Can virtue be taught. Can Virtue Be Taught? by Barbara Darling 2022-12-21

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Virtue is often defined as a moral excellence or a goodness of character. It is a quality that is highly valued and admired in individuals, and it is often associated with qualities such as honesty, kindness, compassion, and self-control. There is a common belief that virtue can be taught, and that it is an important aspect of education and personal development. In this essay, we will explore the question of whether virtue can be taught, and consider the different arguments for and against this idea.

One argument in favor of the idea that virtue can be taught is that virtue is not something that is innate or inherent in individuals, but rather something that is learned and developed over time. This view suggests that virtue is not something that people are born with, but rather something that they acquire through their experiences and interactions with others. According to this perspective, virtue is something that can be cultivated and nurtured through education and personal development, and it is something that can be learned and developed by anyone, regardless of their natural abilities or predispositions.

Another argument in favor of the idea that virtue can be taught is that virtue is an important aspect of personal character and well-being. Virtuous individuals are often more likely to lead happy and fulfilling lives, and they are also more likely to be respected and admired by others. As such, it is important for individuals to develop virtuous habits and practices, and this is something that can be achieved through education and personal development.

However, there are also arguments against the idea that virtue can be taught. Some people believe that virtue is something that is inherent in individuals, and that it is not something that can be learned or developed. According to this perspective, people are either virtuous or they are not, and there is little that can be done to change this.

Another argument against the idea that virtue can be taught is that virtue is a subjective concept, and that what is considered virtuous in one culture or society may not be considered virtuous in another. This suggests that there is no universal standard of virtue that can be taught or learned, and that people's ideas about virtue are shaped by their cultural and social context.

Overall, the question of whether virtue can be taught is a complex one, and there are good arguments on both sides. While it is certainly true that virtue is an important aspect of personal character and well-being, and that it can be cultivated and nurtured through education and personal development, it is also true that virtue is a subjective concept that is shaped by cultural and social context. As such, it may be difficult to say definitively whether virtue can be taught or not, but it is clear that virtue is an important aspect of personal development, and that it is something that is worth striving for.

Plato’s Views On Virtue And Whether It Can Be Taught: [Essay Example], 700 words GradesFixer

can virtue be taught

For Aristophanes was right, I believe, in proclaiming in The Clouds and elsewhere that moral virtue is not learnt in schools. This claim prompts Meno to provide Socrates with a definition of virtue. There are occasions when Socrates gives him openings to add his own insight and opinions, but he does not take them. Today we tackle, qualify, and defend the statement:… C. As adults, we still need training in virtue.


Can Virtue Be Taught Aristotle?

can virtue be taught

Just how far the hero-poet Aristophanes believed virtue to be inherited, and how far he took it to be nurtured by family example and tradition, we do not know at this remove. The abstract intellectual virtue of the Parisian coffee-house intellectual, I am suggesting, is a world away from the habitual high old Roman virtue. I hope everyone in the world feels this way. Although Socrates is unable to answer Meno, he posits that no one really knows what virtue is or if it can be taught. Meno gives the idea that many kinds of virtue exist, based on different people, but Socrates counters that there must be a definition of… Socrates Protagoras: What Is Virtue? Aristotle argues that happiness is the ultimate goal of human existence because it is the only thing we do only for itself. Everything we do Protagoras' Answer to How Virtue Can be Taught by a Story About the Creation of Animals by the Gods Protagoras responds to Socrates's challenge how can virtue be taught by telling a story about the creation of the animals by the gods.


Can Virtue Be Taught? by Barbara Darling

can virtue be taught

Initially, it begins with Socrates appearing skeptical as to whether virtue is teachable, but later argues that it can be taught. This Roman experience seems to justify the argument of Aristophanes that virtue cannot be taught in schools. Some people fancy that if only schools would turn their attention systematically and earnestly to this problem, relief soon would follow. What is the highest virtue? All these were habits that grew into virtues. Black people can be twice as good but only receive half the credit versus a Caucasian person putting forth less effort and receiving full credit, which is known as white privilege. He appeared at one time a mere scion of the evil principle and at another as all that can be conceived of noble and godlike. Socrates once again disagrees, contending that telling good and evil apart is no easy feat.


