Functionalist theory on homelessness. An Analysis of Homelessness Using the Conflict Theory 2022-12-26

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Functionalism is a sociological perspective that explains social phenomena in terms of their contribution to the functioning of society as a whole. According to functionalist theory, homelessness can be understood as a result of dysfunctions in the social system.

One functionalist explanation for homelessness is that it serves as a way to identify and isolate deviant or problematic individuals. According to this perspective, homelessness acts as a "safety valve" for society, allowing individuals who are unable or unwilling to conform to societal norms to be removed from mainstream society. This perspective suggests that homelessness serves a positive function by allowing society to maintain order and cohesion.

Another functionalist explanation for homelessness is that it serves as a way for society to allocate resources efficiently. According to this perspective, homelessness is a result of the inability of individuals to secure adequate housing or support due to limited resources. This perspective suggests that homelessness serves a positive function by ensuring that resources are distributed fairly and efficiently among members of society.

However, functionalist theory has been criticized for its emphasis on the positive functions of homelessness and its lack of attention to the negative consequences that homelessness can have on individuals and society. Critics argue that functionalist theory ignores the structural inequalities and social conditions that contribute to homelessness, such as poverty, discrimination, and a lack of affordable housing.

In conclusion, functionalist theory offers a perspective on homelessness that focuses on the ways in which it serves the functioning of society as a whole. While functionalist theory recognizes the positive functions of homelessness, it has been criticized for ignoring the negative consequences that homelessness can have on individuals and for failing to address the structural inequalities that contribute to homelessness.

Functionalist View Of Homelessness

functionalist theory on homelessness

It is often compared to the human body with all of its systems working effectively and concurrently to ensure the smooth functioning of the body in order to maintain homeostasis. As well as, distinguish between visible and suppressed problems within the social structures that may need to be addressed. The Sociological Impact Of Homelessness And Functionalism 778 Words 4 Pages Homelessness and Functionalism The social problem that I chose was homelessness. Also, homelessness in Australia will be analysed and discussed. If the government wants to use money to help end homelessness, they should put it towards resources and organizations that can, not towards homes where the homeless go to be ignored. Homelessness Australia 2013 identified domestic abuse as the leading cause of homelessness, accounting for 25% of homelessness, so this is the example that will be used to illustrate that dysfunction in one or more institutions causes homelessness for some. Relationship Causes: This can include an abusive relationship or family breakdown.


Homelessness: A Functionalist's Perspective [eljq007z1541]

functionalist theory on homelessness

The issue of homelessness has worsened because of the number of veterans back from our most recent wars. For example, within the family institution, reproduction and learning to cohabitate are manifest and latent functions, respectively; within the institution of education the main manifest function is to obtain an education with one of its latent functions being to learn socially acceptable behaviours. This essay will firstly define what a social problem is; secondly, the definition of homelessness and the nature and extent of it within Australia; thirdly, explaining the functionalist perspective, and; lastly applying the functionalist perspective in regards to homelessness. There are many reasons why a person becomes homeless, an increasing number become homeless each year, with up to 5,000 people becoming homeless every year. This can be attributed to governmental dysfunction, in poor policy making regarding what is included in the national education standards and curricula, and the subsequent failure of the education institution to implement curricula that acts as a strong guiding hand for the students under that curriculum.


An Analysis of Homelessness Using the Conflict Theory

functionalist theory on homelessness

His once shimmering brown eyes were know hollow and cold. Most people are spending the night either in homeless shelters or in some sort of short-term transitional housing. Over 63% of homeless people caused by personal issues. Understanding Contemporary Homelessness: Issues fo Definition and Meaning. This does imply that the wealthy are directly linked, however there is a little more nuance to the situation. There are more than 500,000 homeless people in America Johnson.


What is a functionalist perspective on homelessness?

functionalist theory on homelessness

Generally it is a combination of these factors that result in a person becoming homeless. Furthermore, it is assumed in accordance with the functionalism perspective that in case all interdependent part of society goes well then it would definitely bring stability and higher productivity Wilson and Spoehr, 2015. The information provided above shows that homelessness is seen as a social problem in Australia as it effects a large amount of society in a negative way, has been recognised by the Australian Government that it is a social problem and for the Australian Government to seek feasible …show more content… In 2013, Homelessness Australia acknowledged that domestic abuse is the leading cause of homelessness which takes up 25% of the possible factors linked to homelessness. That is why in Communist countries, the shelves are bare and why in the Soviet Union, there were massive bread lines. There are many reasons and causes for people to end up living this way, but the biggest cause is tragic life events, for like loss of loved ones, job loss, domestic violence, divorce, and family disputes.


Conflict Theory Of Homelessness

functionalist theory on homelessness

They look at the broader context such as the opportunities individuals have access to in order to explain their situations. These programs are able to help people achieve self-sufficiency. According to Crossman, 2016 , the functionalist perspective is one of the major theoretical perspectives in sociology. In order to understand what is and is not a social problem in a society, both the social structure and the culture of the society must be understood. Homelessness had reached its peak when it is discover that over 3. What are the 3 sociological perspectives? However, the ratio of another issues such as safety, security and terrorism has been increased 30%.


How does functionalism relate to homelessness?

functionalist theory on homelessness

More specifically, Jeanette discusses how poverty can prevent someone from affording basic necessities. The second cause of homelessness which is greatly connected to the lack of affordable housing is the rise of rent. In this paper, I will give an in-depth look at the causes, treatment, and after care of homeless veterans. Services need to ensure that when people are leaving institutional care that they have a place to go. But to steer this back to Homelessness, you claim the cause is drug addiction and mental Illness… Not so.


Functionalist Theory Critical Analysis

functionalist theory on homelessness

Homelessness is an economic problem. How do you apply the conflict perspective to homelessness? Contributing factors to homelessness are mental illness and the flawed prison system. In 2015 today affordable housing is not readily available for the families who need it most. What is the conflict perspective on homelessness? The conflict theory can be used to explain capitalism as the source of homelessness because under this theory society has two classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Criticism of other sociology perspectives will also be implemented.


Functionalism Theory Of Homeless Veterans

functionalist theory on homelessness

Functionalist perspective is the idea that society is a system of interrelated parts that is relatively stable. Need a paper like this one? Many people think homelessness is an individual problem, but I think society has a large factor on why people become homeless. In addition to these models, there is an extension of the social pathology model involving a person being inadequately socialised, thus unable to contribute to the functioning of the institutions to which they are related. This can cause a lack of motivation and can stop the individual from achieving what they need or completing day to day tasks. Also, homelessness in Australia will be analysed and discussed. Issues in the theory-driven perspective. After someone is abused they can start to feel depressed and abandoned.


Structural Functionalism: An Analysis Of Homelessness From...

functionalist theory on homelessness

What is the conflict perspective on homelessness? Homelessness is a social problem and is the condition of people who lack regular housing. There is not much of a way for the disadvantaged to seek change because the higher class is using everyone else to their advantage and not thinking about their wellbeing. Regarding homelessness, the conflict theory suggest that capitalism is the main cause of homelessness in America. If a part of society is dysfunctional the peace is disturbed and the system is weakened. The State of Homelessness in America 2013.
