Is drug abuse a social issue. Drug Abuse: A Serious Social and Health Issue in the United States Free Essay Sample on 2022-12-18

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Drug abuse is a serious social issue that affects individuals, families, and communities around the world. It is defined as the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs, leading to physical, psychological, and social problems.

The causes of drug abuse are complex and varied, and often involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors. Some people may abuse drugs as a way to cope with stress, trauma, or other mental health issues, while others may turn to drugs as a way to fit in with a particular social group or to escape from the realities of their lives.

Regardless of the underlying causes, the consequences of drug abuse can be devastating. Substance abuse can lead to physical and mental health problems, financial difficulties, relationship problems, and even criminal behavior. It can also contribute to the spread of infectious diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis, through the sharing of needles or other drug-use equipment.

In addition to the negative effects on individuals, drug abuse also has a significant impact on society as a whole. It can lead to an increase in crime, absenteeism from work or school, and an overall decrease in productivity. It can also put a strain on social services, such as healthcare and law enforcement, as well as put a burden on the economy through lost productivity and increased healthcare costs.

To address the issue of drug abuse, it is important for society to take a comprehensive approach that includes prevention, treatment, and recovery support. Prevention efforts aim to educate people about the risks of drug use and to provide them with the skills and resources they need to make healthy choices. Treatment programs help individuals struggling with substance abuse to overcome their addiction and get back on the path to recovery. Recovery support programs provide ongoing support and resources to help individuals maintain their sobriety and rebuild their lives.

In conclusion, drug abuse is a serious social issue that affects individuals, families, and communities around the world. It is important for society to take a comprehensive approach to addressing this issue, including prevention, treatment, and recovery support, in order to help individuals overcome their addiction and build healthy, productive lives.

Is Drug Addiction Considered a Social Problem?

is drug abuse a social issue

Providing compassionate ears to those who fight addiction, they are also knowledgeable about what support drug abusers and those around them truly need. It rivals its fellow social problems such as poverty, sexually-transmitted disease, alcoholism, unemployment, and sexual abuse. Dating Violence and Prescription Drugs The results of a study conducted by the University of Michigan Addiction Research Center found there is also a connection between dating violence and prescription drugs for young people. For, example two of the most dangerous drugs such as alcohol and tobacco are available in our country, although we know the health consequences and other problems that arise from the abuse of these substances they are legal because they are socially acceptable. In terms of fatalities, deaths related to drug abuse are on the increase.


Why Is Drug Abuse a Social Problem

is drug abuse a social issue

This is often because most unaffected people just do not understand what drug addiction is. Researchers have traditionally observed that men have had higher rates of substance use and abuse than women. This comes about when someone has been prescribed medicine for a particular ailment. In the US, regions inhabited by Black Americans Drug and alcohol abuse practices are done in secret since abusing alcohol and drugs in public is viewed in a negative light and is associated with criminals, people of evil morals and victims of social inequalities. Therefore, provision of employment opportunities is the best intervention for the Black American youths to help reduce acts of drug and alcohol abuse so that youths can engage in constructive activities and be excluded from all issues of social problems. Drug addiction is a habit that changes in a gradual manner the behavior of an individual, from a literate and competent person, to an aggressive, careless, wild and incompetent person. Some drug addicts become violent and can attack their families, leading to injury or death of their victim.


drug use

is drug abuse a social issue

Besides the reward pathway rewiring, the addict may also experience a complete loss of being able to experience pleasure. Effects of Drug Abuse on Families Many individuals who abuse drugs do not end up homeless and destitute. Here in the United Kingdom, prescription medication is available from the NHS, so patients would not be spending a huge amount of money funding their habit. Drug use at a young age can have an effect on brain development, which can make a young person more susceptible to mental health issues as their addiction progresses during their lifetime. An addict experiences an intense need for a drug and this could lead to the addict using drugs instead of going to work.


