How to cite notes. Notes and Bibliography Style 2022-12-17

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The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the American Revolutionary War, which took place in 1777 in upstate New York. It was a series of two battles that were fought between the British Army, led by General John Burgoyne, and the Continental Army, led by General Horatio Gates. The battle ended in a decisive victory for the Continental Army, and it had far-reaching consequences for both sides.

One of the most important results of the Battle of Saratoga was the impact it had on the international stage. Prior to the battle, the American Revolution had not received much support from other countries, as many saw it as a hopeless cause. However, the stunning victory at Saratoga changed that perception and brought the Americans much-needed support from France. France, which had been at war with Britain for many years, saw the opportunity to weaken its enemy by supporting the Americans. As a result, it entered into an alliance with the United States, providing it with military aid and diplomatic support. This was a crucial turning point in the war, as it allowed the Americans to secure the resources and support they needed to keep fighting.

Another important result of the Battle of Saratoga was the impact it had on morale within the Continental Army. Prior to the battle, the American forces had been suffering from low morale and a lack of confidence in their ability to defeat the British. The victory at Saratoga changed all of that, giving the Americans a much-needed boost in morale and confidence. This was crucial, as it allowed the Americans to continue fighting despite the many challenges they faced.

Finally, the Battle of Saratoga was also important because it marked the first time that the Continental Army was able to effectively defeat a British army in a major battle. This was a major milestone, as it demonstrated to the Americans that they were capable of defeating the British, despite the many disadvantages they faced. This, in turn, gave them the confidence and determination they needed to keep fighting and ultimately achieve victory in the war.

In conclusion, the Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the American Revolutionary War. It had significant consequences for both the Americans and the British, including the support of France, an increase in morale for the Continental Army, and the first major victory for the Americans against the British. These results were crucial in helping the Americans win the war and gain their independence from Britain.

Notes and Bibliography Style

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APA format Organization Name. An in-text APA citation for an online source follows the below format: SparkNotes Editors. Second Initial if given. Note Long : 8. In rare cases, a bibliography entry may also be appropriate.


Presentations and Class Notes

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In-Text Paraphrase Instructor's Last Name, Year Example: Wood, 2013 In-Text Quote Instructor's Last Name, Year, p. Put the citation right after a quote or paraphrased content from the class lecture. In-Text Paraphrase Instructor's Last Name, Year Example: Graham, 2013 In-Text Quote Instuctor's Last Name, Year, slide slide number Example Graham, 2013, slide 6 Note: APA does not provide specific rules for direct quoting of PowerPoint slides. Last modified January 30, 2009. For example: Kent, Clark. Comments are cited in reference to the original post.


How do I cite my course notes in APA?

how to cite notes

Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL Scribbr. Accessed December 5, 2008. Cotter, "The Weakest Link. If the document includes slide numbers or page numbers, include them. Notes and Bibliography The Notes andBibliographystyle of Chicago citations uses footnotes or endnotes to introduce resources as they are cited in a document. Homeland Security Act of 2002, 6 U. Year Presentation Was Created.


How to Cite a Lecture or Lecture Notes in APA

how to cite notes

URL Example Graham, J. An Autobiography of British Cinema. Lower federal-court decisions, Footnote: 28. Students are therefore encouraged to cite these sources directly. The Chicago Manual of Style 16, 14.


3 Ways to Cite Lecture Notes

how to cite notes

McInnerney et al, Dressed to Kill. For more examples, see 14. Year, date of publication. New York: Penguin Classics, 2007. For example: Cummings, D. We thought so back in 1993. After the title, type a space and then describe the type of document you're referencing.


Liner notes and program notes

how to cite notes

Electronic Access date is optional. Electronic Books and Books Consulted Online : Cite these as you would a traditional book, but add the medium in which the book was accessed or a DOI or URL to the end of the citation. Drake, "Obama, Bush and the 'Second-term Curse. In the bibliography, include the page range for the whole article. What should I use as the publication date for a SparkNotes? BOOK REVIEW Standard Note Long : 11.


Sample Notes and Bibliography Citations

how to cite notes

The Hero with a Thousand Faces, 3rd ed. Bibliography: Janda, Kenneth, Jeffrey M. The Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition text © 2010 by The University of Chicago. Instructor's Last Name, First Initial. Use the word "Received" and then provide the date you received the handout in day-month-year format, followed by a period.


Chicago Style Citation Guide

how to cite notes

Oglethorpeto the Trustees, 1733,EgmontManuscipts. Bibliography Citation Example- Hanstedt, Paul. Bibliography: McInnerney, Jay, Nick Foulkes, Neil Norman, Nick Sullivan, and Colin Woodhead. Robertson, "The Dorian Migration and Corinthian Ritual," 16. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life.


Types of Documentation: Note Citations

how to cite notes

If there are four or more authors, list up to ten in the bibliography; in a note, list only the first, followed by et al. Note Short : 9. McFarlane, Autobiography of British Cinema. D'Erasmo,"The Craft and Career of Writing. New Jersey:Â Â Princeton University Press, Â Â Â Â 1973.
