Demerits of population. 12 Main Consequences of Population Growth 2023-01-03

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The increasing population of the world is a cause for concern for many people. While a growing population can bring economic and social benefits, it also has its drawbacks. Here are some of the main demerits of population growth:

  1. Environmental impact: A growing population puts pressure on natural resources such as water, land, and food. It also leads to increased pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change.

  2. Limited resources: As the population increases, there is less available land and natural resources to go around. This can lead to resource scarcity and competition for resources, which can lead to conflict.

  3. Overcrowding: A growing population can lead to overcrowding in cities and urban areas, which can lead to problems such as traffic congestion, housing shortages, and a lack of public services.

  4. Social issues: A growing population can also lead to social issues such as unemployment, poverty, and crime. These issues can be exacerbated if the population growth is not accompanied by economic development and job creation.

  5. Health risks: A growing population can also lead to health risks, particularly in areas with poor sanitation and inadequate healthcare infrastructure. This can lead to the spread of diseases such as malaria, cholera, and Ebola.

In conclusion, while population growth can bring economic and social benefits, it also has its drawbacks. It is important for governments and policy makers to consider the negative impacts of population growth and work to address them through sustainable development and resource management.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of a Large Population

demerits of population

It is also possible that some persons in the age group 15-59 years may not be engaged in any work. Excessive deforestation and overgrazing by the growing population has led to land degradation. The estimates of the Planning Commission reveal that the total unemployment in all the three categories were 65 million at the end of the Eighth Plan. In determining this study, they look at dense and sparse populations and determine the advantages and disadvantages of this two populations. Large- scale mining has caused mineral wealth famine. Besides all this, the increasing population growth leads to the migration of large number to urban areas with industrialization.


14 Major Negative Effects of Population Explosion

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The factors that conspire to poverty levels high and rising, the broad causes of poverty that can affect economic growth in the Philippines are 1 weak macroeconomic management, 2 employment issues, 3 high population growth, What are the advantages and disadvantages of a large population? However, each person's efforts may merge into something amazing depending on their distinct abilities and talents. Another factor is the low expectancy of life in underdeveloped countries. Resources, however, are in infinite quantity; thus, this is an issue because if a large number of people utilize them, they'll run out and become scarce, resulting in poverty. There is less room for variation when populations are small. Poor education; With the occurrence of massive populations in given regions, it becomes very hard to cater for the standard teacher-to-pupil ratio that ensures that the student will receive the best quality of education required. I mean, first of all, look, the U. At the beginning of the First Plan there were 3.


12 Main Consequences of Population Growth

demerits of population

As long as it can produce enough of an item or service to satisfy demand, a company that sells it will experience great success. Disadvantages Of Overpopulation Overpopulation refers to the condition whereby the number of living persons in a given region exceeds the capacity of the given region or state to satisfactorily cater for the needs of the occupants. This forces the people to find means by which to proficiently cater for the need for food. This is especially seen in dense Western cities like NewYork and cities in Africa like Lagos. There is little or no congestion in areas with low population: Congestion simply means the gathering of things into a heap or mass. The economy can profit from a larger skill pool, economies of scale, and increased specialization as the population grows.


Disadvantages Of Overpopulation, Essay Sample

demerits of population

ADVERTISEMENTS: This article throws light upon the twelve main consequences of population growth. The factors affecting per capita income in relation to population growth equally apply to the standard of living. Recommended: Traffic congestion can be caused by various reasons: A. Population expansion needs more resources. All of this can lead to increased per capita income, as witnessed in major industrialized economies.


How serious is our declining population growth problem?

demerits of population

More employees are necessary throughout this procedure; thus, they can be needed today even if they weren't previously required for certain talents. Environmental Degradation: Rising population is a major source of environmental degradation in India. Rapid population growth in emerging countries reduces the quantity of capital accessible per person, which lowers the workforce's productivity. The number of jobless men and women has risen alarmingly as a result of rapid population expansion. This has emerged as a major cause of deaths from diseases that are in one way or the other associated with organic wastes. Philippines is fairly rich in natural resources, has a big and literate population , and operates a substantial light industrial base , many of the downturns of the Philippine economy have resulted from domestic problems.


What are the advantages/disadvantages of a high population density?

demerits of population

Inadequate facilities or lack of facilities and d. If we assume 50 years as the average life expectancy in an underdeveloped country, the labour force is in effect the number of people in the age group of 15-50 years. This is the reason why. Second, rapid population growth encourages international migration. Besides, rapid growth in the labour force increases both open unemployment and under-employment in urban and rural areas.


What are the Demerits of Over Population?

demerits of population

Burden of Unproductive Consumers 5. Their income, as a consequence, is reduced and their capacity to save is diminished which, in turn, adversely affects capital formation. However, his catastrophic forecasts did not come true because he did not realize that land, labor, and capital productivity could all rise more than proportionally. This tends to raise the level of unemployment manifold as compared with the actual increase in labour force. Population affects the environment through the use of natural resources and production of wastes. Agricultural Development: In UDCs, people mostly live in rural areas.


Advantages and disadvantages of using population and samples for statistics

demerits of population

Reduction in exports and increase in imports lead to deterioration in the balance of payments position of the country. Low paid wages for work. As a result, their income is lowered, and their ability to save is reduced, which has a negative impact on capital creation. Despite all their efforts for raising agricultural production, they are not able to feed their growing population. A large percentage of children in the labour force is a heavy burden on the economy. The consequences are: 1.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of population growth?

demerits of population

There is little or no economic growth in low density areas: There are various ways that an increase in population will lead to increased economic growth: a. Imagine the overcrowding and civil unrest that could occur, if this were the case. Unproductive consumers are those who are not employed but they do consume. The advantages and disadvantages of how big or small the population should be for a country are fully explained in this article. Burden on Public Utility Services: Rapid increase in population puts a heavy burden on social infrastructure like health care, education, housing both rural and urban , water supply, sanitation, power, roads, railways, etc.
