How to end a descriptive paragraph. How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph: Examples of the Good, Bad and Ugly 2022-12-25

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"There Will Come Soft Rains" is a short story by science fiction author Ray Bradbury, first published in 1950. It tells the tale of a futuristic, automated house that continues to function long after its human occupants have been destroyed in a nuclear war. The story is notable for its use of personification, as the house and its various systems are described as if they were sentient beings.

One of the most famous quotes from the story is the opening line: "The morning of August 4, 2026, was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day." This sets the stage for the events that unfold, as the house goes about its daily routine, unaware that its inhabitants are no longer alive.

Another memorable quote from the story is: "The house stood alone in a city of rubble and ashes. This was the one house left standing." This passage highlights the devastation that has occurred as a result of the nuclear war, and the contrast between the house's pristine condition and the ruined city around it.

A third quote that is particularly notable is: "The trees were green. The grass was green. The streets were quiet." This passage serves to further contrast the house's normal functioning with the chaos and destruction that have taken place outside its walls. The trees and grass continue to grow, while the streets are silent, suggesting that there is no longer any human activity in the area.

In conclusion, "There Will Come Soft Rains" is a thought-provoking short story that uses personification and vivid imagery to explore themes of technology, survival, and the dangers of nuclear war. Its memorable quotes serve to enhance the story's themes and add to its overall impact on the reader.

Mousetrap cars, also known as mousetrap vehicles or mousetrap racers, are small vehicles powered by the energy from a mousetrap. These vehicles are often used in science and engineering classrooms as a way for students to learn about physics, engineering, and design.

To build a mousetrap car, students start by gathering materials such as a mousetrap, axles, wheels, and a frame. They then design and build the frame using materials such as cardboard, wood, or plastic. The mousetrap is attached to the frame, and the axles and wheels are attached to the frame as well.

Once the car is built, students can experiment with different designs and modifications to see how they affect the performance of the car. For example, they can change the weight of the car by adding or removing materials, or they can change the size or shape of the wheels to see how it affects the speed and distance the car travels.

In addition to exploring the physics and engineering principles involved in building and modifying a mousetrap car, students can also learn about the design process. This includes researching and identifying the problem they are trying to solve, brainstorming and prototyping different solutions, testing and evaluating their designs, and making improvements based on their findings.

Overall, mousetrap cars provide a fun and engaging way for students to learn about physics, engineering, and design. By building and modifying their own mousetrap cars, students can develop important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, which are valuable in any career field.

A descriptive paragraph is a type of paragraph that is used to describe and provide information about a person, place, object, or experience. A well-written descriptive paragraph should be able to paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind, using sensory details and descriptive language.

When it comes to ending a descriptive paragraph, there are a few key things to consider. Here are some tips for how to effectively conclude a descriptive paragraph:

  1. Summarize the main points: At the end of a descriptive paragraph, it can be helpful to summarize the main points that you have made. This helps to reinforce the main idea of the paragraph and give the reader a clear understanding of what you have been describing.

  2. Provide a final detail or description: Another way to end a descriptive paragraph is to provide a final detail or description that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. This could be a particularly vivid or striking detail that helps to bring the description to life.

  3. Reflect on the significance of the description: Depending on the context of the paragraph, you may want to reflect on the significance of the description in the final sentence. This can help to give the paragraph meaning and make it more memorable for the reader.

  4. Use a transitional phrase: Finally, you can use a transitional phrase to smoothly move the reader from the descriptive paragraph to the next one. This helps to give the paragraph a sense of coherence and flow.

In conclusion, there are several ways to effectively end a descriptive paragraph. Whether you choose to summarize the main points, provide a final detail or description, reflect on the significance of the description, or use a transitional phrase, it is important to consider the purpose of the paragraph and what you want the reader to take away from it.

A descriptive paragraph is a type of paragraph that describes a person, place, object, or experience in detail. It is a useful writing technique that helps to bring a scene to life, creating a vivid and immersive experience for the reader. However, just as important as the content of the paragraph is the way it is structured, and the way it ends can be especially crucial in making an impact on the reader.

