidance that is different from other types of pain management methods, due to the serious nature of cancer and its impact on patient wellbeing Naga et. According to the authors, was to be used to strengthen community research partnership that addresses early determinants of obesity. It is a critical, constructive evaluation of literature in a particular field through summary, classification, analysis, and comparison. Once you are informed about what is expected from your paper, writing a journal article critique becomes easier.


The title is catchy and peaks the interest of the reader. Title of the study is well described and self-explanatory. Resident’s while living in a nursing home are clearly identified as the key phenomenon being investigated. The article title included o age of participants, their experiences of interpersonal relationship factors in nursing home care (Kitto, 2010, p-201).

article critique example

Define Whether the Author Is Following Formal Logic One of the key things to look for when writing an article critique is the presence of any logical fallacies. Analysis After the summary comes the analysis. However, the proper thought, research, and policy guidelines should be formulated to ensure the policies and strategy are inclusive of the potential issues, and have room for expansion. Minichiello, V Sullivan, G Greenwood, K and Axford, R 2004, Handbook of research methods for nursing and health science, 2nd Pearson Education Australia, Australia. These three steps make up most of the prewriting process.


How to Write an Article Review: Full Guide with Examples

article critique example

We prefer emails however. Do not repeat text verbatim or give references in this section. . Article Critique Example Article critique samples and examples are a good opportunity to make the writing process faster and simpler. .


Article Critique Examples: Topics, Outlines, Titles and Samples Online

article critique example

Some changes are adopted faster than others due to varying opinions on the value and effects of the changes. Does it seem like some sources are taken from places that share a cult-like vocabulary? The other key point highlighted in the introduction section is that the number of American Indians suffering from obesity is disproportional to their population. . In addition, the data collection method that was chosen conveys the importance of selecting the appropriate participants and the utilization of interviewers with significant experience in cancer pain management Rustoen et. . An introduction does not present evidence, but by the time of the conclusion, an article has made its arguments and presented textual evidence to make its point.
