Compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by gilgamesh and odysseus. Compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by Gilgamesh and Odysseus. 2022-12-25

Compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by gilgamesh and odysseus Rating: 4,8/10 759 reviews

The ancient epics of Gilgamesh and The Odyssey are two of the most well-known and enduring stories in literature. Both tales feature hero journeys that are filled with adventure, danger, and self-discovery. While the two stories have many similarities, there are also many differences in the journeys undertaken by their respective heroes, Gilgamesh and Odysseus.

One of the main similarities between the two stories is that both Gilgamesh and Odysseus are seeking to prove their worth and gain recognition as heroes. Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk, sets out on a quest to find the secret of eternal life after the death of his friend Enkidu. He travels to the ends of the earth, facing many challenges and monsters along the way, in order to achieve his goal. Similarly, Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, embarks on a journey home after the Trojan War, facing many obstacles and challenges as he tries to reunite with his wife and son.

However, there are also many differences in the journeys undertaken by the two heroes. One of the main differences is the motivations for their quests. While Gilgamesh is driven by a desire for personal glory and the search for eternal life, Odysseus is motivated by a desire to return home and reunite with his family. This difference in motivation is reflected in the way that the two heroes approach their quests. Gilgamesh is more focused on achieving his own goals, while Odysseus is more concerned with the well-being of those around him.

Another significant difference between the two stories is the way that the heroes handle the challenges they face. Gilgamesh is often portrayed as a reckless and impulsive hero, who is willing to take risks and charge headfirst into danger. In contrast, Odysseus is depicted as a more calculating and intelligent hero, who uses his wits and cunning to overcome obstacles. This difference in approach is demonstrated in the way that the two heroes interact with the monsters and challenges they encounter on their journeys. Gilgamesh is often shown battling and defeating monsters with brute strength and courage, while Odysseus is more likely to use trickery and deception to overcome his foes.

In addition to these differences, the two heroes also have different relationships with the gods and supernatural beings they encounter on their journeys. Gilgamesh is shown as having a more antagonistic relationship with the gods, often challenging their authority and disobeying their commands. In contrast, Odysseus is depicted as having a more respectful and cooperative relationship with the gods, seeking their help and guidance on his journey.

Overall, while the journeys undertaken by Gilgamesh and Odysseus have many similarities, there are also many differences in the motivations, approaches, and relationships of the two heroes. Both stories are rich and complex, and offer valuable insights into the human experience and the nature of heroism.

The journeys undertaken by Gilgamesh and Odysseus are both filled with adventure, danger, and self-discovery. Both men are legendary heroes in their respective mythologies, and their journeys reflect the values and themes of their cultures. While there are many similarities between the two journeys, there are also several key differences that set them apart.

One major similarity between the journeys of Gilgamesh and Odysseus is that both men set out on quests to prove their worth and achieve greatness. For Gilgamesh, this means embarking on a journey to find the secret of eternal life, which he believes will make him a true hero and immortalize his name. For Odysseus, this means returning home from the Trojan War and reclaiming his kingdom from the suitors who have taken over in his absence. Both men are motivated by a desire for fame and recognition, and their quests serve as a way for them to prove their bravery and skills.

Another similarity between the two journeys is that both men encounter a variety of challenges and obstacles along the way. For Gilgamesh, these include fighting monsters, such as the fierce Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven, and overcoming natural disasters, such as a great flood. For Odysseus, these challenges include being stranded on the island of the Cyclops, enduring the temptations of the sirens, and facing the wrath of the sea god, Poseidon. Both men must rely on their wit, strength, and determination to overcome these obstacles and continue on their journey.

Despite these similarities, there are also several key differences between the journeys of Gilgamesh and Odysseus. One major difference is the purpose of their quests. While Gilgamesh is primarily motivated by a desire for personal glory and immortality, Odysseus's journey is driven by a sense of duty and responsibility to his family and kingdom. He is not seeking personal glory, but rather a sense of closure and resolution after a long and grueling war. This difference reflects the different values of their respective cultures, with Gilgamesh's journey reflecting the more individualistic values of ancient Mesopotamia and Odysseus's journey reflecting the more communal values of ancient Greece.