Can Virtue Be Taught? Free Essay Example

can virtue be taught

However, Meno reached the wrong conclusion. So the good life is one in which a person cultivates and exercises their rational faculties by, for instance, engaging in scientific inquiry, philosophical discussion, artistic creation, or legislation. If it is something besides a kind of knowledge, it perceptibly cannot Discussion of Virtue in Meno by Socrates views of Socrates on the query of whether virtue is knowledge and whether virtue may be taught in a number of dialogues, mainly in Meno. Socrates states that Thrasymachus is not a rebel, just a noble conservative to the authority above…. What happens when our students seem to have lost the wonder? The urgent need of the United States of America, near the end of the twentieth century, is for a virtue arising from habit and affection, rather than from ideological preaching. Can virtue be taught? Had it not been for the help of Socrates, the boy might never have known the answer.


Can Virtue Be Taught?

can virtue be taught

There Aristotle argues that virtue is of two kinds: moral, and intellectual. At no time could every family provide such an exemplar; yet time was when emulation within the family amounted to more than it does nowadays. Essay many age old questions still remain unanswered; questions such as: "Can virtue be taught? Once again, perhaps I am foolish or an exceptionally optimistic person however I would hope that no one of sound mind, no matter how horrible they are, ever desires to feel discomfort or be sad. Virtue ethics mainly deals with the honesty and morality of a person. Aristotle defines moral virtue as a disposition to behave in the right manner and as a mean between extremes of deficiency and excess, which are vices. In other words, Coates is arguing that the social injustice acted upon African Americans is causing them to act a certain way, that they were not born that way.


SS #96: Can Virtue Be Taught?

can virtue be taught

But what sort of exemplars? Abstract The politics and pedagogy of schooling are becoming more authoritarian, coercive and utilitarian. It is a hard question to answer since we do not know what the true definition of virtue is. An example or kind of moral excellence: the virtue of patience. Education does direct paths and shape affections and desires, which is important for humans. We do try to teach our children to walk in ways of virtue by teaching them good habits.


Can Virtue Be Taught Essay

can virtue be taught

Through this work I obtained a cursory knowledge of history and a view of the several empires at present existing in the world; it gave me an insight into the manners, governments, and religions of the different nations of the earth. Streng begins the next section with an essay on teaching virtues in different cultures. Socrates also questions Meno on whether or not the means justify the acquiring of good things. My point is this: the recovery of virtue in America depends in great part upon the reinvigoration of family. The experience of the Romans during their republican centuries may serve to delineate the two different kinds of virtue. Then came to Rome the Greek philosophers, with much abstract talk of virtue.


Virtue: Can It Be Taught?

can virtue be taught

What is a good life according to Aristotle? If you always inform the truth then it ends up being a routine therefore making you sincere. . Our experiences and our feelings towards our experiences form our choices and actions therefore turning them into habits that eventually shape our characters. Although he is not particularly keen on answering whether virtue can be taught without first having a complete understanding of what virtue is, he attempts to please Meno by solving this in the way that geometers conduct Can Virtue Be Taught Analysis is virtue? Probably the days of the public schools and the boarding schools generally are numbered in Britain now. Ancestral ways diminished in power; ethical speculation spread. Without such a renewed true virtue, our commonwealth may not endure. Aristotle spends much of his Nicomachean Ethics exploring the topic of virtue, proposing that excellence is the mean between excess and deficiency or defect.


Can Virtue Be Taught?

can virtue be taught

Aristotle was also a teacher and founded his own school in Athens, known as the Lyceum. Next, he provides the animals with different methods of protection from environmental elements and with different sources of food. They form a virtue theory of ethics. There is no soul. Despite his excellent, albeit brief, education, and his self-expressed admiration of virtue and his disgust at human vice, the monster soon after embarks on a vindictive murder-binge aimed not only at destroying human life but seeking to destroy the very will and soul of his creator, Frankenstein. Because of this, in order for man to have virtue in Can Virtue be Taught in Plato's Dialogue Socrates whether virtue can be taught. Yet it will not do to expect priest or minister to fill the vacuum left by the disappearance of family exemplar or mentor.
