Freedom writers educational issues. Sociological Issues In Freedom Writers, By Erin Gruwell 2023-01-06

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Freedom Writers is a drama film released in 2007, based on the book The Freedom Writers Diary by teacher Erin Gruwell and her students at Woodrow Wilson Classical High School in Long Beach, California. The film highlights the educational issues faced by Gruwell and her students, who come from diverse and troubled backgrounds and are struggling to overcome the challenges and biases they face in their school and community.

One of the main educational issues depicted in the film is the lack of cultural understanding and sensitivity among teachers and students. Gruwell's students come from a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds, and many of them have experienced poverty, gang violence, and other traumatic events. They often feel misunderstood and marginalized by their teachers and peers, who do not seem to understand or appreciate their cultural experiences and perspectives. Gruwell, on the other hand, makes an effort to learn about and respect her students' backgrounds and experiences, and she encourages them to share their stories and learn from each other. This helps to create a sense of belonging and community in the classroom, which is crucial for academic success.

Another educational issue addressed in the film is the impact of poverty and disadvantaged backgrounds on student achievement. Many of Gruwell's students come from low-income families and have faced significant challenges in their lives, including lack of access to quality education and resources. These challenges can make it difficult for students to focus on their studies and succeed academically, and they often fall behind their more privileged peers. Gruwell works to overcome these barriers by providing her students with additional support and resources, such as access to books and other materials, and by advocating for their needs within the school and community.

A third educational issue depicted in the film is the lack of diversity and representation in the curriculum and teaching staff. Many of Gruwell's students feel disconnected from the traditional curriculum, which does not reflect their cultural experiences or interests. Gruwell addresses this issue by incorporating more diverse and relevant materials into her lesson plans and by encouraging her students to take an active role in shaping their own learning. She also works to increase diversity among the teaching staff by advocating for the hiring of more teachers of color and other underrepresented groups.

Overall, Freedom Writers highlights a number of important educational issues that continue to be relevant today. It shows the importance of cultural understanding and sensitivity, the impact of poverty and disadvantaged backgrounds on student achievement, and the need for diversity and representation in the curriculum and teaching staff. By addressing these issues, educators can create more inclusive and supportive learning environments for all students, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances.

Historical social and political issues in freedom writers... Free Essays

freedom writers educational issues

With that being said, I must announce The Freedom Writers Diary was the original title, hence it first came out published as a book in 1999. Erin wanted to change this condition and wanted everyone to change. One of the worst in US history, the upheaval produced more casualties—54 dead and 2,000 injured—than any civil unrest since the Civil War. She describes her feelings of inequality a. Even to the end of the movie, Ms. Labeling theory is used to analyze deviant behaviors.


Sociological Issues In Freedom Writers

freedom writers educational issues

We all have problems but it depends how we deal with over problems. Teachers must believe that students have to potential for unlimited success. Gladwell thought of these idea to see the logic about being successful or not, in this case is by asking where these people came from. This scene experience the …show more content… Because of this, she needed to protect her owns as she need to lie in the court or her family will no longer be protected nor respected. However, by the end of the film, Eva had opened up to Mrs. Rather, the classroom is a microcosm of the larger society where a host of social, historical, political and economic factors converge in the classroom and directly impinge on the education process. The people being attacked by these acts of hatred find different ways to fight for their rights.


Education in Freedom Writers

freedom writers educational issues

G was forced to revise her teaching style and strategies to reach her students. Social class divides the young individuals which influence education. Another example of conflict theory is in regard to the faculty positions. Options offered by parole and probation officers are school or juvenile hall. Being a gang member means getting respect. She divided each class she taught up by their eye color and treated them according to whatever eye color was more superior that day. In so doing, she achieves what thus far had been seemingly impossible: getting her students interested in reading education.


Sociological Theories In The Movie Freedom Writers: [Essay Example], 1128 words GradesFixer

freedom writers educational issues

Once she shifted the focus from her teaching to the students learning, she was able to recognize that the racial stereotypes, low teacher and student expectation, poor discipline, socioeconomic and historical restraints, and limited bureaucratic policy are real restraints that compromise the educational process. These concepts do not exist in a vacuum. Hodgkinson 2008 reports even more startling statistics: the United States has the largest total number of children living below the poverty line. Freedom Writers have been constructed in a way that it promotes an idea of how the community where the student lives, represented as a racially acceptable society. That is to have the opportunity to have a successful and respectable occupation that provides a stable income to live comfortably in America.


