Eyewitness essay examples. Essay on Memory Failure and Eyewitness Testimony 2022-12-12

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Eyewitness testimony is a valuable source of information in the criminal justice system, as it can provide valuable insights and details about a crime or incident. However, it is important to consider the limitations and potential biases of eyewitnesses, as they may not always accurately recall events or may be influenced by their own perceptions and experiences.

One example of the limitations of eyewitness testimony can be seen in the case of the Central Park Five. In 1989, five young men of color were wrongfully convicted of raping a white woman in Central Park, largely due to the testimony of several eyewitnesses who identified them as the perpetrators. However, DNA evidence later proved their innocence and the real perpetrator was eventually identified. This case illustrates the danger of relying too heavily on eyewitness testimony, as the eyewitnesses in this case were influenced by their own biases and made incorrect identifications.

Another example of the limitations of eyewitness testimony can be seen in the case of the Salem witch trials. In the 1690s, a group of young girls in Salem, Massachusetts accused several women of being witches and providing testimony against them during the trials. Many of these women were later found guilty and hanged based on the testimony of the girls. However, it is now widely believed that the girls were motivated by personal animosity and may have been influenced by societal pressures to conform to certain expectations. This case illustrates the potential for eyewitnesses to be influenced by external factors and the importance of considering all evidence, rather than relying solely on eyewitness testimony.

It is important to consider the limitations and potential biases of eyewitness testimony when evaluating the credibility of an eyewitness account. Eyewitnesses may not always accurately recall events, and their memories may be influenced by their own perceptions and experiences. It is important to carefully consider all available evidence and to not rely solely on eyewitness testimony in making decisions.

An eyewitness is a person who personally observes an event and can provide a first-hand account of what happened. Eyewitness testimony can be a valuable form of evidence in legal proceedings, as it can provide an objective account of events. However, there are also potential limitations and challenges to relying on eyewitness testimony, as the accuracy of an eyewitness's recollection can be affected by various factors.

One example of the use of eyewitness testimony is in criminal cases, where the testimony of a witness who saw the crime being committed can be crucial in determining the guilt or innocence of the accused. For example, in a robbery case, an eyewitness who saw the perpetrator's face and can identify them in a lineup can provide strong evidence against the defendant.

However, there have been numerous cases where eyewitness testimony has been called into question due to the fallibility of human memory. Research has shown that eyewitnesses can be influenced by various factors, such as the passage of time, the presence of stress or fear, and the presence of leading questions. These factors can affect the accuracy of an eyewitness's recollection and can lead to incorrect identifications or misremembering of key details.

One famous example of the potential limitations of eyewitness testimony is the case of the Central Park Five. In 1989, five young men of color were wrongfully convicted of raping a white woman in New York's Central Park based on the testimony of several eyewitnesses. However, DNA evidence later proved their innocence, and they were exonerated in 2002. This case highlights the importance of considering all available evidence and not relying solely on eyewitness testimony.

Another challenge with eyewitness testimony is the potential for unconscious bias to affect an eyewitness's recollection. Studies have shown that people are more likely to remember and accurately identify individuals who are of the same race or ethnicity as themselves, and that they are less likely to accurately identify individuals of a different race or ethnicity. This unconscious bias can lead to incorrect identifications and contribute to racial disparities in the criminal justice system.

In conclusion, while eyewitness testimony can be a valuable form of evidence, it is important to recognize its potential limitations and the ways in which it can be influenced by various factors. It is crucial to consider all available evidence and not rely solely on eyewitness testimony when making decisions about legal proceedings or other matters.

≡Essays on Eyewitness Testimony. Free Examples of Research Paper Topics, Titles GradesFixer

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Introduction The information that bystander accounts and gives in the court room during the case is referred as eyewitness testimony. Even though they focused on analyzing two different demographics, they both Psychological research shows that eyewitness testimony is not always accurate, therefore it should not be used in the criminal justice system. This study suggests that attorneys should be informed about the risk of eyewitness testimonies being false or fallible Wise, et al. A 1982 case involving a man, Calvin Willis, was convicted by a jury and sentenced to life in prison with no parole for aggravated rape of a 10 year old girl. The process is so quick that we use it without knowing.