One way to end a descriptive paragraph is to use a concluding sentence that sums up the main points of the paragraph and provides a sense of closure. This can be a good way to wrap up the paragraph and give the reader a sense of completion. For example, in a paragraph describing a beautiful beach, the concluding sentence might be something like "The crystal-clear water, soft white sand, and towering palm trees all combine to create a truly paradise-like setting."

Another way to end a descriptive paragraph is to use a sensory image or detail to leave a lasting impression on the reader. This can be especially effective if the paragraph has been focused on using sensory language to bring the scene to life. For example, in a paragraph describing the smells and sounds of a busy market, the concluding sentence might be something like "The air was thick with the smells of spices, fruit, and frying food, and the constant chatter and haggling of the vendors filled the air."

Another way to end a descriptive paragraph is to use a figurative language or metaphor to capture the essence of the scene in a more creative and evocative way. This can be a good way to add an extra layer of meaning to the paragraph and make it more memorable for the reader. For example, in a paragraph describing a sunset, the concluding sentence might be something like "The sun descended into the horizon like a fiery orb, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange, pink, and purple."

In conclusion, there are many ways to end a descriptive paragraph, and the best approach will depend on the content and tone of the paragraph, as well as the overall purpose of the writing. Whether you use a concluding sentence, sensory detail, or figurative language, the key is to find a way to leave a lasting impression on the reader and bring the scene to life in their imagination.

3.1 Descriptive Paragraphs

how to end a descriptive paragraph

How to organize the paragraph An event The summer your aunt taught you to swim is one of your fondest childhood memories. Sentence: A group of words that is a complete thought as a statement, question, or exclamation. It means that you should provide the reader with a smooth transition into the next topic sentence. If they wanted to stress an object through the event, they could write a paragraph that describes how important their high school diploma is to them. However, if an object is important to you because it was part of a significant event in your life, then you would produce body sentences that explain the event in chronological order. Words used should convince your reader to go on to the next paragraph. Every day, or at least during the school week, how many different places do you go? What is the format of descriptive paragraph? In his left, he dragged an upright antique chest wrapped excessively in chains and locks.


How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph: Examples of the Good, Bad and Ugly

how to end a descriptive paragraph

You can also refer to your outline if you made one. However, your event descriptive paragraph about a future event would describe something to occur in the future that you hope for or that you dread. Everything that has been written so far in an essay must relate back to its concluding sentence; otherwise, the reader will feel like nothing was really resolved and nothing new was learned. Are there cars moving about? You would organize your paragraph around the experience by having an introductory and concluding sentence that indicate the topic and purpose of your paragraph while detailing the event in the body of the paragraph. However, you could also write a descriptive paragraph about your aunt that details some of your favourite characteristics about her. It must, therefore, create an introduction to what lies ahead. Regardless of the complexity of the topic sentence, the concluding sentence must be understandable and straightforward.


How to: descriptive writing?

how to end a descriptive paragraph

Writing a conclusion for a You will need to ensure that your entire descriptive essay has a clear argument and is focused on one or two main ideas. In answering this question, you will know how to organize your paragraph. What are 20 describing words? Use your concluding statement to set up the next paragraph. This makes the essay more catchy and entertaining for your audience. A dark-red vest with gold buttons underneath a tan tweed overcoat. The central park in their hometown is important to them because they graduated there. Instead, add what the reader learned about the topic in this paragraph.


How do we end a description properly?

how to end a descriptive paragraph

Here you can describe color, size, depth, height, width, etc. Therefore, you must pay attention to this article on how to construct the best concluding sentence. Taste is a difficult sense to describe, and the degree to which you pay this any attention depends on the subject matter. In a persuasive or argument paper, you should use the closing statement to remind the reader of your stance. Thus, descriptive paragraphs that focus on an event can either detail a memory that is significant or your hopes about an upcoming event.


