Guide questions for movie review. Movie Discussion Guide: General Questions 2022-12-12

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Writing a movie review can be a fun and rewarding experience, especially if you have a passion for film. Whether you are writing a review for a school assignment or for a blog or website, it is important to approach the task with a clear understanding of the purpose and structure of a review. To help you get started, here are some guide questions that you can use to structure your review and ensure that you have covered all the important points:

  1. What is the plot of the movie?

In your review, it is important to provide a brief summary of the movie's plot. This should include a description of the main characters, the setting, and the central conflict or goal.

  1. What are the themes of the movie?

Movies often explore themes such as love, family, friendship, and social issues. Identify the themes that are present in the movie and discuss how they are explored.

  1. What is the quality of the acting?

Your review should include an assessment of the acting performances in the movie. Were the actors believable in their roles? Did they deliver their lines effectively?

  1. What is the overall production value of the movie?

Consider the cinematography, special effects, costumes, and sets. Was the movie visually appealing? Did the production values enhance or detract from the viewing experience?

  1. What is your overall opinion of the movie?

Based on your analysis of the plot, themes, acting, and production value, what is your overall impression of the movie? Was it enjoyable, boring, or somewhere in between? Why?

By answering these guide questions, you can create a well-rounded and informative movie review that will provide your readers with an understanding of what to expect from the film. Remember to be honest in your assessment and to support your opinions with specific examples from the movie.

How To Write A Movie Review Guide

guide questions for movie review

Some of the names used in this story tell us something about the characters. Questions 1, 3 and 4 can be asked with respect to an entire movie or limited to an appropriate scene. You can also read our full. Think of all the things that bothered you about the movie. Describe one aspect of the artistry of the film. What motivated him or her? Or completely different ones.


9 Meaningful Movie Discussion Questions

guide questions for movie review

Film is a composition of pictures rather than words, as one would find in a novel. How would you have used color in the movie? Are there any relationships between various characters, be they friends, lovers, co-workers, or family members, that are important to the story? Describe specific statements or actions that you think the psychologist would be interested in and the conclusions that you think the psychologist would draw from those statements or actions. It might be easier for you to relate to the characters if people from your background have a lot of representation on screen white, male, young etc. What life lessons can be learned from the choices made by the characters in this story? Detail a particular event or action that causes another event or has an important effect on a character or a relationship between characters. Often, more than one of these types of conflict occurs in a story. Think about how some of your own problems have been resolved; write about a time when the solution was satisfying and write about a time when the solution was disheartening.



guide questions for movie review

If so, describe the similarities and differences. Identify one instance of each of the following types of transitions from one shot to another that were used by the editors of this film and, for each, describe how the transition affected the presentation of the film: cut, fade, dissolve. You can use these questions by yourself. Did this sudden event ring true or did it make the story seem less credible? As the story progresses toward a conclusion, internal as well as external conflicts suffered by the major characters are resolved. What themes emerge from the back-story and how do they relate to the theme of the main story? The theme of a story is the general idea or insight about life expressed by the author.


Movie Review: Breakthrough + Discussion Questions for Kids ⋆

guide questions for movie review

Describe how this event or action moves the story forward. Explain how the chosen point of view affects the way the story is told. Describe an allusion that you noticed in the story and explain its relationship to the story as a whole. Symbols keep their meaning as an object, animal, person or event, but within the story, they also suggest something else. Which movie deals with it better? The problems faced by the protagonist sometimes stray from the central conflict in the film. Identify one example of each of the following shots and describe how the shot affected the presentation of the story told by the film: close-up, medium shot, and long shot. Why did you connect with them? Did it enhance the story that the filmmakers were trying to tell? Describe them and their effect on the resolution.


Movie Discussion Guide: General Questions

guide questions for movie review

The conclusion of the story suggests a solution to the conflict that can be applied to the human condition in general. What motivates the major characters? The action in the story must be believable. Do their actions follow their natures and ring true? In addition, these questions can also be limited to one or more characters. Yet, Netflix period drama hit Bridgerton is set in the early 1800s, but in an alternate history where London is racially intergrated. Questions 1 — 3 can be asked with respect to an entire movie or an appropriate scene in a movie.


guide questions for movie review

If so, describe the relationships that you believe contribute to the story and how those relationships advance the action of the story. Once again, you can compare movies with a similar message and look at how the approach it in similar or different ways. How does the tone help guide the viewers into an empathic reaction to the story? The movie addresses this in a great way. The screenplay for the 1994 movie was written by Eric Roth, based on the novel by Winston Groom. But I encourage you to go a lot deeper that a physical description of the character. Is there any information known to the audience that is being held back from any of the characters? Select one of the major characters and describe his or her internal and external conflicts. If it did, how did these scenes affect the story told by the movie? They usually have no special meaning except within the context of the story.


guide questions for movie review

This story, complete with the Oscar winning performances in both acting and special effects is perfect for those in need of a dose of goodness. These are called contextual symbols. Analyze the use of sound other than music in the movie. Other conventional symbols reinforce meaning by reference to a culturally shared conception of the object, animal, action, or event. Were you surprised but how the movie made them feel? Have you ever seen a miracle? Describe specific statements or actions that you think the priest, minister or rabbi would be interested in and the conclusions that you think he or she would draw from those statements or actions. Did the film resort to the use of gratuitous violence, explicit portrayals of sexual encounters, or excessive profanity? You could look for interviews with the director on YouTube, on podcasts or in movie magazines or websites. When you compare and contrast the protagonist and the antagonist, do you find any important differences between them? We have watched some beautiful period dramas recently, but these movies are very white.


guide questions for movie review

What does each stand for? Otherwise, you could chat with a teacher or classmate about them to practise your English conversation skills. Explain how the editors achieved this effect. Is the point of view from which the story is told the best choice that the storyteller could have made? The conflict in this film is resolved when one of the characters unexpectedly gets very lucky. I love that we get to see that faith has different stages for different people. If the story is rich in allusions, increase the number of allusions that the student must discuss. If so, explain why you think it is a parable. Discuss at least 5 events and be sure to cover the entire scope of the movie, except the very end.


guide questions for movie review

Describe the use of color in the film. What does this tell us about what will happen in the story? How does acting choice contribute to the story the filmmakers are trying to tell? Your post reminded me of my conversations with my wife about the movies we watch. Are there any major characters who act on motives of which they are not aware? We live in rapidly changing times. Would it get made today? If you did, what was it? In which case, did the movie do a good job of conveying that experience? Do you agree or disagree with it? Explain the use of didacticism in this story and evaluate its success in illuminating an important idea. When you take a step back, ask yourself — what is this movie asking us to explore about the human condition? Conventional symbols have a widely accepted meaning outside of the story. Describe these problems and show how they are familiar to the problems you or someone you know must face. Throughout Forrest Gump the special effects were incredible.


guide questions for movie review

Explain how the use of flashback in the story provides significant information and served to move the action forward. Recount one specific episode in this struggle. What are these qualities and where have you seen them in your own experience, either in your own behavior or in behavior of someone you know? Sinise plays the part of Lieutenant Dan Taylor, whose life is saved by Forrest during the Vietnam War. Is the problem to be solved in the film that can be seen in the struggle of the protagonist against the antagonist familiar to you in any way? What are those similarities and what are the differences? How could this flaw have been remedied? Some movies are misunderstood on their release, but then become classics in the years that follow as new audiences discover them. If there are, how do these reversals illuminate character or lead to changes in character? As a victim, a bully, someone misunderstood, someone complicated etc. Or you could record yourself answering them in the dictation app on your smartphone. Be sure that you are specific and cite examples from the movie.
