Compare psychodynamic and humanistic theories. Difference between humanistic and psychoanalytical perspective Analysis Essay Example 2022-12-15

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Psychodynamic theory and humanistic theory are two approaches to psychology that have played a significant role in the development of modern psychology. While both theories have contributed valuable insights and have had a lasting impact on the field of psychology, they differ in important ways.

Psychodynamic theory, developed by Sigmund Freud, emphasizes the role of unconscious processes in shaping behavior and personality. According to Freud, the unconscious mind is the repository of all of our repressed thoughts, feelings, and desires, and it plays a significant role in determining our behavior and personality. The psychoanalytic process involves helping individuals become aware of and understand the unconscious conflicts and dynamics that are driving their behavior.

Humanistic theory, on the other hand, emphasizes the inherent goodness and potential for personal growth in all individuals. Developed by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, humanistic theory emphasizes the individual's subjective experience and the importance of self-actualization, or the process of reaching one's full potential. According to humanistic theory, individuals have a natural drive towards self-actualization and self-fulfillment, and the role of the therapist is to provide a supportive and accepting environment in which the individual can explore their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

One key difference between the two theories is their focus. Psychodynamic theory focuses on understanding and resolving unconscious conflicts, while humanistic theory focuses on helping individuals grow and develop their full potential. Another difference is their view of the individual. Psychodynamic theory sees individuals as being driven by unconscious forces and conflicts, while humanistic theory sees individuals as naturally good and capable of growth.

Despite these differences, both psychodynamic theory and humanistic theory have made important contributions to the field of psychology and continue to be influential approaches to understanding and treating mental health issues. Both theories recognize the importance of the therapeutic relationship in facilitating change and personal growth, and both have helped to shed light on the complex and nuanced nature of the human experience. Ultimately, both psychodynamic theory and humanistic theory offer valuable perspectives on the human psyche, and the best approach to understanding and treating mental health issues may often involve combining insights from both theories.

Compare And Contrast Humanistic And Psychodynamic...

compare psychodynamic and humanistic theories

The psychodynamic theory has enabled psychologists to clinically address what occurs in the conscious mind and its impact on behaviour; psychodynamic theory in the form of psychoanalysis has been a central feature in the history of psychiatry as a medical speciality. Her certifications include TESOL Tampa, Florida , Psychiatric Ward Practicum Certification, and Marker of Diploma Courses. The two theories were considered too pessimistic, by virtue of neglecting personal choice and emphasizing on most tragic of emotions Bernstein, 2010. Overcoming this resistance requires additional time and effort by both the analysts and the patients. They are similar in that they both stress free will, look at the individual view of the person, and see the positive potential of humans. Many people rely on friends and family to get that ear Premium Maslow's hierarchy of needs Abraham Maslow Humanistic psychology Psychodynamic Theories PAGE 2 Psychodynamic Theory As a group over the last few weeks we have been dicussing has a group the 3 main theories of counselling and after careful deliberation ive chosen to do my presentation on the psychodynamic theory.


Existential vs. Humanistic Theories: Comparing Two Major Theories in Psychotherapy

compare psychodynamic and humanistic theories

Therefore, while the psychodynamic approach offers a more deterministic approach to the explanation of behaviour, the humanistic approach acknowledges the role of free will. The author also examined several limitations of each perspective, such as the theoretical isolation of humanistic theory and the chaotic vastness of the social cognitive one. . PSYCOANALYTICAL PERSPECTIVE The psychoanalytic approach focuses on the importance of the unconscious mind not the conscious mind. Ego is based on reality principles, ego understands needs and desires and it starts after Id and exist from the age 3 to 6 years old , Superego personality fully developed and starts after the age of 6 and is conscious about what is right and wrong. This appears to indicate the child's lack of coherent coping strategy.


Comparison of Humanistic Perspective and Social Cognitive Perspective

compare psychodynamic and humanistic theories

These perspectives are behavioral, psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive, sociocultural, and biological. It's not that she's evil; it's that society has acted on her, and she reacted. Rather, they replace unhealthy ones with more adaptive and functional systems Bernstein, 2010. The manifestation of such is important to a psychotherapist. Probably every counselor Counseling Theories. The reaction from the other person he called the Transaction Response. In humanistic Psychologists focus on healthy people whereas psychodynamics focus would be troubled people.