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Both the cognitive theories of confidence and bias should be used in court to ensure that people are not convicted wrongfully. The findings show that older participants 70 years old were more likely to be misled by the younger participants 35 years old. Mark Hooper and his son Mr Jonny Hooper were sitting smoking outside the Fox bar on Belton Road. How it may place innocent people in jail for crimes they didn't commit, As a result punishing and convicting a person for a crime they did not commit or involved in, this causes justice miscarriage. They argue that memory is malleable and more often eye witness misidentification have played great roles in many DNA exonerations of the innocent. Eyewitness Misidentification In an everyday scene, telling a story to a friend that might not be accurate when explaining all the details of a specific scene would not have repercussions. Daisy seemed to be the only one to get a clear view of the perpetrators she was able to observe the individual for a period of time and giving a more detailed description and a picture she drew.


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Daisy is Afro-Caribbean, the same as Mr. When the activation mode is dominant, there is a notable deceleration of heart rate and lowered blood pressure Lacey and Laceym 1974. Majority of the participants in the study either misidentified the suspect or stated the suspect was not in the line-up. They conducted an experiment in which the participants had to watch an event and then talk about it with other people who saw the same event Valentine and Maras 556. Although, there has been many controversy debates on whether to allow the continuation of these testimonies in court, and allow it to be used as evidence.


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When it comes to linking and eyewitness testimony and the accusing someone under false pretenses there has been amplitude of research that has being placed into forensic psychology to help see how useful resources are when it comes to taking an eyewitness word. Such procedures include the use of lineups, showups, photo arrays and others. There is only one way a witness can identify a suspect who has committed a crime, and it is called face to face recognition. In Communication in investigative and legal contexts pp. If miscarriage of justice is brought as a result of convictions turn out, one side of statement is deemed to false. Mr Stephens told the police that he saw a 6-feet tall men between 20 to 25 years-old.


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An experiment done by Lindsay and Wells 1980 , as cited in Wells and Olson 2003 , shows that when the suspect and non-suspect look similar, eye-witnesses tend to mistakenly identify a non-suspect as the suspect. Weapon focus theory and the misinformation theory can also be applied in such circumstances to establish the truth of the matter. During an investigation it is of utmost importance that, when relying on eyewitness testimony, it is taken under consideration that varying exposure times can have a massive influence on the accuracy of identification and there is always the risk of false identification. . A schema is a package of memory that is organized and developed throughout our lives. It affects the decisions immensely and can mean the difference between conviction and a free walk for a criminal. Occurrences of many events after the original event may block access to memories of that event.


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Time to exonerate eyewitness memory. Eyewitness testimony can either be harmful or useful for an individual. This is how easily influenced and convoluted our memory can be. The shop door then burst open and a man ran in holding a knife and grabbing Mrs. Also the witness can be influenced by the police as to who or what they saw at the time of the crime. The issue that we will try to address using the scientific method is the reliability of eyewitness testimony.


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During a crime, it is likely eyewitnesses will experience quite high levels of stress. The evidence did not match up that Willis committed the crime but the jury did not believe his alibi and still found him guilty for rape and sentenced to life without parole. Wells, Mark Small, Steven Penrod, Roy S. Mark Hooper also identified Leo Collins from the spread of mugshots on the 14th of Jan, and from a video identity parade on the 20th of Jan. And when the footage reveals proper behavior, officers would feel emboldened to present their actions honestly and confidently.


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Per …show more content… Almost none of the people who view a crime saw it with no distractions. Eye witness testimony has always proved to be unreliable and has more often led to wrongful convictions in the courts of justice. Misinformation can occur on two events, prior to the event and after. Rethinking the reliability of eyewitness memory. Due to the lack of accuracy with eyewitness testimonies, they should not be used as the most reliable piece of evidence. Memory loss, at times, happens before the actual memory process begins.


Eyewitness Essay

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Patel describes the man as black, about 20 years old and 6ft tall, wearing a hooded grey top with the hood up, and black trousers. One major goal and priority of law enforcement is justice. Elderly people also easily commit the mistake when identifying from a lineup. People with false memories always hold false memory in high belief and it can be very difficult to persuade them that the memory in question is wrong. Our minds go blank, our hearts start pumping blood to every vital organ, and we prepare our selves for the flight or fight.
