Literary devices in the great gatsby. Literary Techniques In The Great Gatsby 2022-12-28

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The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and published in 1925, is a novel that explores the decadence and excess of the Roaring Twenties, as well as the crumbling of the American Dream. Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald employs a variety of literary devices to convey the themes and characters of the story.

One literary device that Fitzgerald uses extensively in The Great Gatsby is symbolism. One prominent symbol in the novel is the green light at the end of the dock, which represents Gatsby's unrequited love for Daisy and his pursuit of the American Dream. The green light also symbolizes the corrupt and destructive nature of the desire for wealth and status. Another symbol in the novel is the valley of ashes, which represents the moral and spiritual decay of society.

Another literary device that Fitzgerald uses in The Great Gatsby is imagery. Fitzgerald uses imagery to create vivid and evocative descriptions of the setting and characters. For example, the descriptions of Gatsby's lavish parties and the opulence of the East Egg are filled with rich, sensory imagery that captures the decadence of the era. On the other hand, the descriptions of the valley of ashes are bleak and desolate, evoking a sense of despair and decay.

Fitzgerald also uses metaphors and similes to convey the themes and characters of the novel. One prominent metaphor in the novel is the "Roaring Twenties," which represents the excess and decadence of the era. The metaphor of the "Roaring Twenties" is used to contrast with the disillusionment and disappointment of the characters, who are unable to achieve their dreams despite their wealth and status. Additionally, Fitzgerald uses similes to compare the characters and events of the novel to other objects or phenomena, such as when Gatsby is described as "standing alone on the edge of the grave."

Finally, Fitzgerald uses irony throughout The Great Gatsby to reveal the discrepancies between the characters' actions and their motivations. For example, Gatsby's pursuit of the American Dream is ultimately destructive and leads to his demise, despite his good intentions. Additionally, the characters' pursuit of wealth and status leads to their moral and spiritual decay, even though they believe it will bring them happiness and fulfillment.

In conclusion, Fitzgerald employs a variety of literary devices in The Great Gatsby to convey the themes and characters of the novel. Through the use of symbolism, imagery, metaphors, similes, and irony, Fitzgerald explores the decadence and excess of the Roaring Twenties and the crumbling of the American Dream.

Literary Techniques In The Great Gatsby

literary devices in the great gatsby

The car of the drunk man is also symbolic, as he runs his car off the road and breaks the wheel. Symbolism, as a literary element is widely employed to give some insight into the central, underlying meaning of the literary work. The eyes symbolize God to the people who stand under them, making them feel that much more scrutinized in their day-to-day life of faking and trying to please. Nick goes there to search for his mistress. Definition: Assonance refers to repetition of sounds produced by vowels within a sentence or phrase.


The Great Gatsby Symbolism with Analysis

literary devices in the great gatsby

The three main components within said theme are Gatsby 's perceived identity, Gatsby 's real identity, and the relation between the two. Fitzgerald, in his writing of the 1920s, introduces the reader to the world after the Great War; a world of overindulged wealth, unrealistic dreams, and undeniable poverty. This would appear to elude him, but this would be nothing to worry about tomorrow we shall a bit faster by stretching our hands even farther to grasp the opportunity. J Eckleburg is an example of personification, it is even a greater example of symbolism. Definition: Alliteration is a literary device where words are used in quick succession and begin with letters belonging to the same sound group. Definition: Assonance refers to repetition of sounds produced by vowels within a sentence or phrase.


Literary Devices in The Great Gatsby Essay Example

literary devices in the great gatsby

The purpose of using a metaphor is to take an identity or concept that we understand clearly second subject and use it to better understand the lesser-known element the first subject. As the novel progresses, Nick slowly begins toget sucked into the world he's beenobserving, both through his friendships with Tom, Daisy, and Gatsby, and through his romantic relationship with Jordan. Example: He is like a mouse in front of the teacher Definition: While the term synesthesia literally refers to a medical condition wherein one or many of the sensory modalities become joint to one another, in literature it refers to the depiction of a strong connection, link or bond between the different senses. Where the 'o' sound is repeated in the last two words of the sentence Definition: In literature, one of the strongest devices is imagery wherein the author uses words and phrases to create "mental images" for the reader. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. Apart from the symbolism, several themes have also been applied throughout the story to give it a deeper meaning. Example: The gushing brook stole its way down the lush green mountains, dotted with tiny flowers in a riot of colors and trees coming alive with gaily chirping birds.


