Euthanasia should not be legalized essay. Why Euthanasia Should Not Be Legal Essay: Pros and Cons: Free Essay Example, 944 words 2022-12-29

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Euthanasia, also known as assisted suicide, is the act of intentionally ending a person's life in order to relieve suffering. The issue of whether or not euthanasia should be legalized has been a highly controversial and divisive topic for many years. While some argue that it is a compassionate and humane option for those who are suffering from terminal illness or unbearable pain, others believe that it should not be legalized due to the potential for abuse and the ethical implications of intentionally ending a person's life.

One major reason why euthanasia should not be legalized is the potential for abuse. If euthanasia were to be legalized, it could be difficult to prevent people from being coerced or pressured into choosing it, especially if they are vulnerable or in a difficult financial or emotional situation. For example, family members or caregivers may feel that they would be better off if the person they are caring for were to die, and they could potentially influence the person's decision to undergo euthanasia. There is also the risk that people with disabilities or mental illnesses could be viewed as a burden on society and could be encouraged or even forced to choose euthanasia.

Another issue with legalized euthanasia is that it could have a negative impact on the overall quality of medical care. If euthanasia were to be made legal, there could be a temptation to prioritize it over other forms of treatment, such as palliative care or hospice care, which focus on relieving suffering rather than ending life. This could lead to a situation in which people who are suffering are not given the opportunity to explore all of their options and are instead pushed towards euthanasia as a quick fix.

Furthermore, the act of intentionally ending a person's life goes against the fundamental principle of the sanctity of human life. Many people believe that human life is a precious gift and that it should be protected and valued, regardless of the person's physical or mental state. Legalizing euthanasia could lead to a society in which the value of human life is diminished, and people may be more likely to view death as a solution to suffering or other problems.

In conclusion, euthanasia should not be legalized due to the potential for abuse, the negative impact it could have on the quality of medical care, and the ethical implications of intentionally ending a person's life. While it is important to address the suffering of those who are terminally ill or in unbearable pain, there are other ways to do so that do not involve ending a person's life. Palliative care and hospice care are examples of alternatives that focus on relieving suffering rather than ending life.

Atticus Finch, the protagonist of Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," is a single father raising two young children, Jem and Scout, in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama. Atticus is a lawyer and a deeply moral man who is highly respected in his community. He is also an exceptional parent, with a distinct parenting style that is centered on empathy, understanding, and respect.

One of the most notable aspects of Atticus's parenting style is his emphasis on empathy. He consistently encourages his children to try to see things from others' perspectives and to understand their feelings. For example, when Scout is frustrated with her teacher and classmate, Miss Caroline, Atticus advises her to try to understand why Miss Caroline is behaving the way she is. He also encourages Jem and Scout to visit with their reclusive neighbor, Boo Radley, and to try to understand why he might be afraid to leave his house.

In addition to emphasizing empathy, Atticus also focuses on understanding and education. He encourages his children to think critically and to question the world around them. He frequently engages them in discussions about the news, history, and current events, and encourages them to form their own opinions. Atticus is also a strong believer in the value of education, and he encourages his children to do their best in school and to learn as much as they can.

Another important aspect of Atticus's parenting style is his emphasis on respect. He teaches his children to respect others, regardless of their race, social status, or background. He also models this behavior himself, treating everyone he encounters with kindness and respect. Atticus is especially concerned with teaching his children to respect the law and the justice system, and he works to instill these values in them through his own actions and words.

Overall, Atticus's parenting style is centered on empathy, understanding, and respect. He encourages his children to think critically and to try to understand others' perspectives, and he models these values himself through his own behavior. His approach to parenting has a profound impact on his children, helping them to become kind, compassionate, and fair-minded individuals.

Essay Euthanasia Should Not Be Legalized

euthanasia should not be legalized essay

There are two views on Euthanasia. It implies that euthanasia is the better option compared to continuation of the patient discomfort. Introduction The process legalizing euthanasia in order to end suffering painlessly has been termed as one of the heated debates globally. Kantian Ethics: A Support for Euthanasia with Extreme Dementia. However, this effects medical practice and research as previously medical professionals discovered cures for different illnesses when working on terminally ill people, therefore, some believe that euthanasia can undermine medical research.


Euthanasia Should Not Be Legalized Philosophy Essay

euthanasia should not be legalized essay

According to most religions, all human life is sacred, and is worth protecting. . This research aims to review both sides of the issue to affirm why euthanasia is unethical and against the value of human life. Errors in prognosis, especially for cancer, are common, and allowing physician-assisted suicide or physician-assisted death would end a life that would have been saved. As the symptoms which prompt the request for euthanasia can be almost always managed with therapies currently available, our highest priority must be to ensure that top quality terminal care is readily available. A huge number of countries in the World are against …show more content… There would be some cases when doctors will take into consideration the financial situation of the patient while deciding whether to apply euthanasia or not.


