Minimax algorithm alpha beta pruning example. Minimax Algorithm in Game Theory (Alpha 2022-12-15

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The minimax algorithm is a search algorithm used in decision-making and game theory to determine the optimal move for a player, assuming that the other player will also play optimally. It works by considering all possible moves that a player could make, and then calculating the minimum score that the opponent could achieve as a result of each move. The player then chooses the move that maximizes their score while minimizing the opponent's score.

One way to improve the efficiency of the minimax algorithm is through the use of alpha beta pruning. This technique involves maintaining two values, alpha and beta, which represent the minimum and maximum scores that the player can expect, respectively. If at any point during the search, it becomes clear that the current score is worse than the alpha or beta values, the search can be stopped, as the player will not choose a move that results in a worse score.

For example, consider a simple two-player game where the players take turns placing coins on a board, and the player who gets three in a row first wins. The minimax algorithm would search through all possible moves, calculating the minimum score that the opponent could achieve as a result of each move. Using alpha beta pruning, the search could be stopped as soon as it becomes clear that the current score is worse than either the alpha or beta values.

In this example, assume that it is the first player's turn, and that the alpha and beta values are initially set to negative infinity and positive infinity, respectively. The first player considers placing a coin in the top left corner of the board. This results in a score of -1 for the first player and 1 for the second player, as the second player now has a chance to block the first player's three in a row. The first player then considers placing a coin in the top center of the board, resulting in a score of 0 for both players.

At this point, the alpha value is updated to 0, as this is the minimum score that the first player can expect. The first player then considers placing a coin in the top right corner of the board, resulting in a score of 1 for the first player and -1 for the second player. The first player chooses this move, as it results in the highest score while minimizing the opponent's score.

Overall, the minimax algorithm is a powerful tool for decision-making and game theory, and the use of alpha beta pruning can significantly improve its efficiency by allowing the search to be stopped early when it becomes clear that a move will not result in the optimal outcome.

Minimax algorithm and alpha

minimax algorithm alpha beta pruning example

Wolf chooses the move that shows the highest estimate; rabbit chooses the on with the lowest. Immediately above it, is a maximiser node, who already visited the? Which moves should player s m play to achieve the best possible outcome? If you can't see why, imagine that the terminal node is less than 5. The minimizer is now guaranteed a value of 5 or lesser. Since 8 is bigger than 7, we are allowed to cut off all the further children of the node we're at in this case there aren't any , since if we play that move, the opponent will play a move with value 8, which is worse for us than any possible move the opponent could have made if we had made another move. Player A wants to maximize the cost he can receive by traversing the tree. Then, I gave a score of 0 to the positions that ended in a draw and a score of -1 to the positions that ended in a loss. He can walk only one cell at a diagonal, though wolves can only go down.


Artificial Intelligence

minimax algorithm alpha beta pruning example

I did not ask for a code. The idea benind this algorithm is cut off the branches of game tree which need not to be evaluated as better move exists already. Therefore, the best opening move for MAX is the left node or the red one. It may not be the best solution to all kinds of computer games that need to have AI. The best way to describe these terms is using a tree graph whose nodes are legal positions and whose edges are legal moves. This increases its time complexity.


artificial intelligence

minimax algorithm alpha beta pruning example

Now, the next TERMINAL value will be compared with the? Finally, this diagram brings some clarity! If we look at the third and fifth games of the bottom row, we see that you could win the game: Your winning positions are highlighted. He tries all of them and gives the new board positions one by one to his opponent evaluator and then chooses the maximum one. But even though autograder gave me full points I thought something was wrong, thats why I asked. Minimax search Suppose that we assign a value of positive infinity to a leaf state in which we win, negative infinity to states in which the opponent wins, and zero to tie states. The graph is directed since it does not necessarily mean that we'll be able to move back exactly where we came from in the previous move, e. Working of Alpha-beta Pruning Consider the below example of a game tree where P and Q are two players. It is an optimization technique for the minimax algorithm.