Reading Educational Philosophies in Freedom Writers on JSTOR

freedom writers educational issues

Problems like racism and discrimination are faced by many in our world today. . She goes into the situation completely unaware of how rough the school is. Taking the place of OGs are new heroes like Miep Gies, who courageously hid the Frank family from the Nazis during World War II, and Jim Zwerg, a white 1960s civil rights activist beaten to within an inch of his life for defying bus segregation in the Deep South. The movie tells a story of endless time, a society that was built on hierarchy, decides to label a subculture, which causes those individuals to become deviant. Read also The Hardship Of Vietnamese Students Education Essay The most damning aspect of this kind of oppressive system is that it is self-perpetuating.


Education in Freedom Writers

freedom writers educational issues

Instead of treating them as scores on a test, she understood that each of them had a unique story to tell. Her positive attitude was not accepted at face value. This movie shows the racism in our past. I have analyzed the film from the power conflict and functionalism perspectives, I have discussed the effects of the social problems in all levels, analyze how society has influenced these social problems and identify possible strategies to resolve or to alleviate these social problems. These concepts do not exist in a vacuum.


In the movie The Freedom Writers, what three obstacles does Erin Gruwell face in the beginning?

freedom writers educational issues

The film Freedom Writers explores some of these factors from the vantage point of Ms. Anyone who gets in their way tries to snitch, or put them in jail they will come after your close loved ones kill your wife and even… Always Running Luis Rodriguez Analysis First of all, gang violence is everywhere although we do not see it at times, it is there and we should be aware of this social issue that happen in someone life. This is the ultimate genius of the Inquiry Approach: the deep understanding of self-generated content in an authentic context which extends beyond the classroom. Read also Overview and Criticisms of Andragogy One of the important themes of Freedom Writers is that teaching and learning do not take place in a vacuum. What she fails to realize is that this attitude simply perpetuates the very issue that she complains about.


The Freedom Writers Character Analysis in The Freedom Writers Diary

freedom writers educational issues

Children born in such societies also learn racial discrimination from their parents, making it difficult to eradicate racism from our communities. . These educators thought any resources spent on Gruwell's students were a complete waste. One Premium Gang Los Angeles Crime Historical Accuracy of Freedom Writers Freedom Writers Gang violence in Los Angeles was at its prime in 1992 right after the infamous Rodney King incident and Los Angeles riots that locked down the city for three days. The most damning aspect of this kind of oppressive system is that it is self-perpetuating.


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freedom writers educational issues

In the same way that Mrs. The amount of violence in these students' lives is incomprehensible to Gruwell. Teachers need to find catalysts that generate the fire for learning in their students. The hate the system that warehouses them in integrated school and forgets that they exist. Inquiry is a student-centered pedagogical model which is based on the idea that teaching and learning are enhanced when students are active agents in the teaching and learning process. Students today are much more difficult to manage, but as the film shows, management difficulties are rooted in social, economic, political, and historical factors that the students internalize and consciously manifest in ways that compromise them. Retrieved from Teach for America.


Social Issues In The Freedom Writers

freedom writers educational issues

Schema activation, articulating novel methods of processing ideas, drawing ideas and generating new ideas from experiences, conducting independent research are important to Inquiry. Graffiti marks the limits where a gang member can go, it can also show a gangs power. Even though everyone can agree that any gang related activities and crimes are against the law, people still joins it regardless with various reasons: Desire for protection, to appear cool, and have a sense of family. The labels may no longer be race, or gang-affiliation, but the label is ultimately a good or a bad student, someone who is gifted, average, or below average. They have grown up in a violent, racist school system, and at this point, they don't have any motivation to improve. In fact, for these oppressed students, these individuals are actually part of the machinery designed to perpetually oppress minorities. G relentlessly built on themes that which was familiar her students.