Another key difference between the two journeys is the role that the gods play in their stories. In the epic of Gilgamesh, the gods are often malevolent and capricious, and they frequently interfere in the affairs of mortals. They are also jealous of Gilgamesh's ambition and try to thwart his quest for eternal life. In contrast, the gods in the Odyssey are more benevolent and supportive of Odysseus's journey. They often intervene to help him, and they grant him special gifts and protections to aid him on his quest. This difference reflects the different relationships that ancient Mesopotamian and Greek cultures had with their gods, with the Mesopotamian gods being more distant and unpredictable, and the Greek gods being more involved in the lives of mortals.

Overall, the journeys of Gilgamesh and Odysseus are both epic tales of adventure, danger, and self-discovery. Both men face a variety of challenges and obstacles on their quests, and both must rely on their wit, strength, and determination to overcome them. However, their journeys also reflect the different values and themes of their respective cultures, with Gilgamesh's journey focusing on personal glory and Odysseus's journey focusing on duty and responsibility.

Compare And Contrast Odysseus And Gilgamesh

compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by gilgamesh and odysseus

At the start of his homeward journey, he tries to protect the men on his twelve ships. When Gilgamesh finally reaches Utnapishtim, he learns immortality is not just a gift from the Gods but something earned. His circuitous journey home following the conclusion of the Trojan War depicts a man who yearns for the stability of his former life in Ithaca and the return to the simple pleasures of family, old age, and death, and his heroism is rooted in his desire to get back home. Yes, Odyseuss did always hang around the gods, but he respected and watched out for his subjects. They both were noble lineage and suffered many misfortunes.


Compare and contrast gilgamesh and odysseus Free Essays

compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by gilgamesh and odysseus

Works Cited Abusch, Tzvi. However, there are differences between the two that can be seen as well. The Epic of Gilgamesh was written 1500 years before Homer wrote the Iliad. Gilgamesh is known because he was a God, described as being beautiful, greedy, vicious and scared of death. Gilgamesh and Odysseus are the heroes of different periods, however, they are similar in their seeking to find the essence of life. Whereas Odysseus wishes to complete his journey and find relief, Ulysses seeks to continue on a never-ending one. Several dreams bring Gilgamesh doubts but with the reassurance from Enkidu, he is able to overcome the distress and defeat the demon Humbaba.


Compare And Contrast Gilgamesh And Odysseus

compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by gilgamesh and odysseus

Both stories are enticing and present a numerous amount of themes, some similar, some different. As a rule, they face serious obstacles and overcome the difficulties with dignity. Both of these men were permitted certain qualities, Gilgamesh had physical, while Odysseus had mental qualities. Enkidu was created by the gods to distract Gilgamesh from abusing his power as a king who indulged in his own appetites. Odysseus is a war hero on his journey home to Ithaca, facing many tests of strength along the way. Despite the divine endowment they possess, the heroes go wrong.


Compare And Contrast Enkiu And Gilgamesh

compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by gilgamesh and odysseus

Gilgamesh is part god, and has mental strength. Parents Laërtes, Anticlea Consort Penelope Children Telemachus, Telegonus Abode Ithaca, Greece Roman equivalent Ulysses Quotes "Much have I suffered, labored long and hard by now in the waves and wars. Thus, the common theme of both the mythical texts presents that attributes of heroism can be attained by anyone provided they are ready to face challenges. Because of his oppression, particularly the issue about him mating with women before they could marry their husbands, the people pleaded the gods to intervene to better their situation under their king. Gilgamesh, tablets 2, 9 By contrast, Odysseus is much more interested in doing his duty. Therefor, I think that Enkidu is the more Heroic character in this story. In particular, Gilgamesh and Achilles were both prideful and full of themselves alike in that matter, but they both were different in affluent power and overwhelming strength, which made them a heroine to fellow humans because of their superhuman abilities, high personal relationships, and great influence over people.