Social Effects of Drug Abuse on SocietyHuman Services Edu

is drug abuse a social issue

If the person has developed an addiction, he or she will be forced to source the medication elsewhere, and many look online. Current drug debates in some parts of the world manifest cultural lag, the resulting conflict of values reflecting the lack of consistency between traditional teachings and society's worldview today. Such complications include different kinds of cancer, reproductive system might fail, and also one can experience mental problems Johnston, 1998. Surveys conducted in the 1980s found the ratio of male to female alcohol abuse disorders was 5:1. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use as a result of peer pressure or using it as a way to relax in the case of social events, there are a couple of ways to address social cues. There are special vulnerabilities associated with drug abuse.


Why Is Drug Abuse A Social Problem

is drug abuse a social issue

Drug abuse is associated with higher rates of foster care child placements, child abuse, college sexual assaults, prison sentences, and lost productivity coupled with increased work-related injuries. Addiction can cause damage to both the mind and body, even leaving addicts with permanent effects. The Impact of Drug Abuse on Education School systems across the nation are greatly affected by drug abuse. Violent Crime Drug abuse is also a huge factor in many violent crimes. They are usually not in the correct state of mind.


Is Drug Addiction a Social Justice Issue?

is drug abuse a social issue

This stigma could be attributed to a lack of understanding, or possibly a fear, of what can turn into very destructive behavior. Many of those engaged in drugs admit that their peers forced them into trying out some of the drugs. Drug or alcohol abuse is the primary cause of more than 75 percent of all foster placements, and 80 percent of all child abuse and neglect cases cite drug or alcohol abuse as a primary factor. The article was written in 2017 by Jaffray to discourage the immoral acts of drug and alcohol abuse Rehab. That thing will be to use drugs to make them forget the reality. A detox programme usually lasts for between one and two weeks, and during this time, you will stop taking your drug of choice and then wait for the natural detox to begin.


Social Effects of Drugs

is drug abuse a social issue

Furthermore, each form can have different methods of use, immediate effects and potential long term effects. Therefore, involving the members of the society in all educative forums of the society is recommendable to resolve any social issues that may result from drug and alcohol addiction. Parents engage in activities that make their kids also engage secretly. Someone working while under the influence of drugs and alcohol is at higher risk of workplace related injury, resulting in increased insurance premiums passed on to employers and co-workers. Similarly, families with at least one drug-addicted parent are more likely to end up homeless or in poverty, and are less likely to have adequate health care, representing a common barrier in obtaining treatment for the addiction. However, things may change when the prescription is stopped by their doctor. In 2017, someone was arrested every 20 seconds for a Public Health and Addiction We all know the dangers of driving while drunk from alcohol.


Why Drug and Alcohol Abuse is an Important Social Problem

is drug abuse a social issue

On a larger scale, substance abuse has influenced nearly all aspects of life including communities, hospitals, schools, workplaces, jails, and more. Co-occurring mental disorders commonly precede or are the result of long term drug use and can increase costs associated with care. Sociology refers to the study of the human social behavior. With all of these different facets, it is no wonder this issue has been so difficult to address. The nation is affected economically through loss of productive people who are needed in nation building.


Drug Addiction Is a Social Problem

is drug abuse a social issue

Watson 2002 public stigma is the reaction that the general population has to people with mental illness. The addict could also feel Teenagers And Drug or Alcohol Abuse Teens are more likely to see the perceived positive social benefits that can come from drug and alcohol use versus the negative implications that can happen. The results of the study found that in a total of 1,262 violent occurrences, substance use had occurred immediately prior to the conflict 44 percent of the time. If you are caught in the throes of dealing with a loved one who is struggling with a substance abuse issue, it is challenging to look at the bigger picture and consider the social problems caused by drug addiction. However, this can just complicate matters. Specific guidelines should be put in place for employees who refuse to seek help after a reasonable amount of time, including termination.


Societal Problems Caused by Drug Addiction

is drug abuse a social issue

Addiction affects much more than this as it puts a huge strain on several aspects of society; from healthcare to employment to prisons and jails. DAWN estimated approximately 2. The source is credible and describes how drug abuse leads to many deaths and impairs judgments of youths in the society. Drug addiction can cause people to act in ways that are often dangerous to themselves and to society, leading them to a life of crime, driven by substance abuse. Drug abuse is not a victimless crime Drug addicts might like to believe that they are not hurting anyone else but that is just not true.
