Coming up with a research question. (PDF) COMING UP WITH A RESEARCH QUESTION 2022-12-14

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Coming up with a research question is an essential step in the research process. It is the foundation upon which the rest of the research is built, and it helps to guide the direction and focus of the study. A good research question should be specific, feasible, and relevant to the field of study.

One way to come up with a research question is to start by identifying a problem or gap in the existing knowledge. This could be something that you have personally noticed or experienced, or it could be an issue that has been identified by others in your field. Once you have identified a problem, you can then brainstorm potential solutions or approaches to address it. This might involve reviewing the literature to see what has been done before and identifying areas where more research is needed.

Another approach is to build on the work of others by asking a question that expands upon or further investigates a previously studied topic. For example, you might want to look at a particular issue from a different perspective, or you might want to investigate a related question using different methods or data.

It is important to keep in mind that a research question should be narrow and focused. A question that is too broad may be difficult to answer in a single study, and a question that is too narrow may not be of interest to others in your field. It is also important to consider the feasibility of your research question. Will you have access to the resources and data needed to answer your question? Can you realistically complete the research within the time and budget available?

Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose a research question that is meaningful and relevant to your field of study. A good research question should contribute to the body of knowledge in your field and have the potential to make a real impact.

How to Come up with a Research Question

coming up with a research question

A final factor to consider when deciding whether a research question is interesting is whether its answer has important practical implications. A research gap is generally any problem you notice in a scientific article or an academic book : It can be a practical problem, a theoretical problem, a reasoning problem, or something else. What is a research topic examples? In reality, there is no secret or magical thing to do to get to a research question s : What experienced researchers do is reading and instead of heavily relying on creativity, they just look for research gaps in previous researches and try to fill them with their ideas. For example, you might notice that you always seem to be in the slowest moving line at the grocery store. Start with a broad topic. However, psychological research on creativity has shown that it is neither as mysterious nor as magical as it appears. Instead, a research question seeks information on a specific subject.


How to come up with a good research question?

coming up with a research question

Let us see what are some of the most important considerations in choosing a research topic. But you may also want to generate your own research questions. However, not all interesting questions make for sound research questions. One reason is that this is a creative process that can appear mysterious—even magical—with experienced researchers seeming to pull interesting research questions out of thin air. This can be a good strategy because it is likely that the suggested questions have already been identified as interesting and important by experienced researchers. Doing research will allow you to have information about which all topics are already done on a particular area, and what are the potential areas left for you to explore. Using samples, researchers carry out research.


Generating Good Research Questions

coming up with a research question

Here we look at three factors that affect the interestingness of a research question: the answer is in doubt, the answer fills a gap in the research literature, and the answer has important practical implications. One option is to focus on gaps in existing knowledge or recent literature. Obviously, questions that have been answered by scientific research are no longer interesting as the subject of new empirical research. Quantitative research questions Quantitative research questions are precise. In this section, we consider two criteria for evaluating research questions: the interestingness of the question and the feasibility of answering it. Yet coming up with good research questions is something that novice researchers often find difficult and stressful.


Writing Strong Research Questions

coming up with a research question

Although it would be a fairly simple matter to design a study and collect data to answer these questions, you probably would not want to because they are not interesting. One way to do this is to ask yourself the following series of more general questions and write down all the answers you can think of. This article discusses the percentages of what types of physical abuse were observed in the pediatric field. Qualitative Research, 15 2 , 219-234. Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and EvaluatingQuantitative and Qualitative Research, 5th ed. He has worked as a teacher, tutor, and administrator in both public and private schools, and he currently serves as the dean of admissions at a prestigious university.


How to Write a Research Question: Types, Steps, and Examples

coming up with a research question

Creative developments are required that allow interviews to be conducted and analyzed in ways that recognize their situated and coconstructed nature and at the same time are informative on the topic of the research. Researchers also have the option to develop a single mixed-methods research question. If you can think of reasons to expect at least two different answers, then the question might be interesting. Choosing a topic is an ongoing process by which researchers explore, define, and refine their ideas. How accurate are our memories of traumatic events? A final point here is that it is generally good practice to use methods that have already been used successfully by other researchers. Constructing good research questions is not a skill that anyone is born with.


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coming up with a research question

For example, research has shown that women and men speak about the same number of words per day—but this was when talkativeness was measured in terms of the number of words spoken per day among university students in the United States and Mexico. He is generally interested in Discourse Analysis and Applied Linguistics. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, c. When we say clear, it simply means that your question is easily understandable, which means your readers are able to understand the purpose of your research work. It is an essential element for both quantitative and qualitative research.


How Do You Come Up With A Research Topic?

coming up with a research question

He enjoys playing sports and watching movies together. Because Biology is a vast area. We can still ask whether other ways of measuring talkativeness—perhaps the number of different people spoken to each day—produce the same result. Finding Inspiration Research questions often begin as more general research ideas—usually focusing on some behaviour or psychological characteristic: talkativeness, learning, depression, bungee jumping, and so on. Ways of constructing research questions: gap-spotting or problematization? But the fact that a question has not been answered by scientific research does not necessarily make it interesting. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, c.


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coming up with a research question

For one thing, the fact that the question has been studied scientifically and the research published suggests that it is of interest to the scientific community. Research questions, hypotheses, and objectives. Generating Empirically Testable Research Questions Once you have a research idea, you need to use it to generate one or more empirically testable research questions, that is, questions expressed in terms of a single variable or relationship between variables. Unfortunately, not all the topics you are interested in may be that easy to write about. It usually contains paragraphs of text that acknowledge and thank the people who have helped you while you were researching and writing your dissertation. If you can think of reasons to expect only one answer, then it probably is not. In this section, we consider two criteria for evaluating research questions: the interestingness of the question and the feasibility of answering it.