Psychodynamic and Humanistic Theories

compare psychodynamic and humanistic theories

Following the phallic phase is a period of latency, in which sexual development comes to a halt finally, in the genital phase, the sexual function is completely organized and the coordination of sexual urge towards pleasure is completed. Unconditional positive regard occurs when individuals, especially parents, demonstrate unconditional love. Psychodynamic perspective is mostly centered on inner conflicts and how such conflicts affect human development. But existential and humanistic psychology views people as whole and complete. Berne also said that each person is made up of three alter ego states: Parent - This is our ingrained voice of authority, Psychodynamic And Humanistic Theories Of Psychology Psychodynamic and Humanistic Personality Theories The study of the human mind is an interesting topic to discuss about, we have many theorists that have come up with many different ideas or theories, in how to evaluate the mind of humans, two main ways to study the mind in psychology are psychodynamic approach and humanistic approach. Humanist normally view mental and personal growth as natural conditions of human life, basically every person possesses a drive toward self actualization and the ultimate fulfillment of ones greatest Cognitive Perspective is a psychological approach that emphasizes mental processes in perception memory, language, problem solving, and behaviors. It is especially interested in the dynamic relations between conscious and unconscious motivation.


Humanistic vs Psychodynamic In Developmental Psychology

compare psychodynamic and humanistic theories

. Throughout this essay, I will endeavour to explain those major differences and you will see that despite these completely different methods of therapy, depending on what the problem maybe, they can both work very effectively in their own way. The Purpose of this article is to compare and contrast two of the more popular theories and one that is still prevalent but no longer as widely accepted. Psychodynamic perspective is mostly centred on inner conflicts and how such conflicts affect human development. In the 1950's Eric Berne began to develop his theories of Transactional Analysis. This shared psychological experience was regarded by Jung as evidence of a collective unconscious.


Difference between humanistic and psychoanalytical perspective Analysis Essay Example

compare psychodynamic and humanistic theories

This makes it possible to be freed from such relationships. Psychoanalysis seeks to explain the complex relationship between the body and the mind and furthers the understanding of the role of emotions in medical illness and health. Psychodynamic approach studies unconscious activities in the mind to elaborate on human thoughts, feelings and behaviour Bernistein, 2013. Or do we learn it? The humanistic theory is based off the idea that disclosure between the helper and client is important in session. . The findings and conclusions obtained may therefore be a false reelection of the reality.


Compare and contrast psychodynamic and humanistic... Free Essays

compare psychodynamic and humanistic theories

He had a close friendship with Freud but it ended due to their differing concepts. Rogers felt that while people are innately driven to be fully functioning, there are obstacles preventing them from achieving this objective. ·Regression: going back to acting as a child. But because of the pressures of society, perhaps Amelia has an affair with a man other than her fiancé. MLA 8 Brown, gene. Learn More The world has been characterized by many psychologists.


Psychodynamic and humanistic

compare psychodynamic and humanistic theories

There are two widely known ideas about the cause of violent behavior; biological and social. Melanie Klein had a significant impact on child psychology and contemporary psychoanalysis. Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow are the greatest human theorists Capuzzi, 2004. The Purpose of this article is to compare and contrast two of the more popular theories and one that is still prevalent but no longer as widely accepted. Researching these different kinds of perspectives will allow me to understand the perspective better and how they work. The other Theory will be Humanist Psychology. Humanistic theories are concerned with the basic goodness of human beings.


Similarities between humanistic and psychodynamic theories Free Essays

compare psychodynamic and humanistic theories

Nazir Qaiser adds in his A Critque of Western Psychology…. The latter minimizes any pain suffered. Carl Rogers, born in 1902, was the originator of the Person Centred Approach or Humanistic Theory. Learn More Self-determination and influences of unconscious and the society are considered. His work was influenced by his experience of being a client and a counsellor Casemore, 2006 and he believed a trusting relationship was essential in helping the client to grow and develop in order that they could cope with difficulties in a more effective manner and to function more effectively. Maslow believed that people have variety of needs at different circumstances and the needs change when circumstances change and which need satisfying at different times. It does not look at Amelia, for example, and say that her problems are because she's a weak, incomplete person.