Minimax Algorithm in Game Theory

minimax algorithm alpha beta pruning example

As soon as we know that a child node cannot be better, from the perspective of the parent-node player, than the previously evaluated sibling nodes, we can stop evaluating the child subtree. Take a close look at the evaluation time, as we will compare it to the next, improved version of the algorithm in the next example. However, suppose we were playing chess. Applying the above algorithm returns the desired results, but is too slow after a certain amount of nodes. Let's see how the previous tree will look if we apply alpha-beta method: When the search comes to the first grey area 8 , it'll check the current best with minimum value already explored option along the path for the minimizer, which is at that moment 7. It's Whites turn, white is trying to maximize the score, black is trying to minimize the score.


dynamic programming

minimax algorithm alpha beta pruning example

Our example presents how a high-quality assignment should be done. It is the upper bound which represents positive infinity. Now, this reveals something interesting! However, the algorithm reevaluates the next potential moves every turn, always choosing what at that moment appears to be the fastest route to victory. We managed to ignore a part of the tree because, at some point, we realised that the maximising node would result in a move that is too good for the minimising node immediately above, which already knows of a move that has a lower score. In chess, players can generally make plenty of different moves, which means that the trees that I have been drawing would get very huge, very fast. Step 5: Eventually, all the backed-up values reach to the root of the tree, i. What does that mean? The Alpha Beta Pruning is a search algorithm that tries to diminish the quantity of hubs that are assessed by the minimax algorithm in its search tree.


Alpha Beta Pruning in Minimax Algorithm

minimax algorithm alpha beta pruning example

How does alpha-beta pruning work? The algorithm primarily evaluates only nodes at the given depth, and the rest of the procedure is While searching the game tree, we're examining only nodes on a fixed given depth, not the ones before, nor after. The drawback of minimax strategy is that it explores each node in the tree deeply to provide the best path among all the paths. One more interesting thing to notice is that implementations of alpha-beta pruning can often be delineated by whether they are "fail-soft," or "fail-hard. On top of that, chess matches last for much longer than just three or four moves, which means that the trees can also get very deep. For example, imagine it's 4.


Minimax search and alpha

minimax algorithm alpha beta pruning example

The condition to prune a node is when alpha becomes greater than or equal to beta. The majority of these programs are based on efficient The Although we won't analyze each game individually, we'll briefly explain some general concepts that are relevant for two-player As you probably noticed, none of these games are ones where e. In my example, the evaluation function returns a value from 0 to 254, where 0 means victory of the rabbit, 254 victory of the wolf, intermediate values mean the interpolation of the two estimates. And now that we are looking at the tree, let's try to evaluate the tree. I know this is an old question however.


Minimax and Alpha

minimax algorithm alpha beta pruning example

Update beta to 2 and alpha remains 3. First, let's make a constructor and draw out the board: We'll use the time module to measure the time of evaluating game tree in every move. Some of the greatest accomplishments in artificial intelligence are achieved on the subject of strategic games - world champions in various strategic games have already been beaten by computers, e. The method was developed to solve the problem of choosing a course for Vi state. When the optimal child is selected at every opportunity, alpha-beta pruning causes all the rest of the children to be pruned away at every other level of the tree; only that one child is explored. In this case, it also consumes more time because of alpha-beta factors, such a move of pruning is called worst ordering. Minimax is a recursive algorithm which is used to choose an optimal move for a player assuming that the other player is also playing optimally.


Minimax with Alpha

minimax algorithm alpha beta pruning example

In the context of minimax, heuristic is needed to estimate the probability of victory of one of players, for any state. To demonstrate this, 10 120 possible games. In that case, the result should be -2: Diagram showing the final score if the first player tries to minimise. Our metric for wolves is the maximum score for hare minimum. Minimax Implementation in Python In the code below, we will be using an evaluation function that is fairly simple and common for all games in which it's possible to search the whole tree, all the way down to leaves.


Minimax Algorithm in Game Theory (Alpha

minimax algorithm alpha beta pruning example

Therefore, there is no obvious choice that I should make. If the AI plays against a human, it is very likely that human will immediately be able to prevent this. Now that we played out the whole game in our heads, we need to see what choices each player will make. He will pick the leftmost value of the TERMINAL and fix it for beta? And that evaluation is the evaluation of the board you had to evaluate at the beginning. This answer Thank you. So as soon as the maximizer saw the 6 he knew the minimizer would never come this way because he can get a 5 on the left side of B. If you want to study Python, try to understand why this function still works.
