Everyday use thesis. GPT: High 2023-01-04

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In Alice Walker's short story "Everyday Use," the narrator, Mama, is faced with the difficult decision of which of her daughters, Maggie or Dee, will inherit a family heirloom: a handmade quilt. At first glance, the quilt seems like a simple object, but it represents much more than just a piece of fabric. It embodies the history, culture, and traditions of Mama's family, and represents the link between the past and the present.

The main conflict in the story centers around the different values and beliefs that Mama and her daughters have about the quilt and what it represents. Mama sees the quilt as a symbol of her family's heritage and wants to give it to her daughter Maggie, who she believes will appreciate and use it in a way that honors the quilt's history and the hard work that went into making it. On the other hand, Dee, who has changed her name to Wangero and adopted a more "African" identity, sees the quilt as nothing more than a decorative object and wants to hang it on her wall as a "symbol" of her connection to her African heritage.

The story's thesis can be summarized as follows: the quilt in "Everyday Use" represents the conflict between two different approaches to cultural heritage and tradition – one that values the practical, everyday use of these traditions and one that sees them as nothing more than a way to perform and display a certain identity.

Mama embodies the first approach, as she values the quilt for its practical use and for the memories and stories it holds. She knows that the quilt was made by her mother and other women in the community as a way to keep warm, and she wants to pass it down to Maggie, who she knows will use it and appreciate it in the same way. Mama understands that the quilt is more than just a decorative object – it represents the hard work and ingenuity of her ancestors, and is a tangible connection to her family's history.

On the other hand, Dee represents the second approach, as she sees the quilt only as a way to display her connection to her African heritage and as a way to impress her friends. She has no interest in the quilt's practical use or in the stories and memories it holds, and sees it only as a way to perform a certain identity.

In the end, Mama decides to give the quilt to Maggie, recognizing that she is the one who will truly value and appreciate it. By doing so, she reaffirms her commitment to the everyday use and practical value of her cultural traditions, rather than simply using them as a way to perform or display a certain identity.

Overall, "Everyday Use" is a poignant and thought-provoking story that explores the complex relationship between cultural heritage, tradition, and identity. It challenges readers to think about the ways in which they approach and value their own cultural traditions, and encourages them to consider the importance of preserving and passing down these traditions in a meaningful way.

Informative and Descriptive Details in Writing

everyday use thesis

Vuosikymmenten varrella meillĂ€ on kehitetty huikeita innovaatioita — millaisia ja keitĂ€ ovat ihmiset niiden takana? New York, NY: Routledge. AI does not want readers to buy Windows PCs! In many cases, such as ChatGPT, AI is still a parlor trick that will enthrall us until the next trick comes along. Sometimes, its summaries were too dense, making it hard to parse multiple attributes in a paragraph, or oversimplified, removing the important nuances or subcomponents. When I ran that query again, I got a wholly different proposal, this time proposing a section on specific and unimportant technologies followed by a section on alternatives to the PC. Tule rakentamaan tulevaisuutta VTT:llĂ€. The increase of the average monthly value with respect to 2021 was equal to 166%.


Statistics Explained

everyday use thesis

Enjoy ChatGPT and its ilk. That kind of text is considered essential in the worlds of e-commerce and influencers, which have few skilled writers. New York: Berghahn Books. Communities of Practice and Learning as Practice The work of Communities of practice center the relationship of the agent, the activity engaged in, and community, which are co created and relational to one another. Andrew Roddick and Anne P. Tervetuloa viihtymÀÀn ja inspiroitumaan juhlavuoden sisÀltöjemme pariin!. The Logic of Practice.


Practice theory

everyday use thesis

A detail must be both significant and specific. The individual performs gender and that identity is then validated and accepted by society. Theorising media and practice. AI tried to be creative in its presentation. Symbolic, generally, of people's status life, using that term in the broad sense of the entire pattern of behavior and possessions through which people express their position in the world or what they think it is or what they hope it to be. AI was in rewriting small chunks of text, such as taking the title and first paragraph of a story to generate multiple snippets for use in social promos or marketing slides.


Tervetuloa VTT:lle

everyday use thesis

High religion: a cultural and political history of Sherpa Buddhism. Nyt VTT:n ennakointitutkijat kokosivat suomalaisia asiantuntijoita visioimaan tulevaisuutta 80 vuotta eteenpÀin: millaisen maailman haluamme ja mitÀ pitÀisi tehdÀ jo nyt? The Constitution Of Society: Outline Of A Theory Of Structuration. The field represents a structured social space with its own rules, schemes of domination, legitimate opinions. Practice theory involves structure, which Bourdieu describes as the "objective structures are themselves products of historical practices and are constantly reproduced and transformed by historical practices whose productive principle is itself the product of the structures which it consequently tends to reproduce. There was no story flow, no thread being followed. Visions of culture: An introduction to anthropological theories and theorists.