The Great Gatsby Literary Devices Flashcards

literary devices in the great gatsby

In this regard assonance can be understood to be a kind of alliteration. Gatsby would end up creating himself around a living of mistaken values. The aspect of allegory is evident in the way the entire story is applied to symbolically represent the American dream of the 1920s. Typical Traits: Hamartia - It is the tragic flaw that causes a downfall. Gatsby would throw a party in his house every other weekend in a stylish manner that attracted the young and the rich of the stylish world. .


Literary devices in "The Great Gatsby" Essay Example

literary devices in the great gatsby

For example, the American flag is a symbol of the United States, but it does not look like the country. Words carry cultural and emotional associations or meanings in addition to their literal meanings. Affairs, dishonest morals, criminal professions, weak boundaries and hypocritical views are all examples of immorality portrayed in The Great Gatsby. It universally represents vitality, wealth and growth. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, lies and mischief fill the lives of many and significantly damage numerous relationships.


literary devices in The Great Gatsby

literary devices in the great gatsby

Catharsis - These are the feelings of pity and fear that audience feels for the protagonist after his downfall. They look out of no face, but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a nonexistent nose. Gatsby is shown as a playboy millionaire with a tarnished past who can enjoy the frivolity he creates around his world and nothing else. But I knew I had discovered a man of fine breeding after I talked with him an hour. A good example of this is clearly shown in the following excerpt from the story: Gatsby possessed a strong faith in the green light; the climax future that time by time kept receding ahead of him. In literature such words are useful in creating a stronger mental image. In normal routine, people were not invited in his big house —they just went there Fitzgerald, p.


Literary Terms: The Great Gatsby (Condensed)

literary devices in the great gatsby

What is implied if the automobile kills someone? Gatsby is presented as a character that has not been able to transition his life to the present day time period, keeping his eyes shut from the realities of his dreams, "Can't repeat the past? Symbol 8 Other Colors Colors are widely used in the novel having deeper meanings. Symbols are usually related to major themes in the work and may reoccur several times. In this regard assonance can be understood to be a kind of alliteration. The purpose of using a metaphor is to take an identity or concept that we understand clearly second subject and use it to better understand the lesser-known element the first subject. Alliterations are also created when the words all begin with the same letter. Irony is also common in this novel.


Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby": Literary Devices

literary devices in the great gatsby

In the novel The Great Gatsby , Fitzgerald describes a mid-way stopping point between West Egg and New York City, as "a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens, where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and finally, with a transcendent effort, of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air" 23. Finally, the theme of class is generally used in the story to explain the social differences observed among the characters. Gatsby his real name being Jay Gatz , was born to a poor family in 1890 and used to work as a janitor. What sets it apart from alliterations is that it is the repetition of only consonant sounds. The green light thus represents the false status of dream and hope that win nothing for Gatsby. Personal Essay: The Great Gatsby 761 Words 4 Pages The Great Gatsby Essay Gatsby was a man that led two completely different lives.


Literary Devices in Gatsby

literary devices in the great gatsby

To look at Gatsby as he is portrayed in the novel, one would think he was born into money and lived with money all his life. Which are displayed through expert execution of techniques like characterisation, contrast, and repetition. The Valley Of Ashes represents a symbol in the novel which expands the theme of the American Dream since the valley of ashes interferes with multiple important actions which developed in that location and as well as all those dead hopeless dreams of getting out of such poverty and living a wealthy life. Introduction The Great Gatsby is a literary novel written by Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. Through expert use of symbolism and metaphors Fitzgerald displays these characters immorality and the hollow, selfishness of their ambitions and their blatant lack of spirituality. Fitzgerald uses the food to symbolize the people of this era; garnishing themselves quite absurdly , in hopes of impressing and outdoing those around them. These interpretations are what make the simile important in this novel, as they convey many of the analytical meanings that arise from the novel, and show us the true insight into the books purpose.


Literary Devices in The Great Gatsby Flashcards

literary devices in the great gatsby

The world of The Great Gatsby is home to many morally corrupt and spiritually empty characters however, the world itself is not a spiritual and moral wasteland. The main conflict of the story has wisely been interwoven into various literary aspects such as literary elements and techniques to give it full meaning. Example: "A long song". Nemesis - A fortune that the protagonist cannot avoid, usually due to retribution of his hubris. Whether it is the consonant sound or a specific vowel group, the alliteration involves creating a repetition of similar sounds in the sentence. Example: Words such as grunt, huff, buzz and snap are words whose pronunciation sounds very similar to the actual sounds these words represent. Example: Sing sweet songs for suzy.