Gilgamesh And Odysseus Comparison

compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by gilgamesh and odysseus

Conclusions The image of a hero is a necessary component of any culture. Both the mythical heroes have shown that everyone has the attribute to take up challenges and learning from experiences. Gilgamesh, tablets 2-4 When Gilgamesh decides to go on the most perilous of his journeys, to seek out Utnapishtim, nothing compels him to go. He was the one to kill his people loved ones and rapes their daughters. He did not always behave as a fair leader. To see someone being honor at, rather than oneself drove Gilgamesh mad.


Gilgamesh and odysseus: different heroic ideals Compare and Contrast Essay Example

compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by gilgamesh and odysseus

If only people were brave enough to take an adventure like Odysseus and Gilgamesh to help them find that purpose, they will find life more enjoyable. The two characters of famous epic stories share many similar features. These characters are not only similar in their own texts, but are alike in their personality. While Gilgamesh is an example of a supernatural force, Odysseus stands out as a better strategist. Gilgamesh retrieves the plant, but does not use it on himself. Gilgamesh as a hero can be disputed because most of his actions, although brave and worthy of recognition, only fed his ego, desires, and power. Katabasis is also adverted to a journey through this world to another plane in this incident the trip to the underworld Launderville.


Gilgamesh and Odysseus Comparison as a Heroes

compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by gilgamesh and odysseus

A firefighter enters a burning building to rescue a young girl trapped on the top floor. Having this into consideration, Enkidu owes life to Gilgamesh, or at least shall be thankful to Gilgamesh for his own existing. The archetypal journey of the hero adheres to a structure that we see repeated in both The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Iliad, and The Odyssey. In this story there is a main character named Gilgamesh and his friend named Enkidu. I will show examples of Odysseus communicating with the gods, and how Gilgamesh Similarities Between Perseus And Odysseus Love, Bravery, or Pride?? Numerous tests create obstacles for both heroes, however, in the case of Gilgamesh, his struggle remains largely with himself. Ender and Odysseus both went to battle, but Ender came home after the war, Odysseus went to battle but he did not go home immediately after.


Compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by Gilgamesh and Odysseus.

compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by gilgamesh and odysseus

He has sexual intercourse with all the virgins of his city even if they are already engaged. Gilgamesh is portrayed as an oppressive hero and a fearless, noble warrior. Gilgamesh was the first one to attack and they ended up in a crazy physical fight, breaking things left and right. He journeys through the wilderness for days encountering strange people. This is the way the world is established, from ancient times. Odysseus resembles an accidental hero. However, Gilgamesh returns to Uruk a changed man.


Compare and contrast Odysseus with Gilgamesh or

compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by gilgamesh and odysseus

Enkidu trusted that Gilgamesh was smart and strong enough, but he was afraid of the journey to get there. In Ramayana, Ravana kidnaped Sita, which created conflict for the story. The Phaecians displayed ideal characteristics of xenia. Gilgamesh, tablet 6 By contrast, Odysseus treats Calypso with sufficient respect that she offers to give him immortality. Compare And Contrast Gilgamesh And Achilles 891 Words 4 Pages As long as a villain exists in a story, there will always be a heroine. Our first glance of Odysseus is when Telemakhos Premium Epic of Gilgamesh Odyssey Gilgamesh vs. Also Compare And Contrast Ender's Game And The Odyssey see them again? Because no one can match his physical strength, Gilgamesh can come and go as he pleases, prevailing against every opponent.


Comparing and Contrasting the Journeys of Odysseus’ and...

compare and contrast the journeys undertaken by gilgamesh and odysseus

The men in these works are often labeled as heroic figures, however, it could be important to point out what does this term actually mean. Enkidu tries to dissuade him, knowing how fierce Humbaba is, but Gilgamesh insists, and eventually they set off together. Dated 2004, retrieved Feb. These men were very different but, at some point very powerful times in their lives and then also had some challenging times. He has even more to achieve, being the son of a world-famous father, and this is a very difficult reputation to live up to. The father suggests the way to trap Enkidu, by using the temple harlot, Shamhat. This the truth is the path to the greater part of his exercises.
