Frankenstein quote victor abandoning monster. 45+ Victor Frankenstein Quotes From Mary Shelley's Troubled Scientist 2022-12-29

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In the novel Frankenstein, the character Victor Frankenstein is responsible for creating the Monster, a being made up of various body parts pieced together and brought to life through electricity. However, once the Monster is brought to life, Victor becomes terrified and disgusted by his creation, and ultimately abandons it. This abandonment has significant consequences for both Victor and the Monster, and serves as a commentary on the dangers of playing God and the importance of responsibility.

One of the most famous quotes from the novel is when the Monster confronts Victor and says, "You are my creator, but I am your master; obey!" This quote highlights the power dynamic between Victor and the Monster, and the fact that Victor has a responsibility to care for and nurture his creation. However, instead of fulfilling this responsibility, Victor abandons the Monster and denies any connection to it.

The consequences of Victor's abandonment are severe. The Monster is left alone and isolated, with no understanding of the world or how to survive in it. As a result, it becomes angry and vengeful, seeking revenge on Victor and those he loves. The Monster's suffering and rage is a direct result of Victor's failure to take responsibility for his actions.

Furthermore, Victor's abandonment of the Monster also has consequences for himself. As he runs from the Monster and tries to escape his responsibility, Victor becomes consumed by guilt and grief. He becomes isolated and disconnected from the world around him, unable to find happiness or fulfillment. In the end, the Monster's pursuit of Victor ultimately leads to Victor's own death.

In conclusion, the quote "You are my creator, but I am your master; obey!" from Frankenstein highlights the importance of responsibility and the dangers of playing God. Victor's abandonment of the Monster has severe consequences for both himself and the Monster, and serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions.

45+ Victor Frankenstein Quotes From Mary Shelley's Troubled Scientist

frankenstein quote victor abandoning monster

On an occasion it can even affect fate. It also changed society because the monster was the reason why specific people were killed. Guilt and remorse add a base plot line of the story, along with thrusting the plot forward. Frankenstein becomes another irresponsible parent who does not see to it that the child is raised in a good environment. Victor Frankenstein Quote On Family Here are a few thoughts related to Victor and the monster, and their experience with family from the novel.


Victor Frankenstein Character Analysis in Frankenstein

frankenstein quote victor abandoning monster

The monster then set forth on a mission to find a companion to end his loneliness. For a long time I could not conceive how one man could go forth to murder his fellow, or even why there were laws and governments; but when I heard details of vice and bloodshed, my wonder ceased, and I turned away with disgust and loathing. The monster wanted Victor to feel the same thing as him, lonely and sadness. He created the monster and he had the responsibility to take care of the monster. Because of his flaws, he ends up inflicting harm to everyone around him as well as repeating his mistakes from his father to his child, the creature.


40 Best Frankenstein's Monster Quotes By Mary Shelley

frankenstein quote victor abandoning monster

However, the main problem was whether the creature or the creator, Victor Frankenstein, were guiltier for their actions. So, when he did, a year after his birth, he said these lines to him, asking him why did he create him when he hated him so much. He wanted to be respected and adored, but he did not reflect on the responsibilities and duties that would come with it. Frankenstein or his creation responsible for what the monster had done. He wants to be a famous knight so badly that he begins to hallucinate obstacles that he must conquer. .


Frankenstein Guilt and Regret Quotes

frankenstein quote victor abandoning monster

Victor speaks these lines while explaining what he hoped would result from his experiments. Victor's Exile In Frankenstein 734 Words 3 Pages He wishes he had not been so distant with everybody, and had told them about the life he had created. Victor is a selfish man who is more concerned with his own reputation than the welfare of others. Frankenstein likes to finish on what he has started. Cornell University News Service, 2004. I could not sustain the horror of my situation; and when I perceived that the popular voice, and the countenances of the judges, had already condemned my unhappy victim, I rushed out of the court in agony. Although the creature is responsible for these deaths, Victor is the one who created him and refused to give him a mate.


Frankenstein Quotes: Parenthood

frankenstein quote victor abandoning monster

Regardless, intentional negligence of children leaves them with an unbearable pain that they must carry around for the rest of their lives. The monster had no name, thus called Frankenstein monster. When the creature kills, Victor feels responsible and guilty of the murders. Victor Frankenstein caused his own misery and destruction, which is why he is to blame for what …show more content… After realizing what Victor had done, he ran away not taking responsibility for what he had made. This heated quote shows the intense hatred Victor has for his creation. You dare not keep me.


Frankenstein: Important Quotes Explained

frankenstein quote victor abandoning monster

The creature and Doctor Frankenstein are constantly repulsed by each other keeping their cycle of loss and isolation in motion. Where should we be if no one tried to find out what lies beyond? I was, besides, endued with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome; I was not even of the same nature as man. These lines make it clear that he did see himself as a parental figure, responsible for bringing new individuals into the world. Sadly, in this father-son relationship the son wants a relationship with his father but the feelings are not reciprocated. The tortures of the accused did not equal mine; she was sustained by innocence, but the fangs of remorse tore my bosom, and would not forego their hold. Why, in that instant, did I not extinguish the spark of existence which you had so wantonly bestowed? From that point forward the story goes on to talk about Victor's life.


Frankenstein abandonment quotes Free Essays

frankenstein quote victor abandoning monster

He argues that whether or not Victor likes it, their relationship as creator and created means their fates are intertwined, and that Victor owes him at least the chance to tell his story and make his request. In the novel, revenge is the main theme that demonstrates how it consistently consumes and destroys those who surrender to it. Each character has committed both good and evil alike, and neither knew the consequences of what they had done. He is an outdoor person and loves trekking and traveling to remote destinations. Unfortunately, the monster was the epitome of ugliness.


Best Frankenstein's Monster Quotes From Frankenstein That'll Show You Kindness

frankenstein quote victor abandoning monster

Considering these people and the context at the time which influenced Shelley. Similarly, When he thought all day of how he was to seek revenge on Victor. What did this mean? Despite the monsters revolting appearance he still manages to display many human characteristics such as compassion, love, and intelligence. Frankenstein was definitely one of the most influential models for the archetype of the mad scientist and there is speculation as to who the inspiration for Frankenstein came from because there are many parallels that could connect the character to the real person Cellania. Mary Shelley switched the rules when she made a horror book where the protagonist literally created the antagonist.
