Eva smith diary. Diary Of Eva Smith Essay 2022-12-08

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In the opening scene of William Shakespeare's play Macbeth, Act 1 Scene 1, the character of the witches is introduced using a variety of literary devices. These devices help to set the tone of the play and establish the supernatural elements that will play a significant role throughout the story.

One literary device used in this scene is the use of paradox. The witches greet each other with the lines "When shall we three meet again / In thunder, lightning, or in rain?" This greeting is paradoxical because it suggests that the witches will meet again in different weather conditions, but also that they will meet again regardless of the weather. This paradoxical greeting sets the tone for the play as a whole, which is characterized by confusion and uncertainty.

Another literary device used in this scene is personification. The witches describe the "foul and fair" weather as if it has a personality and the ability to speak. This personification helps to further establish the supernatural and mysterious nature of the witches.

The use of repetition is also evident in this scene. The witches repeat the phrase "fair is foul, and foul is fair" three times, emphasizing the theme of illusion and deception that will be central to the play. This repetition also serves to establish the witches as a chorus, commenting on the action of the play and influencing the characters' decisions.

Finally, the use of figurative language, specifically metaphor, is evident in the witches' dialogue. They describe the "foul and fair" weather as a "tug of war," implying that the forces of good and evil are in constant conflict. This metaphor foreshadows the central conflict of the play, in which Macbeth is torn between his ambition and his sense of morality.

Overall, the use of these literary devices in Act 1 Scene 1 of Macbeth helps to establish the tone of the play and introduce the supernatural elements that will play a significant role throughout the story. The paradoxical greeting of the witches, the personification of the weather, the repetition of the phrase "fair is foul, and foul is fair," and the metaphor of the "tug of war" between good and evil all serve to set the stage for the events that will unfold in the play.

Eva Smith's Diary

eva smith diary

The whole meeting with Mr Birling tore down any hope of justice I had in me. We had a couple of drinks and I took him home again. . It's all come together with little snippets of information, but now it's too late. Middle Thank you for listening bye. I have spoken to the girls and they agree with me that we should go on strike. I refused to take his money.


The Diary of Eva Smith Essay

eva smith diary

I told him about how I lost both of my parents and also how I lost both of my jobs. Sagar 4 star s I've just been employed at Millwards. Now, this dream seems further away then ever. And who was the instigator this time? I was incredibly reluctant at first, but what else could I do? I'm not sure I really want to go they're again, but I honestly don't have any more suggestions to earning money. Only one choice lies ahead of me now.


Eva Smiths Diary.

eva smith diary

What if I were pregnant? Show all calculations, or identify the sequence of steps and buttons to your financial calculator, to support the solutions you submit. She interrogated me hard, and ultimately squeezed he truth out of me. Introduction Eva Smiths Diary 27th August Monday 1910 Dear Diary, I am seriously going to explode one day. At the moment I have a terrible fear and suspicion. She says this before hearing anything the inspector has to say. I have been unlucky all my life but never have I had such bad luck as this.


The Diary of Eva Smith

eva smith diary

We need to have a fairer wage than have right now and if this is the only way we can do it then so be it. He also asked me what I was going to do next but I refused to tell him and that was that. Introduction Eva Smith's Diary November 1911 I have no money, nothing. . Just when I thought I was on the verge of a promotion, this happens! It was quite a bit of money. We all felt we deserved more, so we could average about twenty-five shillings a week. I have nothing to live for, nothing to die for.



eva smith diary

July 1909 - Started work in machine shop Birling's factory P. He bought me a couple of drinks and insisted that he walked me back to my lodgings. . She points out that understanding the relationships and people is very important. Investigating the suicide inspector Goole searched her room. Anyway he took me back to my lodgings but when we got there even though I told him that I didn't want him coming in he threatened to make a row so I let him in anyway and he forced himself on me. At this point of my life things should be getting better not worse.


Eva smith's diary.

eva smith diary

So anyway I didn't get the money and have no idea what to do next I have a little money left that will do for now. I told her about Eric and the money, although I could tell by the look on her face that she thought my story was too far-fetched. November 1911 Eric meets Eva. What does he honestly know? Today I am really confused. I arranged to tell him at the crystal bar about a month after we last met up. I've always fought for what I believe in but know I'm beginning to wonder what the point is.


Eva Smith´s Diary : December 14th , 1911

eva smith diary

March 1911 Eva becomes Gerald's mistress. He stood me a few drinks and I accepted because I hadn't had a lot to eat that day. This is the final product. A fortnight ago at the Palace Music Hall I met a gentleman by the name of Gerald Croft who saved me from a drunken, disgustingly obscene womaniser. I suppose I should start looking for a new job.


Eva Smiths Diary Told Didn Gerald, Sample of Essays

eva smith diary

I wanted to be on my own in a nice, quiet, secluded place. I wish I could end it but I wont not yet anyway. It is now the first week of September and Gerald and me have been seeing a lot of each other over the past six or so months and it has been absolutely brilliant. Eva Smith's Diary Use the dates noted below as a basis for your diary. I've never done this before and Im fairly apprehensive about it. Situations are now much worse than back in November yet there is still no silver lining.


Eva Smith's Diary

eva smith diary

My name stayed as Daisy Renton, but he soon found out I was hopelessly penniless and at the time particularly hungry. I kept glancing over to see if he was still looking at me and he saw me glancing and he came over and asked me to leave with him so I did. And anyway, I cannot marry Eric either. So, extremely generously, he gave me enough money to keep me going for a while and managed to get me some food. Why did I tempt fate? Even though it is Mr Birling it is still wrong to steel money.


Commentary Of Eva Smith's Diary Of Brumley

eva smith diary

Feeling sorry for my self you could say. I arranged to tell him at the crystal bar about a month after we last met up. She has been ill for a couple of weeks and I am the only family she has, so when I heard about the Titanic, I bought a first-class ticket for its first voyage. I just want to be Daisy Renton. . Here you will also find the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your research paper well-formatted and your essay highly evaluated. He had become the most important person in my life, almost instantly.
