Descriptive essay about a photograph. Describe the Picture Free Essay Example 2022-12-19

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A photograph can capture a moment in time, preserving it for posterity and allowing us to revisit it long after it has passed. It can also be used to convey a message or tell a story, evoking emotions and sparking memories. A descriptive essay about a photograph can help to bring it to life, providing context and exploring its significance.

The photograph that I have chosen to describe is one that was taken during a family vacation to the beach. It shows my siblings and I standing on the sandy shore, the crystal clear water of the ocean stretching out behind us. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the scene and highlighting the golden tones in our hair.

As I look at this photograph, I am immediately transported back to that moment on the beach. I can feel the cool ocean breeze against my skin and hear the gentle crash of the waves against the shore. I remember the excitement of being on vacation and the sense of freedom that came with being away from home.

But this photograph also holds a deeper significance for me. It captures a moment of pure joy and happiness, a moment when my siblings and I were all together and everything felt right with the world. It is a reminder of the close bond that we share and the memories that we have made over the years.

Looking at this photograph, I am struck by the way it captures the beauty of nature. The sunset casts a warm, orange hue over the sky, and the ocean appears to stretch on forever. The sand beneath our feet is soft and golden, and the waves seem to dance and sparkle in the fading light.

Overall, this photograph is a beautiful and poignant reminder of a special moment in my life. It captures the joy and happiness of a family vacation and serves as a testament to the love and bond that exists between my siblings and I. It is a photograph that I will always treasure and look back on with fondness.

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The picture was selected because of its natural sincerity having no elements of artificial or manipulation presentation. Landscape imagery covers a number of objects of nature, such as trees, fields, and a river. Learn More The photograph shows a woman taking a photo. I have lost count how many times I have actually come to campus before classes even began. The Essay On Early 1900s Technology 661 Words 3 Pages Nearly every time our family eats in Cracker Barrel, we get a laugh about some of the old photographs hanging on the wall. In those early days, only simple box-cameras were available to take simple black and white pictures.


Rhein II: Descriptive Essay Sample

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If she had worn some warm cloths, it would have been suggested otherwise. Therefore the viewer of this photo can only pay attention to the main object, that is, the young woman. The soccer ball means lot because with the game of soccer my whole family would come and watch. There is also similarity principle because three cameras being used by the young lady appear to be similar. You can take notes about prominent objects in the foreground, the details of the setting, the shades of color represented and the emotions evoked by the photo. So, when my friend invited me to a gallery exhibition by Jack Long last week, whom I had never heard of before, I was quite enthusiastic about it.


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Yes, I fall asleep when watching my grandmothers ' wedding videos. Humans are full of love and sometimes it takes another person to bring it out in another. I could not look away from this magnificent picture with which I instantly fell in love, so I just had to purchase it. First comes the grayish-blue sky; after it, there is a narrow stripe of a farther shore, the river Rhine, and a green piece of a closer shore of the river, divided into two by the grey stripe of the asphalt track. Practicing by myself increased my stamina, durability, and has boosted my self-esteem. From a certain distance, the photo might look like a painting of an abstractionist artist, something that perhaps Malevich or Rothko would paint; however, as you take a closer look, you can notice that the stripes are actually a sky, a river, grass, and asphalt. Pictures of other planets and celestial objects are always wonderful to look at.


Descriptive Essay Example: The Photo

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The person being photographed must have been stationary and that gives a vivid reason as to why the lady chose that posture. Personal Ethnographic Analysis 766 Words 4 Pages This camera stands for the fascination of photography that i had. In the first photograph of the girl I took staring right at the camera, she was a total stranger to me and I just photographed her as she was walking through the trees at a park. Even though I missed some details and I knew nothing …show more content… I started to study any and everything I could about photography and how to take some great photos. Although America suffered greatly from the attacks, it has demonstrated its resilience through the process of recovery.


Describe the Picture Free Essay Example

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When open gyms started, I impressed everyone. For example, if you were writing your essay about Thomas Franklin's photograph of firefighters raising the American flag at the World Trade Center site of the attacks of September 11, 2001, you might note the expressions on the men's faces, the prominence of the flag and how its colors contrast with the dirt and rubble. I had one of those Kodak cameras then, the one that came with its own printer. Now you have the basics of why an image is powerful set them all out in a logical order in an outline. The general perception created in this photo is that of invitation to a photo shoot. He started of a painter and then as his work progressed he decided to try out photography. I remember reading about this guy named Moose.


Photograph Description: Nature

descriptive essay about a photograph

My well designed living room brings in me a gush of positive energy and vibrant moods. It shows how humans interact with each other, their environment, and beliefs and values. It is an innate instinct for me to be walking around and see a perfectly composed scene to photograph. In addition, X-rays can be used in treatment of certain diseases. Strangers interacting without words, but just facial expressions and looks can say a lot about how we behave towards one another.


Photo Descriptive Essay

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Honors English 9 11 May 2009 Why is Photography Art? On a beautiful sunny day during the summer I can remember sitting at the lake snapping away at the sky and trees. Lighting in this photo provides a rough estimate of distance between her and the background. Pictures and snapshots of important events, wonderful times and places or memories to be precise, are all recorded in photographs. The photograph is named When looking at the photo, a spectator sees six stripes of grayish blue, green, and grey. In the next photograph of the man holding his camera, he was there actually photographing the girl in the previous photo in the park. Barrows was a key influence in the Brazilian art and design movement.


The Photograph Description and Criticism

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The representational style of the photo was strictly followed through its objects, tones, and themes reflected by the author. This ties into the next photograph taken in Coral Gables of a couple showing affection towards one another. This is made evident by the bright light outside the building. Time Photo Descriptive Essay The sweeping vista stretches out before me, offering a delightful study in contrasts, mountain, lake, sky, and desert, a feast for the eyes and soul. This may be particularly true because color may take away the focus on the man who jumped off the place, which is the focal point of the picture, but may focus on the other elements in the same picture. X-ray photography is now a common thing in hospitals. He was so knowledgeable about the world of photography, but it was overwhelming.


Descriptive Essay About Pictures

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When I was looking for a picture from the Jewish Holocaust website, I wanted to find something that connected or reminded me of my own family. Some buildings demonstrated in the photo are considered to be the identifications of harmony between human beings and the environment. The ones on the top row are, from left to right, Brad, Matt, Kayla, Charlie, Jenny, I made the decision to come to Baylor early in 1999 while my I had no idea the party was going to happen. I always bring my camera with me whenever I go and if I go venturing around with my friends. This piece shows the bad natured ways of human and the evil of Street Photography Essay Photographs of the street are as photography itself is old.


Splash Photography: Free Descriptive Essay Samples and Examples

descriptive essay about a photograph

The first essay is a long essay on the Photography of 400-500 words. The dimension of the objects stresses the distance of making the photo; the image illustrates the view on the horizon through living fields and forests. We are all trying to take the next step into moving on after high school. Similarly, through our high school careers we have many episodes that change our life and our perspective we have towards it. To me, modern art is too much about the hidden, and too little about the visible sense behind a painting.
