Comparison and contrast pattern of development. 8.7: Patterns of Organization and Methods of Development 2022-12-12

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The Widow of Ephesus is a story that has been told for centuries and has been referenced in literature, art, and film. It is a tale of love, loyalty, and devotion, and it highlights the enduring power of these emotions in the face of great adversity.

The story is set in ancient Ephesus, a city in modern-day Turkey, and it centers around a woman who has lost her husband. Despite her grief, the widow remains devoted to her husband's memory and refuses to remarry or move on with her life. Instead, she chooses to spend her days tending to her husband's grave and mourning his loss.

As the years pass, the widow's dedication to her husband's memory becomes legendary, and she becomes known as the Widow of Ephesus. People from all over the city come to visit her and pay their respects, and she becomes a symbol of love and devotion.

Despite the hardships she faces, the Widow of Ephesus remains steadfast in her love and loyalty to her husband. She refuses to give up on her commitment to him, even in death, and her story serves as an inspiration to all who hear it.

In the end, the Widow of Ephesus becomes a symbol of the enduring power of love and devotion, and her story serves as a reminder of the importance of holding on to the things that matter most in life. So, the story of the Widow of Ephesus is a heartwarming tale of love and devotion that has stood the test of time and continues to be told and celebrated to this day.

8.7: Patterns of Organization and Methods of Development

comparison and contrast pattern of development

Narration describes what, when, and where something happened. To retain more of what you read, create a two-column chart with differences in conversational style on the left and reasons for these differences on the right. Later the ribs were basted with the same sauce and grilled Campa 278. When the solution is stated at the end of the paper, the pattern is sometimes called the delayed proposal. Paragraph 6: In Texas and the Southwest United States, barbecued pork ribs are often prepared in barbecue cook-offs, similar to chili-cooking competitions. Items bulleted here are attached to the associated numbered items by lines. Goleman reported on the brain and behavioral sciences for The New York Times for many years and was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for his efforts to bring psychology to the public.


Chapter 10

comparison and contrast pattern of development

You may use current online sources to document the changes you observed. Southwesterners, often of European descent, adopted the tortilla but often prepared it with wheat flour, which was easily available to them. A chronological or narrative method of development might help you find a way to add both interest and content to your essay. Like what are the dry and liquid ingredients? Downward arrows connect the bulleted items. Items bulleted here are attached to the associated numbered items by lines.


Patterns of Development Overview

comparison and contrast pattern of development

Choose subjects to compare or contrast that your readers might find surprising or enlightening. Some essays use a combination of patterns to communicate their ideas, but usually a primary pattern is established to present the overall structure and logical flow of the essay. Tone How does the real-life example in paragraph 1 affect the essay, especially its tone? Audience and Purpose Identify the purpose of and intended audience for the essay. She was shocked and angered when her daughter was diagnosed with asthma caused by air pollution. Responding to the Reading 1. Provided by: Lumen Learning.


Pattern of Development: Comparison and Contrast You are a film critic. You are to write a comparative

comparison and contrast pattern of development

Without these shared elements, there would be no basis for analysis and nothing of importance to discuss. That is, they will read it starting in paragraph one and then two, then three, four, five, six
etc. To develop a comparison and contrast essay, the writer examines two subjects using points of comparison — characteristics relating to the basis of comparison. In either case, you can look to these common methods of development to find ways to sharpen those vague topics or to add support where needed. Evidence for these different stances is very strong in the scientific literature. Have you included all significant points of comparison? Maybe try Eazee Finance? Body: Points of comparison or contrast Bullet Layout: House A and House B Bullet Size:House A and House B Bullet Building materials:House A and House B Bullet Landscaping: House A and House B.


Comparison and contrast

comparison and contrast pattern of development

How would you rewrite their sentences? Would more or different details have made the comparison or contrast more convincing? Explain organizational methods used when comparing and contrasting. Protagonist: Former boxer now a discontented dockworker, conflicted, loves yet is disappointed in older brother, emotionally restrained. In Mexico, by contrast, fresh fruits and vegetables such as avocados and tomatoes were widely available and did not need to be dried or stored. Audience How much do I tell my audience? For more on locating and documenting sources, see Part 5. Write a memo evaluating two periodicals and recommending which one the company should use to run its advertisements. To Persuade Your Reader 5.


Comparison and Contrast

comparison and contrast pattern of development

PREWRITING 1 Select an essay topic from the list above, or create one of your own. While reading, notice how the author uses both words and visuals to explore differences in the life experiences of the two characters. Definition explains what something is in comparison to other members of its class, along with any limitations. The first two articles favor reducing or overcoming income inequality, and the third supports an opposing view. The film is packed with not just drama and romance, but action, comedy, and hit musical numbers. Does it identify the subjects being compared; indicate whether you will compare, contrast, or both; and state your main point? Such likenesses allow the reader to perceive the object more precisely.


Chapter 7

comparison and contrast pattern of development

Parker and Sue Grafton are popular because readers are fascinated by the intrigues of witty, independent private detectives. Narration also underlies folk and fairy tales, radio, television and news programs. In southwestern cooking, corn is often used for leavened corn bread, which is made with corn flour rather than cornmeal and can be flavored with jalapeños or back bacon. What Are the Characteristics of Comparison and Contrast Essays? Using that list as a springboard, work independently to compose a one-paragraph letter to an advice columnist describing a conflict that has arisen between a man and a woman. You probably organized your paragraph in one of two ways: 1.



comparison and contrast pattern of development

If these are unclear or ineffective, offer suggestions for improvement. The Guided Writing Assignment in this chapter can walk you through the process of writing an illustration essay; for help with evaluating sources, see Chapter 21; for help choosing and synthesizing ideas from sources, see Chapter 22; for help with documenting sources, see Chapter 23. Material arranged chronologically is explained as it occurs in time. After all, a pocket is only as good as what you can fit in it. Two pieces of equipment 4.


Patterns of Development in Writing

comparison and contrast pattern of development

You can emphasize the words problem and solution to signal these sections of your paper for your reader. Two means of communication emails, telephone calls, video chats, letters, texts 3. Do not leave it to your audience to figure out why you have included the comparison. There was no telling when he would get home from work, but, when he did, he expected the food to be ready—steaming hot. Whose words are conveyed in the three kinds of speech text—the text in the orange boxes, the white speech bubbles, and the white cloud or thought bubbles? In Mexican cooking, beef may be combined with vegetables and spices and rolled into a fajita or served ground in a taco.


comparison and contrast pattern of development

The essay continues from the previous page as follows. Climactic moments, such as the murder of Hari the Joey Doyle character , are shot from multiple angles, all edited together with emphatic music. Working Together Form a small group of three or four students. Use point-by-point or subject-by-subject organization, even though the comparison or contrast is part of a larger essay. Regional cuisines in such areas of the Southwest as New Mexico, Southern California, and Arizona feature elements of both traditions; chimichangas—deep-fried burritos—actually originated in Arizona Jamison and Jamison 11.
