As clumsy as a simile. A list of As As Similes: Simple and fun! 2023-01-02

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A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things using the words "like" or "as." It is a way to add color and imagery to language, and can be a powerful tool for evoking emotions and creating vivid mental images.

However, similes can also be clumsy if they are not used effectively. This can happen for a variety of reasons. For example, the comparison may be too obvious or overly familiar, making it feel forced or cliched. Or the comparison may be too vague or obscure, making it hard for the reader to understand the intended meaning.

One way to avoid clumsy similes is to be more specific and unique in your comparisons. Instead of using a simile that has been used countless times before, try to come up with something more original and imaginative. This can help to make the simile feel fresh and meaningful, rather than tired and trite.

Another way to avoid clumsy similes is to make sure that the comparison is clear and relevant to the context. If the comparison is not closely tied to the subject or message of the text, it may feel out of place or confusing. It is also important to consider the tone of the text and choose a simile that is appropriate for the overall mood and style.

In conclusion, similes can be a powerful and effective way to add depth and meaning to language. However, they can also be clumsy if they are not used carefully and thoughtfully. By being more specific and relevant in your comparisons, and considering the context and tone of your writing, you can avoid clumsy similes and enhance the effectiveness of your language.

As young as...

as clumsy as a simile

As graceful as a swan: The dancer was as graceful as a swan. Our earliest evidence for the word from dictionary of cant and slang from 1699, written anonymously by one B. What is any other phrase for awkward state of affairs? It has been in print since the late 18th century, and never achieved widespread use. T as thin as a rake as timid as a rabbit as tough as leather as tough as nails as transparent as glass W as white as snow as wise as an owl as wise as an owl and click here to learn about words and phrases borrowed by English from other languages around the world. The fun and meaningful activities which we can perform outdoors are as boundless as the ocean. Is being clumsy a sign of autism? Some commonplace synonyms of awkward are clumsy, gauche, inept, and maladroit.


What is the simile of as clumsy as?

as clumsy as a simile

ANTONYMS FOR awkward 1 deft, adroit, skillful, dexterous; at hand. As gentle as a lamb: She is as gentle as a lamb. Page was generated in 0. A simile makes an instantaneous comparison C as transparent as day noonday as crafty as a fox as a monkey as clever as paint as curious as fish. As cheap as dirt: Nowadays tomatoes are as cheap as dirt. Even Mussolini, a stumble-bum to the end, died more nobly than his madder crony.


Common similes

as clumsy as a simile

As busy as a bee: I was as busy as a bee the whole of yesterday. We have fun together. How do you employ clumsy in a sentence? Three gracious; polite, well-mannered, well-bred; smooth; polished, subtle. How is he going to dance? What is something clumsy? What is another phrase for awkward state of affairs? Something exhausting to deal with — like an enormous field — is also clumsy. A simile pronounced see-me-lee is a figure of speech used in English to compare one thing to another. As dull as ditchwater: The movie was as dull as ditchwater. However, in this short period of time the word has managed to capture our hearts, and become one of our primarily means of describing the sort of person who has trouble walking and chewing gum without tripping over a kitten.


As... as Similes

as clumsy as a simile

Antonyms: neat, workmanlike, creative, handy, skillful, clever, professional, adroit, dexterous. The term appears to have originated not from an actual bull, but from the title of a song, one of the hot dance tunes circa 1800. How would you describe a clumsy particular person? SYNONYMS FOR clumsy 1 ungraceful, ungainly, lumbering, lubberly. Someone clumsy is a klutz. As light as a feather: Her new gown was as light as a feather. Behaving in a fashion that is socially awkward. Is awkward a synonym for clumsy? He had nothing very ill to say of Rotch; Nodder he called a drunken, bungersome nughead.


List of Similes

as clumsy as a simile

As wet as a fish: When he reached home, he was as wet as a fish. As clumsy as a bear: Peter is as clumsy as a bear. Definition - a clumsy heavy-footed cloddish person Clodhopper possibly was formed as a humorous way of referring to a country rustic, such as a farmer or a person who hops over clods of plowed field. What is the word for socially awkward? As loud as thunder: His yell was as loud as thunder. .



as clumsy as a simile

As alike as two peas: The twins are as alike as two peas. As simple as ABC: Arithmetic is as simple as ABC to me. As noiseless as a shadow: The thief was as noiseless as a shadow. The website is not affiliated with Pearson Education, British Council, IDP Education, or Cambridge Assessment English. As troublesome as a monkey: My nephew is as troublesome as a monkey. As quick as lightning: The blow was as quick as lightning.


5 Words for Clumsy People

as clumsy as a simile

What animal is clumsy? It is also oddly satisfying to say out loud, and so we recommend its use to you for such times as when you need to describe a person or process that is clumsy in some exasperating manner. The Boxing is no longer a despised profession. While Luis is as stubborn as a mule, Veronica is as gentle as a lamb. But there are ways to lend a hand. While most analogies may be straightforward, some require logical reasoning and intelligence to figure out. Synonyms: awkward, inexpert, uncouth, maladroit, botching, bungling, unskillful, unwieldly, unhandy, ill-shaped. As warm as toast: The room as warm as toast, so I put the cooling on.


What is the simile of rough and clumsy?

as clumsy as a simile

C as cheap as dirt as cheerful as a lark as clean as a whistle as clear as a bell as clear as crystal as cold as ice as cool as a cucumber as cunning as a fox D as dead as a doornail as deaf as a post as deep as the ocean as distant as the horizon as dry as a bone as dumb as a statue E as easy as ABC F as faithful as a dog as fast as light as fit as a fiddle as free as a bird as fresh as a daisy G as gentle as a lamb as gloomy as the night as good as gold as graceful as a swan as green as grass H as happy as a lark as hard as nails as helpless as a baby as high as the stars as hungry as a bear as hungry as a wolf I as innocent as a lamb L as large as life as light as a feather as light as air M as mad as a hornet O as old as the hills P as pale as death as plain as day as poor as a church mouse as proud as a peacock as pure as snow Q as quick as a wink as quick as lightning as quick as silver R as red as blood as regular as clockwork S as sharp as a razor as sly as a fox as smooth as silk as solid as a rock as sound as a bell as steady as a rock as straight as an arrow as strong as an ox as stubborn as a mule Question: Tell me about your friends. Is Nonsocial a word? Louis, MO , 2 Jan. He was of Somersetshire. Answer: I have two very close friends: Luis and Veronica. As black as coal: He was as black as coal when he finished working in the garage. Similes derive meaning through analogy by comparing one thing to another. Download PDF Some common similes are given below.


A list of As As Similes: Simple and fun!

as clumsy as a simile

So, people should prioritize real life over virtual life. . . . .


P4 Similes

as clumsy as a simile

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