It is the cause othello speech. Othello, Act 5, scene 2 2022-12-27

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In Shakespeare's play "Othello," the character Othello delivers a speech in Act III, Scene 3 in which he explains the cause of his actions. Othello has just killed his wife, Desdemona, after believing that she was unfaithful to him with his lieutenant, Cassio.

In the speech, Othello admits that he was manipulated by Iago, the play's antagonist, into believing that Desdemona was unfaithful. Othello describes how Iago planted seeds of doubt in his mind, gradually convincing him that Desdemona was unfaithful. Othello confesses that he was "easily swayed by Iago's words" and that he allowed his "fair warrior" Desdemona to "fall by the serpent I did love."

Despite knowing that Iago was a "villain," Othello allowed himself to be swayed by his words because he was jealous and insecure about his own worth as a husband and a military leader. Othello laments that his "fair judgement" was "fooled by fair seeming" and that he was "easily cheated of the truth."

In the end, Othello realizes that he has been the cause of his own tragedy, having allowed himself to be swayed by Iago's manipulations and giving into his own jealousy and insecurity. He admits that he is "ashamed" of his actions and that he has "done the state some service" but has "paid too dear" for it.

Othello's speech serves as a poignant reminder of the dangers of allowing ourselves to be swayed by the words and actions of others, and the importance of examining our own motivations and emotions in order to make sound decisions. It is a tragic reminder of the consequences of allowing ourselves to be controlled by our own insecurities and flaws.

A Short Analysis of Othello’s ‘It is the Cause, it is the Cause, My Soul’ Speech

it is the cause othello speech

Goodbye, I resign as flag-bearer. To be once in doubt Is to be resolved. Othello could not handle love and sex, and this drove him mad and to suicide. Not yet quite dead? Don't downplay my crime, but don't exaggerate it maliciously. I must weep, 20 But they are cruel tears: this sorrow's heavenly; It strikes where it doth love. OTHELLO What noise is this? Do you think I would make jealousy my whole life, and with every change in the moon find new suspicions? Take note, take note, O world, To be direct and honest is not safe. You shall close prisoner rest, 395 Till that the nature of your fault be known To the Venetian state.


Othello Act 5, Scene 2 Translation

it is the cause othello speech

And it's precisely because I know you are full of love and honesty and think carefully before you speak that I'm even more worried about the way you're hesitating. Hark, canst thou hear me? Look, here she comes. Dangerous suspicion are like poisons that don't even taste very bad at first, but slowly act on the blood and burn the insides before long like unquenchable sulfur. It's as if I'm trying to persuade you to put on gloves when it's cold out, or to eat healthy food, or to keep yourself warm, or to do anything that's good for you. IAGO Yes, that's the point. Set you down this; And say besides, that in Aleppo once, Where a malignant and a turban'd Turk Beat a Venetian and traduced the state, I took by the throat the circumcised dog, And smote him, thus. OTHELLO Yes: 'tis Emilia.


“the Cause” in Shakespeare’s Othello

it is the cause othello speech

Do you go back dismayed? I didn't see anything, and I didn't suspect anything. He believed that the action of tragedy occurred in the soul. Shakespeare emphasized the problems of good and evil, sin and redemption. The object poisons sight, Let it be hid. OTHELLO 135 It is the very error of the moon.


Othello’s “It is the cause . . .”: An Analysis

it is the cause othello speech

Women of Venice let God see the sorts of exploits they wouldn't dare let their husbands see. OTHELLO It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul. Oh, heaven forgive me! Shall she come in? MONTANO What is the matter? It needs must wither. Soft you, a word or two before you go. And I will not worry or fear that she may be unfaithful because I am not very desirable. EMILIA You told a lie, an odious, damnèd lie! Again, we see Othello downplaying his personal actions and representing a ugly execution with beautiful imagery. DESDEMONA Will you come to bed, my lord? Sweet Desdemona, O sweet mistress, speak! DESDEMONA Then Lord have mercy on me! And Iago has weaponised the race-difference between Othello and Desdemona in order to turn Othello against his wife.


In Othello, Othello mutters: "It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul." What is he talking about?

it is the cause othello speech

This is your doing. Of one whose subdued eyes, Albeit unused to the melting mood, Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees Their medicinal gum. Nay, when I have a suit Wherein I mean to touch your love indeed It shall be full of poise and difficult weight And fearful to be granted. I nothing but to please his fantasy. DESDEMONA Then heaven Have mercy on me! EMILIA By heaven, I do not, I do not, gentlemen! He is realistic, and able to detect what motivates each person. I prithee name the time, but let it not Exceed three days. I must obey your every order, but I don't have to do that which even slaves aren't obligated to do—divulge my thoughts.


Othello’s Farewell Speech

it is the cause othello speech

He means to act righteously, but abandons his reasoning abilities. I will walk by. OTHELLO 340 I am not sorry neither. Othello's military career is finished. OTHELLO Why, any thing: An honourable murderer, if you will; For nought I did in hate, but all in honour.


Othello Act 3, Scene 3 Translation

it is the cause othello speech

What didst not like? I have undertaken this study as an actor, but it would be false to imagine that I am deliberately aiming to represent the 'actor's point of view', or to suggest a method of 'characterization', or to offer any opposed alternative to the academic approach. They are engaging in this evaluative process when they speak about their causes, reasons, explanations, rationalizations or motivations in the play. This may do something. Hurt him, was his ruin. When I have plucked the rose of your life, I can't re-plant it again—it must wither. I have seen the day That with this little arm and this good sword I have made my way through more impediments Than twenty times your stop. Be thus when thou art dead and I will kill thee And love thee after.


Shakespeare's Othello Act 5 Scene 2

it is the cause othello speech

Speak of me as a man who loved not wisely, but too much; a man who was not easily made jealous, but was manipulated and tricked into extreme jealously; a man who behaved like a vile Indian that throws away a pearl worth more than his whole tribe. Cold, cold, my girl, Even like thy chastity. MONTANO O monstrous act! Therefore be merry, Cassio, For thy solicitor shall rather die Than give thy cause away. However, if he puts it out of his mind, he will not be able to do what he must. OTHELLO She turn'd to folly, and she was a whore. LODOVICO 335 Where is that viper? DESDEMONA O, falsely, falsely murder'd! No, I will speak as liberal as the north.