Euthanasia Should Be Legalized in the United States

euthanasia should not be legalized essay

The process of terminating a person for the benefit of the majority is ethical based on the fact that death is part of life. Finally, when people are in pain, they tend to make irrational decisions because they want instant relief. During their deliberations they took submissions from a variety of persons and parties. . Rights need protection, but must be balanced against responsibilities and restrictions if we are to be truly free.


Should Euthanasia be legalized? Essay Example [884 Words]

euthanasia should not be legalized essay

Letting doctors administer lethal drugs could support violence, not only does this change the dynamic of patient and doctor relationship but how other view the disabled including those with other manageable health conditions. Not all make full use of this opportunity, but those involved in hospice work often observe a mending of family relationships and rediscovery of mutual love and responsibility that may not have been evident for years. They include passive, active, voluntary, and involuntary. The reason euthanasia is seen as king to some people, is because euthanasia is putting an end to a persons suffering. For them, people possess the personal freedom to do as they please with their lives, such as when under the anathema of a debilitating illness. Additionally, a government usually needs to allocate funds to look after the dying patients.


Euthanasia Should Not Be Legalized

euthanasia should not be legalized essay

The government should consider legalizing the practices because of the following reason. In addition, mercy killing might only lead to other unexpected disadvantages e. However, before delivering my final statement about this polemical matter, let me proceed with those who are against the legalization of mercy killing. . People becomes indifferent to the elderly and " the right to death " will probably become "the duty to death". Euthanasia is of two types that is Active Euthanasia and Passive Euthanasia.


Euthanasia Should Not Be Legal

euthanasia should not be legalized essay

This essay also finds that legalizing the procedure is a bad precedent and can become a slippery slope for the country and medical practitioners. During an interview regarding the case, Alistair Thompson from Care Not Killing Organisation stated that if the law changed in support of euthanasia, other people who are vulnerable will feel pressured to end their fight. Many individuals die an extremely painful death and the use of euthanasia could prevent all of that. Euthanasia is not part of modern medication, unlike how people think it is part of treatment. The society stands to lose productive people who are faced by problems that they find hard to tackle such as terminal illnesses they can live with, but which often cause depression and complications, leading some to opt for euthanasia. Nobody wishes to be a burden on other due to sickness, euthanasia can give that relief as well as assist with space availability in hospitals and not use large amounts of medical funds.


Why Euthanasia Should Not Be Legal Essay: Pros and Cons: Free Essay Example, 944 words

euthanasia should not be legalized essay

Further, since euthanasia happens anywhere anyway at any time across the world, pro-euthanasia claimers push for its lawful implementation as the only possible best solution. Doctors are human and subject to temptation. Euthanasia occurs when someone is suffering from a painful or incurable disease and they prefer to die. When death is given by act, it is known as Active Euthanasia. This would mean an automatic increase of mortality considering the complexity of modern life facing people, who are left hopeless, with the majority being the terminally ill patients.


Euthanasia Should Not Be Legal Essay

euthanasia should not be legalized essay

Therefore, euthanasia is good. Euthanasia is legal in few countries such as Netherlands, Belgium, Colombia and Luxemburg. To some extent, legalization encourages suicide since people have a chance to choose a method of dying that is not painful. Current Oncology, 18 2 , 38-45. The possible source is credible websites such as those belonging to research organizations that have done research on the topic. Euthanasia ought to be put into action to save a patient from experiencing needless pain and suffering; patients should be provided with the alternative of a peaceful and painless way out. Ironically, voluntary euthanasia legislation makes doctors less accountable, and gives them more power.


Essays On Should Euthanasia Be Legalized

euthanasia should not be legalized essay

A slippery slope is that the life of a terminally ill person is disposable and should not be protected Sulmasy et al. What would that lead to then? The ban on the legalization of euthanasia has the disadvantage of some going against the right of life of the patient. If people who are comatose, terminally ill, or in vegetative states continue to live for years or decades, we only let them suffer the more and remain as burdens of their families and society. As with any debate there are those that are for legalizing the mater and those that are against it. Under what circumstances, if any, is euthanasia considered ethically appropriate for a doctor? Whether it is their will or with the consent of family members, they would rather be killed prior to their natural death because of their continual suffering or long agony brought about by their vegetative condition.
