James harvey robinson on various kinds of thinking. James Harvey Robinson Archives 2022-12-12

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James Harvey Robinson was a historian and educator who is well known for his contributions to the field of history and his ideas about the importance of critical thinking. Robinson argued that there are various kinds of thinking and that it is important for individuals to be able to engage in all of them in order to understand the world around them and make informed decisions.

One of the main types of thinking that Robinson identified was analytical thinking, which involves breaking down complex ideas or problems into smaller, more manageable parts in order to better understand them. This type of thinking is important for understanding complex systems, analyzing data, and solving problems.

Another type of thinking that Robinson emphasized was synthetic thinking, which involves combining different ideas and pieces of information in order to create something new. This type of thinking is important for creativity and innovation, and is essential for coming up with new solutions to problems.

Robinson also talked about the importance of critical thinking, which involves evaluating information and arguments in order to determine their validity and significance. This type of thinking is important for making informed decisions and developing well-reasoned opinions.

Finally, Robinson emphasized the importance of historical thinking, which involves understanding the context and influences that have shaped events and ideas in the past. This type of thinking is essential for understanding the present and making informed decisions about the future.

In conclusion, James Harvey Robinson recognized the importance of various kinds of thinking in order to understand and navigate the world around us. Analytical, synthetic, critical, and historical thinking are all important for making informed decisions and understanding the complexities of the world.

James Harvey Robinson

james harvey robinson on various kinds of thinking

For example, pork was taboo among the ancient Hebrews—no one can say why, but none of the modern justifications for abstaining from that particular kind of meat would have counted in early Jewish times. I do not mean by history that conventional chronicle of remote and irrelevant events which embittered the youthful years of many of us, but rather a study of how man has come to be as he is and to believe as he does. If we did so, we could hardly fail to see that there was usually little ground for our confidence in them. The most eloquent and variedly persuasive of these was Lord Bacon. A creature which lacked curiosity and had no tendency to fumble could never have developed civilization and human intelligence. NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH, NEW YORK CITY, August, 1921. How you evaluate your skills and abilities, how you in the world, with your words and your actions, you can influence the pereptions others have of you Yeung and Martin, 2003.


James Harvey Robinson: 'On Various Kinds of Thinking'

james harvey robinson on various kinds of thinking

When we are offered a penny for our thoughts we always find that we have recently had so many things in mind that we can easily make a selection which will not compromise us too nakedly. This is one of the most fully substantiated of historical facts and one which we can never neglect in our attempts to explain man as he now is. They therefore make discoveries quite unconsciously, and form new and sometimes profitable habits of action. Some restless primeval savage might find himself scraping the bark off a stick with the edge of a stone or shell and finally cutting into the wood and bringing the thing to a point. It is not the defense of our own cherished beliefs and prejudices just because they are our own—mere plausible excuses for remaining of the same mind. We share our senses with the higher animals, have eyes and ears, noses and tongues much like theirs; heart, lungs, and other viscera, and four limbs.


James Harvey Robinson Archives

james harvey robinson on various kinds of thinking

I believe this must be true to everyone. The savage is very close to us indeed, both in his physical and mental make-up and in the forms of his social life. I remember years ago attending a public dinner to which the Governor of the state was bidden. Even so with mankind. What he saw and heard was not what we should have called seeing and hearing. There is a whole new literature growing up which studies the effects of our bodily secretions and our muscular tensions and their relation to our emotions and our thinking. We may at any moment find ourselves overtaken with a warm sense of camaraderie for any or all of these ancient pals of ours, and experience infinite relief in once more disporting ourselves with them as of yore.


Text : On Various Kinds Of Thinking By James Harvey Robinson 1. PART A: Which statement identifies

james harvey robinson on various kinds of thinking

People who are strong in different intelligences learn best different ways, and Gardner has said that he thinks schools only… A Class Divided - Essay According to the book, Looking Out, Looking In, self-concept is the relatively stable set of perceptions that we hold of ourselves. It is a primitive inference, however it may later have been revised, rationalized, and ennobled. It is amusing and pathetic to observe this tendency in ourselves and in others. We very rarely consider, however, the process by which we gained our convictions. I remember when as a youth I heard a group of business men discussing the question of the immortality of the soul, I was outraged by the sentiment of doubt expressed by one of the party.



james harvey robinson on various kinds of thinking

Most of our observations have no assignable results. It is not improbable that it was the original veneration for the boar and not an abhorrence of him that led to the prohibition. How long it would take them and their children to gain what now passes for even a low savage culture it is impossible to say. Of course the importance of this distinction is popularly, if somewhat obscurely, recognized. They are persistently whispered in our ear by the group in which we happen to live. Retrieved July 20, 2021— via Vol. The truest and most profound observations on Intelligence have in the past been made by the poets and, in recent times, by story-writers.


Harvey Robinson's Three Kinds Of Thinking

james harvey robinson on various kinds of thinking

And vice versa, a sudden word or thought may cause our heart to jump, check our breathing, or make our knees as water. The seer is simply an example of a variation biologically, such as occurs in all species of living things, both animal and vegetable. These are essential to building our self-concept because a person, for instance, cannot consider himself to be smart unless people have told him either directly or indirectly that he is smart reflected appraisal , or unless he is comparatively smarter than the people around him social comparison. His tub was his distinction. We may grow beyond these underlying minds and in the light of new knowledge we may criticize their findings and even persuade ourselves that we have successfully transcended them. This is the simple life and it was the life of our ancestors before civilization began. Most of us agree that it is right and best that it should be so; some of us do not like to think about it at all, but a few will be glad to spend a little time weighing certain suggestions in this volume which may indicate a way out of this impasse.



james harvey robinson on various kinds of thinking

In short, those who dared to include in their thought the discoveries of Galileo and his successors found themselves in a new earth surrounded by new heavens. However, self-concept is also changed through interpersonal communication. We are not preening or defending ourselves; we are not faced by the necessity of any practical decision, nor are we apologizing for believing this or that. In the midst of his reverie he looked up at the lamps hanging by long chains from the high ceiling of the church. We also have a great stock of scientific knowledge unknown to our grandfathers with which to operate.


The Mind In The Making By James Harvey Robinson

james harvey robinson on various kinds of thinking

When we go camping we think that we are deserting civilization, forgetting the sophisticated guides, and the pack horses laden with the most artificial luxuries, many of which would not have been available even a hundred years ago. This is not an example of pure curiosity, however, since we readily identify ourselves with others, and their joys and despair then become our own. We feel compelled, as self-respecting persons, to take sides when they come up for discussion. But making distinctions is equally fundamental—seeing that there are really many things where only one was at first apparent. The League of Nations has already had to adjust the functions and influence of the Council and the Assembly, respectively.