GPT: High

everyday use thesis

Knowledge in motion: constellations of learning across time and place. Tartumme globaaleihin haasteisiin ja luomme niistĂ€ kestĂ€vĂ€n kasvun mahdollisuuksia. OpenAI has so far chosen to not reveal what its database contains to generate the content it provides in tools like ChatGPT and Copysmith. Misfires like this point to where GPT-3 did poorly in creating content based on a query or concept, versus just trying to rewrite or summarize it. At a basic level, AI is pattern matching and correlation done at incredible speeds that allow for fast reactions — faster than what people can do in some cases, like detecting cyberattacks and AI is not simply about knowledge or information, though the more information it can successfully correlate and assess, the better AI can function. AI tool, one of several content generators that use GPT-3.


everyday use thesis

When I used a Copysmith. Knowledge in motion: constellations of learning across time and place. Natural writing flow — storytelling, with a thesis and a supporting journey — was also lacking. Tuomme yhteen ihmiset, yritykset, tieteen ja teknologian ratkaistaksemme aikamme suurimpia haasteita. What is ChatGPT — and GPT-3? Wisdom, intuition, perceptiveness, judgment, leaps of imagination, and higher purpose are lacking in AI, and it will take a lot more than a trillion parameters to gain such attributes of sentience.


everyday use thesis

Before introducing you to Monsieur and Madame Marneffe personally in Cousin Bette he brings you into their drawing room and conducts a social autopsy: 'The furniture covered in faded cotton velvet, the plaster statuettes masquerading as Florentine bronzes, the clumsily carved painted chandelier with its candle rings of molded glass, the carpet, a bargain whose low price was explained too late by the quantity of cotton in it, which was now visible to the naked eye--everything in the room, to the very curtains which would have taught you that the handsome appearance of wool damask lasts for only three years '--everything in the room begins to absorb one into the lives of a pair of down-at-the-heel social climbers, Monsieur and Madame Marneffe. In their works Gender Trouble 1990 and "Performative Acts and Gender Constitution" 1988 , Butler argues for their concept of gender performativity. Berkeley: University of California Press. This excerpt from a story by essayist and former New Yorker fiction editor Roger Angell shows how detail can add color and interest to a piece, and the except below that shows how the word "detail," itself, can provide humor. It did the same context hijacking in my other tests as well. The doxa is a constructed vision of reality so naturalized that it appears to be the only vision of reality learned, fundamental, deep-founded, unconscious beliefs, and values, taken as self-evident universals, that inform an agent's actions and thoughts within a particular field, e. Annual review of anthropology.


everyday use thesis

High religion: a cultural and political history of Sherpa Buddhism. It's specific rather than general. It does not understand intent goal , flow, or provenance. Annual Review of Anthropology. The constitution of society: outline of the theory of structuration 1st pbk. Visions of culture: an introduction to anthropological theories and theorists.


everyday use thesis

And it's in these notions of active writing that details make all the difference. It was up 14% compared with the second quarter of 2022, and also an increase of 31% compared with the same period of 2021 see Table 1. AI just looked for concepts that correlate or at least relate in some way to PCs and proposed them. NÀin luomme kestÀvÀÀ kasvua, työpaikkoja ja hyvinvointia. Annual Review of Anthropology. According to Wenger and Lave, learning is "situated" through practice of novices and expert practitioners.


everyday use thesis

GPT-3 is also not the only natural-language AI game in town, even if it gets a lot of the attention. VTT on visionÀÀrinen tutkimus-, kehitys- ja innovaatiokumppani. Among the EU Member States, the largest number was reported by France, followed by Croatia and Greece. This is important in terms of an individual's strategy. Learning and apprenticeship within practice communities are processes that place individual experience and everyday practice in active discourse with the broader context of their society. Balzac piles up these details so relentlessly and at the same time so meticulously. Tavoitteemme on tuoda eksponentiaalista toivoa maailmaan, jonka tÀytyy vastata ilmastokriisiin, taata resurssien riittÀvyys, uudistaa teollisuutta, taata kokonaisturvallisuus ja mahdollistaa hyvÀ elÀmÀ kaikille.