How to Conclude a Paragraph: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

how to end a descriptive paragraph

Remember you can arrange your paragraph according to the characteristics of the object or by detailing the event at which you received it. In choosing the person you want to write about, you have a reason for the choice you have made. Generally, paragraphs can be formatted in a number of different ways. ? Object By now, you may have noticed a pattern when it comes to organizing a descriptive paragraph. This collaborative creation of a character often connects you with someone familiar, which strengthens the connection even more. He is one of the most brilliant people I know.


a descriptive paragraph

how to end a descriptive paragraph

When writing a descriptive paragraph about an object, you must first decide why you have chosen this specific object to write about. Examples of colorful adjectives are: smelly, disgusting, gorgeous, radiant, brilliant, and gigantic. Use quotes from someone who clearly stated a similar relationship or compared those points mentioned above. It seems obvious: you describe a character so your readers can picture them, right? Don't feel like reading the article and just want someone to help you directly? You could easily describe a room from back to front, but that same structure would be a confusing way to describe a tree. . Additionally, remember to stress why the place being described is important to you regardless of the organizational scheme you choose.


How to end a descriptive essay ( conclusion examples)

how to end a descriptive paragraph

You took part in the design and construction of the character. What is the most descriptive language? See how annoying that was to read? Some ways to end research paper paragraphs are: For instance, it was observed thatā€¦; hence it can be connected to the findingsā€¦, this forms the basis of the findings discussed ahead. What makes them interesting? Visit our website right away! How do you end a descriptive writing? Thus this choice of chronology for this A The sense of sight is the one that most writers consider first, but try to work on that one last. Our team has helped dozens of authors write their book through coaching? How do you start and end a descriptive essay? Not only is it impossible to give readers every detail of a person or place, but trying too often makes for dull reading and pollutes the writing process too. In pre-20th century novels before editors , this was a common practice and is why some prose of that time can feel a little dated and dull now. The definition of a description is a statement that gives details about someone or something. For instance, for the first type of organization, you would focus on the reasonsā€”or characteristicsā€”why you like or dislike a place.


The Best Tips On How To End A Paragraph

how to end a descriptive paragraph

The language commonly considered to be the most descriptive language would be English. Just give up already. The second example describes the experiences from grade school that led to this current bout of test-taking anxiety. A paragraph can either be a write-up on a given topic or it can be a collection of sentences discussing an idea within an essay, an article, a thesis, a research paper, or an answer. Transition Phrases to End a Paragraph Some phrases work well to end a paragraph for an essay while others sound impressive in a thesis paper or a research paper.


how to end a descriptive paragraph

The reader is apt to leaf ahead lookĀ­ing for people. Words to End a Paragraph There is a need to choose the right words in your last sentence. Do you spend the majority of your day at school? A modest, black top hat covered his medium-length wavy brown hair, and-though he was only in his mid-thirties-he held an engraved, gold walking cane topped with a bright emerald in his right hand. Event Although the three previous types of descriptive paragraphs follow the same two organizational schemes, event descriptive paragraphs differ slightly. A dark-red vest with gold buttons under a tan tweed overcoat fitted his tall, slim build perfectly. Are the smells good or bad? How can I write a good descriptive writing? How do you start descriptive writing? A modest, black top hat covered his medium-length, wavy brown hair, and-though he was only in his mid-thirties-he held an engraved, gold walking cane topped with a bright emerald in his right hand.


how to end a descriptive paragraph

For the second type, you would focus on the events that explain why this place is important to you. How do you start a description? Hence, while in the other descriptive paragraphs, you must never let the event overshadow the significance of the person, place, or object being described, in an event descriptive paragraph, you should focus on how the people, place, and objects surrounding the event make it important. You need to make sure you implement the same in your next research writing. For instance, imagine you wanted to write a descriptive paragraph about a tree at a local park. This makes the writing more interesting and entertaining as well as being able to leave an impact even after reading it just once. Perhaps even feeling disinterested because of what you felt was a lack of point or reason for reading or even writing the book, poem, article, etc.
