Describe a friend whom you admire very much. Describe someone older than you, whom you admire IELTS Cue Card 2022-12-08

Describe a friend whom you admire very much Rating: 5,8/10 1254 reviews

I have many friends who I admire and respect, but there is one friend in particular who stands out to me as someone whom I admire very much. Her name is Sarah and she has been a close friend of mine for many years.

Sarah is one of the most kind, compassionate, and understanding people I know. She is always there to listen and offer support and advice, no matter what I am going through. She is a true friend in every sense of the word.

One of the things I admire most about Sarah is her ability to stay positive and optimistic, even in the face of challenges and adversity. She has faced many difficult situations in her life, including the loss of a loved one and financial struggles, but she always manages to maintain a positive attitude and find the silver lining in any situation. This is something that I really admire about her, as it is not always easy to stay positive, especially when life gets tough.

Sarah is also extremely hardworking and driven. She has always been very career-oriented, and she has worked hard to build a successful career for herself. She is a role model to me in this sense, as she always strives to improve and achieve her goals, no matter what obstacles she may face.

Another thing I admire about Sarah is her ability to put others before herself. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, whether it be through volunteering her time or simply offering a listening ear. She has a big heart and a genuine desire to make a positive impact on the world, and this is something that truly sets her apart.

In conclusion, Sarah is a friend whom I admire very much. She is kind, compassionate, optimistic, hardworking, and selfless, and she is a role model to me in many ways. I am grateful to have her as a friend, and I know that she will always be there for me when I need her.

describe someone "who or whom" you admire

describe a friend whom you admire very much

He has a vast experience as he travelled in various parts of the world. He is a great man so far I have ever met in every term. And our families have tired their bests to prevent us from such trips. In several occasions, John fought for me and I was happy for having such a great brother in my life. He loves teaching and also inspires his students to learn.


Describe someone older than you, whom you admire IELTS Cue Card

describe a friend whom you admire very much

Besides, both of us has a common goal. But gradually I started realising that he is a man of skill and special qualities. As a result, the complex issues are made simpler with discussion and participation of the students. We have crossed about 12 years of bond together. Some cue-cards you may like : Introduction: Everyone admires creativity and creative people. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


Describe someone older than you whom you admire

describe a friend whom you admire very much

Nowadays I have comparatively fewer friends, but they are very close to me. Now, looking back, I know my instinct was somehow right. To those who always use "who", whether they are Britons or Americans, the use of "whom" often sounds stilted and unnatural. IELTS Cue Card Question 154 with Model Answer: Describe your best friend. So, for this topic, I would like to talk about how this important quality makes our friendship stronger, and how its absence can ruin it all.


Describe a person you admire

describe a friend whom you admire very much

Everyone in our family says that she has got magic in her hands. Kelly is a very kind person. Sample Answer 2: This is an interesting topic and I thank you for the opportunity to talk about someone older than me whom I admire. When I was admitted to the local school, I met with the local students and all of them accepted me cordially. Everyone loves him for his kindness and selfless support to anything. Mr Chekhov is an extrovert in nature.


Describe someone you admire who is much older than you

describe a friend whom you admire very much

John is an architect and he has been working in a large design and development company for more than 3 years. I think I am getting older, so it is easier to understand what she sings. Thank you again for asking such a nice question. Elizabeth Cooper is my best friend. She has never absent any classes. I met her first at my university here in Austria.


Describe a person you admire the most

describe a friend whom you admire very much

Bài mẫu Describe a person you admire Thẻ bài mẫu: Describe a person you admire. It is these positive thoughts and attitude of a person that motivate him to achieve and accomplish all sorts of things in life. He behaves gently with his students and really loves to teach. On the contrary, friends are important to make our life meaningful and truly happy. One of them is Ms. Even a stranger can feel the warmth of her heart within only a short time. He is able to socialize with everyone and never behaves rudely with anyone.


Describe a person you admire

describe a friend whom you admire very much

I guess we have a natural tendency of reacting depending on someone's attitude towards us. Every evening we move for shopping but we do not buy all the times. He is a businessman and shifted in this coastal city with the aim to enlarge his business. He never follows the conventional modes of teaching rather he has his own distinctive style. She is my best friend because she has a very caring attitude.


Describe your best friend

describe a friend whom you admire very much

His family also shifted there a few months ago. I admire him for many reasons. Once she gifted me a suit embroidered by her. All of the family members are well aware of our activities and love us unconditionally. He is now a retired government official and served as a diplomat in different countries in his early life. Back then, as a student, I found her lyrics complicated to comprehend. John Marsden has written this novel in the first Premium Character Describe a Person You Admire or Who Has Influenced You a Great Deal 5a.


Describe someone older than you, whom you admire IELTS cue card

describe a friend whom you admire very much

We have developed some common interests so far. We do a lot of things together. Although in the beginning, I failed to manage time to spend with my uncle, I managed it later when the exams were over. Part Three - Details Discussion: Q. We read about them, watch them and admire them in the fantasy world — but I know a real-life superhuman. She is 25 years old and is not very tall, but looks very beautiful. He is a good-mannered and a punctual person and he has tried to instil so many moralities and good habits in me that only a good mentor would do.


Describe a friend whom you admire so much Free Essays

describe a friend whom you admire very much

She is not afraid of telling the truth and even the governing body also cares here for her outspoken nature. In his personal life, this well-behaved man is very simple. She makes hand knitted sweaters, which look better than readymade ones. The first and the most important thing is that we love to read books. She is a kind-hearted lady who always lends a helping hand to anyone in need. I also discovered some other qualities of Lara that attracted me most. In his career, he was a reputed journalist in his days.
